jusmii59 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

jusmii59 on Family Tree Circles

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My Father was Adopted

I am needing input on what I can do as his Daughter- to find out who my ancestors are.I do know the surname is KING. From the Arkansas and Missouri areas. He refuses to share his information he has about who they are, therefore I have completed my surname research and have not been able to connect these names. I believe he was adopted out "in the family". I really need to see how I can- obtain this information. I feel like I have a right to know where I come from. I would appreciate any information you would have to share with me. Thanks everyone

2 comment(s), latest 8 years, 2 months ago

A Romanian Adoption

I have been asked by a young lady to help her find her birth Mother. Here's the deal, She is Adopted and from Romania. There are conflicting issues with her date of birth. She has given me the information that she obtained. So I go and research it, only to realize that due to the extremely strict laws/ways that the country has about giving out that information, it would be next to impossible to get any at all. I am wondering if anyone has any input to share about this? I would appreciate any- Thanks everyone!!

My Research includes the following surnames....

Lohmeyer, Thomas, Rodriguez, Steele, Mayberry, King, Hiebert, Fast and Baker.

2 comment(s), latest 8 years, 2 months ago