Bryant's from Lelant and St Ives Cornwall UK<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Bryant's from Lelant and St Ives Cornwall UK

Journal by Georgec

Hi to you all.

I am tracing my family history in to one of the BRYANT family's that lived in and around Lelant and St Ives in Cornwall UK.

So far I have done well and have gone back to the 1600s and now I have to put some flesh on the bones so to speak and sort out all of the family's they married in to and the work that they did.

In the 1600s my side of the Bryant's were farmers but by 1800 they moved in to tin and copper mining in the St Ives area.

I know that some of them went to the USA and to Australia to carry on mining when mining started to peatier out in Cornwall. I am trying to find out which family's went and to were, but no luck yet.

Some of the Bryant family's that stayed in Cornwall when the mining was closing down worked as Blacksmiths in Lelant and as school teachers and as shop keepers.

So that what I am up too at the moment. I hope to hear from any one connected to any Bryant's that came from my part of Cornwall and I would be glad to help any one if I can.


Surnames: BRYANT
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by Georgec Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2008-11-10 10:54:38

Georgec has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2008. is researching the following names: BRYANT.

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by cbjornstad on 2010-06-12 14:03:10

I have a Charles Bryant married to Mary Charles in Huntingdon, Huntingshire, England about 1800. They had 7 children, several who stayed in England and several who went to America. A letter written by Mary in 1854 mentions cousins (Bryants and Claypoles) who live in Bristol England. I have been able to find Alfred Claypole married to Emma Bryant about 1800+ with 5 children. I don't know if Bristol is in or near Cornwall.
I also have found a Fry Bryant who had 2 wives and at least 3 children. One child leads to my Huntingdon family. One leads to Emma Bryant in Bristol. And one leads to the Bryants who went to New Zealand. Example: Emma Claypole Bryant 1857-1936 m. George Stanfield Haycock. Any of this fit what you already know? Do you have more?

by semajosa on 2013-05-26 13:07:31


My maternal grandmother is Catherine Elizabeth Bryant who was born in Cornwall (I believe St. Ives, but I'll have to confirm with my mother) around 1890. She had several siblings--I'll confirm names and get back to you. My 2 eldest boys are travelling to the UK for the first time this fall and will be going to Cornwall to see where their great grandmother came from. I'll follow up later with more names and estimation of dates to see if there is any connection. I imagine Bryant is a popular name over there.

Thanks for any help! Tanya

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