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James MARSHALL born 23.11.1811 Hunmanby Yorkshire (Parents Johnathan and Elizabeth) he had 6 brothers and 3 sisters. James came to South Australia on the ship Coramandel 1837 Sailor ( jump ship and stayed)
James married a Elizabeth TROUGHWELLIA this surname has had a variety forms of spelling Would love to hear from any one with information who may have information on James brothers and sisters and James wife.James is my Great Great Grandfather.

MORRIS John Lewis

John Lewis MORRIS was born in Wales married Sophia FOWLER.
Came to South Australia had several daughters Annie, Sophia, Matilda
John re married Mary Elizabeth WAKEFIELD in the 1866 approx.

Unable to find any information on what happenned to Sophia and where she was buried. What happenned to Annie sisters? Annie my Great Grandmother very keen to hear from any one who has information on the history any the above.

I am looking for family Altmann from Poland my mother in law was born in...

I am looking for family Altmann from Poland my mother in law was born
in Kepa -Celejowska had 2 sisters erna elfrieda and believe a brother Athur we have limited information.Aleksandra married and came to Australia 1950.

Sophia Fowler married John Lewis Morris arrivng in south australia 1.8.1848...

Sophia Fowler married John Lewis Morris arrivng in south australia 1.8.1848 on the Forfarshire from London via Plymouth.
They had 5 children son died not long after birth in 1863 can not trace Sophia after this know her husband re married. Any help re her family before coming to australia and information where she died or what even happened to her wouod be greatly appreciated.Sophia would be my Great Great Grandmother

The name is either TROUGHWELLEN or perhaps TROUGHWELLIA christian name ...

The name is either TROUGHWELLEN or perhaps TROUGHWELLIA christian name
Elizabeth came to Australia was married Adelaide 12.12 1848. Died 11.2.1883 Riverton South Australia


I am trying to trace Elizabeth Trewella many variations with the spelling Trevela Trewetha Troughwellia she came to Australia on the Sibella 16.7.1848from Plymouth settling in south australia.She married James Marshall after arrival.

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 8 months ago


Looking for information on Sophia FOWLER married John Lewis MORRIS set sail from London via plymouth on the Forfarshire 1.8.1848 Austr arriving in South Australia.

Hi I am looking for a link to James MARSHALL sailor on the ship coramandel...

Hi I am looking for a link to James MARSHALL sailor on the ship coramandel arriving in south australia 1837.Believe he was from Hunmanbry Yorkshire father?Jonathon and
mother Elizabeth nee BROWN believe could have been 9 children in family hoping to make contact with desendants.