Nova Scotia Genealogy | FamilyTreeCircles Locations > North America > Canada > Nova Scotia

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Nova Scotia


Can you help other genealogy researchers looking for help in Nova Scotia? Yes, I'd like to volunteer to help in Nova Scotia

shirmil is not able to do local lookups.
I live in Margaree, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and I do research on surnames located in this area. I am willing to help anyone who has an interest in this location.
Sparrowhawk is able to do local lookups.
I live in Halifax, NS. I can photograph old buildings of interest, if they still exist. I can visit any of the old grave yards within the city and take pictures of individual graves, if I can find them. There are 3 graveyards with burial sites of Titanic victims. There are several Navy memorials in Halifax, including one of those lost at sea in World War II. Pier 21 has a memorial wall, and much information about immigrants to Canada, and Servicemen leaving and returning from World War II.
Benny1 is able to do local lookups.
kristiepits is able to do local lookups.
Benny1 is not able to do local lookups.
duanediamond is able to do local lookups.
I live in Truro, NS but travel through-out Northern NS, Cape Breton and sometimes New Brunswick
Emerson is able to do local lookups.


Request assistance from someone in or with knowledge of this location. I'd like to request assistance in Nova Scotia.

Looking for Connollys in Nova Scotia
by kano 11 years, 9 months ago
Burney , Conrad family
by builderofall 9 years, 2 months ago
i am looking for any info about the Claridge family of Halifax
by Kent_claridge1962 3 years, 7 months ago


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