kellytxbrat on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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looking for RITCHEY of new york and/or mass.

My name is kelly Bratcher. I am trying to find information, pictures, and/or relatives of Helen Ritchey. I believe her middle name is anne but, not sure. she was born 6/27/21 in new york city, NY to ruth (jones) ritchey and laurence ritchey. I know she was married to a man named wilbert brown not sure if she is claiming this marriage even though they had 5 children. wilbert married helen on on 4-28-38 when helen was pregnant with another mans baby believe his last name was delorenzo. one night helen left the house and never came back (the story that was told to the kids was that she took off with another man believed to be delorenzo)and wilbert couldn't take care of the five kids(the youngest being only 7 months old and the oldest being 9) and they were neglected and put into foster care and stayed there until they were 18. wilbert visited a couple times but helen was never heard from again.

My great aunt who was 1 1/2 years old when her mother left is dealing with all this very hard and she said before she dies she wants info on her mom and would like pictures or find out more information on her mom after she left. anyone may know these people please contact me.

ok, I am looking to see if you know a wilbert brown and/or helen (ritchey) brown, they would be around 100 years old. helen's parents names are ruth (jones) ritchey and laurence ritchey. she was born 6/27/21 in new york city. 220941 members have posted 66372 journals.

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