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Emma Lee Adams Williamson

She was born in Jasper County Ga, 1870 and died in Bibb County, GA in 1906. She married William Green Williamson. I am looking for information about her parents.

Sarah Adams

Sarah Adams, born 1854 died 1882. She was married to Thomas Green, she is buried in J C Hodge Cemetery Jones, GA. I would like any information about her. .


Emma Lee Adams Williamson. Any information about her parents. All I have is that her mothers' name is Sarah Elizabeth L.

She was born in Jasper County Ga in 1870. She married William Green Williamson. She died in Bibb Ga in 1906, and they are both buried in J C Hodge Cemetery in Jones Ga. He later married Lucy Chambers.

2 comment(s), latest 4 years, 9 months ago

Sarah Adams

I am looking for information abut Sarah Adams. (1854-1882) She married William Henry Green (1851-1920. They are buried in J. C. Hodge Cemetery in Jones County, GA. He later married Sallie Williamson.

I am looking for the parents of Emma Lee Adams. She was born Nov. 20, 1870 in Georgia. Family tradition has Monticello, Jasper County, Georgia. She died in 1906, and is buried in Jones County, Ga. Her husband was William Green Williamson.

Emma Lee Adams, born Nov. 20, 1870, in Jasper County Ga. Married William Green Williamson. She died May 30, 1906 and is buried in Jones County, Ga. I am looking for the names of her parents and any other family she had. Her children are Tommie Lee, William Oscar, James Edward and Eula B.. Eula died in childhood. Green married Lucy Chambers. Their children are Nancy Elizabeth, Ruby Anderson, and Lucy J(Lucia). They also lived in Bibb County Ga.