My name is Kelly im a 32year old female who was adopted in 1981<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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My name is Kelly im a 32year old female who was adopted in 1981

Question by kelz1981

I have rang the adoption agency but they wouldn't gv me my biological surname, so I cant obtain a original birth certificate. I found a small note when I ws a kid, it was with a "my story" letter that I believe was written by my parents anyways it had a maori name on it ) I think it said "Waerehu" but not sure) when I asked the adoption agency if my birth surname was Waerehu and if the spelling was correct, they wouldnt gv me a yes or no. I do know tht my birth parents had afew kidz and tht I have mainly sisters which is pretty funny coz in my adoptive family I have none. Im really sorry if I have tried to contact the wrong whanau, but if any one could help I would like to know where my roots come from. Thank you.

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by kelz1981 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2013-08-05 02:32:08

kelz1981 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Aug 2013.

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by wyn on 2013-08-06 18:33:13

Wish i could help,maybe see a lawyer for help and also if this is New Zealand, north or south island my be put this in your letter,good luck.

by aitcheson on 2013-08-11 18:51:37

why cant they give detales of your birth did they say why? some mothers still feel upset at what they did and dont want to know, could be lots of reasons, ask. my friends found out details of her family and she is older than you. Try again and ask questions on why

by kelz1981 on 2013-08-11 18:57:42

Yes I will will keep you informed

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