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The STRASSER life experience

Journal by wonderbear

My STRASSER family interest lies mostly within spiritual circles; by no means dark in nature to be sure; but to say within the relationship the family has enjoyed; apparently throughout history.

My research has uncovered a first recorded ancestor as a Knight Templar who fought many years in the Holy Wars against those who would oppose Christianity; forced by injury sustained in war to retiring; to teach his nephew in the ways of Astronomy, Alchemy and Astrology.

Interesting to note here these realms of knowledge have a dark side to them; as well as Christian application. Such dual spirituality appears to dwell close to family ties throughout family history when the researcher is aware of this.

Examples of this are the fact that my g-g-g-g-g-grandfather Nicholas of many generations ago gave land in Albany Township Berks County, Pa circa 1750 to the still active Bethel Church for use as a place of Lutheran worship. From this I suspect his parents Peter and Mary Magdelina were most likely Lutheran in their home country Germany.

While I have little proof I believe they may well be interred in that cemetery alongside Nicholas wife; Maria Elisabeth; whose headstone has survived many years of weather and vandal abuse there.

The dark side to this is the fact that more than 100 years later a death-bed confessing mass murderer was interred in that same cemetery on the very land donated by the Strasser family.

Not far to the south-west is adjoining Windsor Township; site of the Conrad Strasser farmstead still owned by family (Fern Leiby-Adam residing whose mother was a Strasser or Strausser).
The dark side there was an area over the south hill from the 2500 acre estate where Strasser horses would balk upon traveling the road; becoming skittish and alarmed; as it was rumored to be a witch haven of sorts; not far from the farm.

I am very curious, therefore; as to any history that may be available concerning spiritual matters within the Strasser generations.

I suspect the Strasser historical experience has been blessed with many spiritual blessings which when used to the glory of our Creator manifest rich rewards; but also not without the constant temptations of the dark forces which seek to destroy our constant Creator Spirit-human bond communications; hovering near throughout the family happenings.
The bright side of this to date is the constant protection the Creator has enveloped the Strasser family in throughout history; as research continues to shed light upon.

My recent journey to the Windsor Township farmstead of Conrad Strasser produced a strange feeling of belonging within me as I trod the fields toward the original building site on the western edge of the land now down to 103 acres; being sold off over the years to make ends meet by each successive generation; the land being too poor to raise adequate crops for that purpose. A hard life indeed; not unlike most who came to America when religeous freedom was rare in the world; as most likely my ancestors found Pennsylvania a good place to be relatively free of the religeous persecution in Germany.

My purpose in continuing research is to honor those of my bloodline who have gone before me; making our world better for their efforts great and small; always honoring as well the Creator who has given us all we have; and in so doing; to understand more clearly our purpose in existence.

Recent spiritual experience of unexplainable nature continues within family lines; as before my cousin Shirls passed on; he told his two sons if he can contact them from beyond he will certainly do so.
The evening after his funeral his two sons sat in the estate back yard reflecting on his life when a small meteorite hit the ground beside them! Was that contact? I choose to believe so; as do his sons.

My personal life experience has been unique to say the least. I have gone through several life-altering events which could have resulted in my final demise; but in each case I sensed a spiritual protection which allowed me to emerge the better for it.

I have also witnessed the emergence from Lake Cayuga for a few brief seconds; proof that Nessies are with us and they are real; lurking in the depths of many lakes and oceans. Somehow I sense such an experience is truth related; designed to keep me searching for whatever truth has yet to be revealed; for there are many dealers in lies roaming about this earth; seeking to devour whomever they can for their own greedy satisfaction. My truth searching will never cease and remains goal-oriented to expose lies across the board.

Within my DNA lies such family attributes; given no doubt upon creation of the first Strasser thousands of years ago; who I believe established a strong Creator bond that continues within the family bloodline today; a bond that continues to seek truth rather than deal in lies.

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by wonderbear Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2011-05-14 10:28:26

wonderbear has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2011.

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by kraz on 2012-02-11 21:19:36

I found your journal while searching for more information on the Strasser line. Johan Nicholas Strasser was my 7th great grandfather. I would love to talk with you about our ancestry!

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