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BAWDEN: Edward TERRILL, 3rd child of Stephen Douglas and "Ella" WOODWARD, fire insurance adjustor and honorary policeman, carries badge and pistol

Edward TERRILL BAWDEN born 16 Nov 1874 in Davenport, graduated from Davenport High School and in 1894 becoming a fire insurance adjustor and inspector [author-compiler Alice Richardson Sloane, C.G. - no cites].

He accepted a job with Western Adjustment and Inspection Company in Chicago, Cook, Illinois. He became branch manager of the Cincinnati, Ohio office which covered a five-state territory. At age 31, his health failing, he returned to Davenport where he assisted the family in business affairs and served as vice president and director of Valley Place Investment Company which was the name of the family business selling land in the section of Rockingham Twp where his father owned from Rockingham Road to the river at OFFERMAN's Island - now Credit Island, a city park.

He never married, and died in the family home at 1315 E. 11th St. on 24 April 1924. He attended the Episcopal Church - probably Trinity Episcopal Cathedral not far from E. 11th St.

Richard BALLARD, who worked for the family drug store, BALLARD Drug and Dental Co., 106 W. 2nd, in Davenport, recalled Edward as one of their customers, purchasing large quantities of morphine tablets, a legal over-the-counter drug. He also recalled that Edward spent a good deal of time at the Police Station and was made an honorary Davenport policeman which entitled him to wear a large silver star on his coat and carry a nickel-plated revolver.

A newspaper article, pub date uncertain (1905-1924), probably in Davenport Democrat. I have copied it without edits.
Ed Bawden (torn) All of His Jobs: Ed Bawden will retain all of his jobs under the present administration, in spite of the fact that he is a consistent Republican. Mr. Bawden was the first man to greet Chief Boettcher after the latter's appointment, and hit him for a job or rather for reappointment to the several jobs which he has been holding for a number of years.
Ed is in a class all by himself, when it comes to office holding. He has served the city for years without remuneration. True, his salary has been placed at 23 cents a year, but Lieutenant Frank Lew of the police department, who makes out the police department payroll and is some artist at arithmetic, figured out a system of docking Ed two cents a day when the latter takes his summer vacation each year. So Ed owes the city $3.56 now instead of being an additional burden to the payroll.
Among Mr. Bawden's official positions are those of assistant chief, assistant lieutenant, assistant sergeant, assistant detective, assistant patrolman and assistant police magistrate. He is a handy all-around man at this station, doing whatever he can, and doing it well, just because he wants to be doing something.
"I just like to be around," said Ed, in response to a query this morning. "It makes me more contented with my own physical ills when I see the poor devils who gravitate into the station every day. I have enough to eat and wear and a good place to sleep and plenty of friends. Many of those who come in here every day have none of these blessings."

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 4 months ago

BAWDEN: George Ray, Jr. "Binc" gets written up in Davenport, Iowa's Quad-City Times the week of his death

Quad-City Times, Davenport, Scott, Iowa, Thursday 6 Mar 1986, p. 4, Bill Wundram, asst editor and childhood friend.

Binc...Binc BAWDEN had whipped the odds so many times that I thought he might make it this time. But he didn't, even if he was only 61.

He needed all the luck he could get, but it ran out. A telephone caller said, "Binc's dead - raise a toast." I lifted a glass and through the misty Scotch and water, remembered rollicking Binc. Few minds were as fertile and as much fun. [see his Christmas stories blog]

Through old clippings - a lot of stuff he called tripe - I followed the plucky life of the Davenport ad agency boss: The good stuff, all the awards, snapping up the big Hardees account and United Guaranty - and the ironies, too. Like the time exactly 10 years ago, when he sat down for Thanksgiving dinner. It was the first time he had eaten food in two years. He had been plagued with a punctured esophagus, an accursed thing that nearly did him in over-and over again. For two years, he had been fed through throat or ostomy tubes. Finally they implanted some of his colon in the punctured spots and he could swallow again. But he laughed, gagging: can you imagine your colon in your throat?

He fought the Grim One so many times that he printed his own script - money redeemable in hospital coffee shops. He'd hand them out to visitors; I have a desk drawer still stuffed with them. 'In St. Luke's We Trust' [now Genesis East], with Binc's picture, and Binc - Secretary of Treasury.

Binc - wotta offbeat monicker for a guy named George. It's for BAWDEN, Inc. Always a company man, even to the sobriquet.

Binc was one of those rare people from whom you never parted without feeling good. Even when he felt lousy. How many people can you say that about, pal?

His body withered from this and that, seventy-five pounds is a lot to lose, but he always returned to work with a twinkle, running the big show of Advertising Communications, Inc. a full-floor of media fun an dgames in Davenport's Union Arcade. He pretended to be working les and golfing more with guys like Doots PRIESTER and Dinny WATERMAN. Binc was a great golfer with a fine rolling hook. A year ago, just out of the hospital, he whammed a 73 at Davenport Country Club.

Fragile and wan, his clickity-click mind never quit working and haranguing. Just the other day, he blasted the Times in a letter to the editor about not checking out the claim of an anti-leaf-burning whiner who said airplane pilots looked down on the Quad-Cities as a great smudge pot.

Beyond the wit and creative mind, past the layout board, there was a crisp business head and the sharp pencil, and the proof-reader's eye. In advertising, life is always a rush job. That's why Binc must have chortled at the program his agency did for his funeral service this week.

The prayer of illumination was spelled with three l's. Smiled the Rev. H. Al Wirtz at First Presbyterian Church "I think Binc did that just for devilment - his last rush job."

The older I get in this racket, I find myself writing more and more sad songs about the people who make the Quad-Cities a great place to live. Binc BAWDEN was one of them.
George Ray BAWDEN, Jr. was the son of George Ray and Viola DUVALL BAWDEN of Davenport, Scott, Iowa. Binc died 1 Mar 1986 in Davenport of leukemia...a hold-over from his esophagus surgeries. George Ray Sr. was the son of George Washington and Jennie ELDRIDGE BAWDEN. "Binc" was this writer's father.

BAWDEN: George Washington, son of Stephen and Mary TERRILL BAWDEN, married Jennie ELDRIDGE: obit posted in Davenport Daily Times newspaper, 24 Mar 1905

Davenport Attorney Passes Away at Excelsior Springs, Missouri
He was president of the Times Company and vice president of the I & I Interurban at time of his death

George W. BAWDEN passed away at Excelsior Springs, Missouri yesterday afternoon about 3:00, after an illness of several weeks. Davenport relatives had received word yesterday morning of his serious condition and his sister-in-law and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carl SCHLEGEL [Minnie ELDRIDGE] were preparing to leave for his bedside. Before thay had left, however, word was received of his death. They proceeded on their way last night and will return with the sorrowing wife and the body tomorrow morning. Funeral arrangements will be then made.

There was a general sorrow expressed throughout the city this morning when the news of his death was made known. His prominence in legal and city affairs had made him widely known and his personality won friends and admirers for him among all with whom he came in contact.

Mr. BAWDEN went to Excelsior Springs about two weeks ago to recuperate, his health being poor, it was thought that the change and the treatment there would benefit him. Among his closest friends, however, there was little hope of his recovery, and although it was not thought that he would die soon, his ultimate death was expected from his recent illness. Diabetes is given as the cause of death.

George W. BAWDEN, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen BAWDEN, was born in Norristown, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, May 9, 1859. He moved to a farm near Davenport [Rockingham Twp] arriving in this city Sept 1, 1860. He was educated in the city schools and received a diploma from the Davenport high school. Shortly after graduating, Mr. BAWDEN entered the University of Iowa and remained in the institution until he graduated from the law school in 1880.

He then returned to Davenport and entered the law office of the late Judge GRANT, where he continued to fit himself for his profession. After studying under Judge GRANT for some time, the young man took a position in the law office of C. A. FICKE where he remained for about two years.

Being chosen as attorney for the receiver of the Iowa Mortgage Company, Mr. BAWDEN removed to Muscatine, where he established himself in the practice of law. While in Muscatine Mr. BAWDEN became a member of the Knights of Pythias and became past chancellor commander of one of the lodges in that city.

After living in Muscatine for 11 years he gave up his practice there and returned to Davenport in 1895. Shortly afterward he formed a partnership with Julius LISCHER which continued until Mr. LISCHER's death in 1902. Fred W. NEAL was taken into the firm when MR. LISCHER became county attorney but the partnership was dissolved by the death of Mr. LISCHER.

In January 1903, the firm of BAWDEN & THUENEN was formed. City Attorney Henry THUENEN being the junior member.

Mr. BAWDEN was a Republican in politics and has always taken a lively interest in public affairs. In the Spring of 1897 he was elected alderman from the Fifth Ward in the city council. His term expired in 1900 and he refused another nomination. Mr. BAWDEN was admirably fitted for the office of alderman. He was a thorough business man and no man could influence him to do a thing which he believed was not for the best interests of the people. His services in the council were appreciated by every good citizen in the city.

Since leaving the council, Mr. BAWDEN has devoted his time exclusively to his law practice and his duties as attorney for the Iowa & Illinois railway. He became the legal representative of the company when it was first organized and during the preliminary arrangements for the building of the road, he was indefatigable in his efforts to make the line a reality. The work of securing the right-of-way together with other matters which required his attention brought Mr. BAWDEN an immense amount of work but he never faltered through it all and much of the credit for the successful culmination of the project is due to his energy and determination.

About three years ago MR. BAWDEN became a stockholder in the Times company and was shortly afterward selected to be its president.

On March 4, 1885, Mr. BAWDEN was united in marriage to Miss Jennie ELDRIDGE, daughter of the late Jacob MULLEN ELDRIDGE, of Davenport. Three sons, Albert, Ray and Harry were born to them. He is also survived by three brothers, S.D. [Stephen Douglas], Thomas J. and Dr. H. L. BAWDEN, besides his wife and children.

See bio blog with a few other notes.

2 comment(s), latest 12 years, 4 months ago

ELDRIDGE - BAWDEN: Jennie writes about her marriage to George Washington BAWDEN, son of Stephen and Mary TERRILL appeared in the Davenport Democrat newspaper, front page, 5 Mar 1885

A couple who are native to our town and who have the friendship and esteem of all who know them, were married last evening at the home of the bride's parents [Jacob MULLEN and Mary HIGH WILLIAMS ELDRIDGE]. Miss Jennie ELDRIDGE, daughter of J. M. ELDRIDGE, and George W. BAWDEN of Muscatine. Nettie B. CHENOWETH was the bride's companion at the altar, and Mr. Ed. IRWIN of Muscatine was the groom's best man. The bride is a young lady of charming graces and elegancies, and the young husband is greatly respected here in his native city [born in Norristown, Montgomery, Pennsylvania] and in his practice of law. The Journal (Muscatine newspaper) remarks that MR. and Mrs. BAWDEN will take up their abode in the Spring residence, Third Street hill, which has been handsomely furnished for the reception of the bride. Muscatine society will extend a warm welcome to the estimable young couple. Mr. BAWDEN, during his two year residence in this city, has won the high personal esteem of all with whom he has come in contact, and has proven himself a business man of fine abilities. The bride is one of Davenport's brightest and loveliest young ladies and will quickly win a place in the hearts of a whole host of friends in Muscatine.

An undated account of the marriage of Jennie and George written by Jennie probably just before her death.

George BAWDEN, altho in business in Muscatine, remained with his sister when in Davenport [Mary TERRILL BAWDEN ILES], until his marriage to Jennie Eldridge in 1885, March 4th. The wedding taking place in her old home, Farnam Street and Kirkwood Blvd. At that time it was 16th Street, not acquiring the dignified name of Kirkwood Blvd until many years later. Just a quiet family wedding about 50 relatives and friends at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Anna Crawaford playing the wedding march. Then a wedding supper. Ed IRWIN was Mr. BAWDEN's best man, Nettie CHENOWITH my brides maid. Aunt Minnie being general hostess as Mother could only be seated through all the festivities being an invalid for many years. Then we took train at 7 p.m. for Muscatine, where a lovely apartment was awaiting our occupancy.

Jennie wrote this about her husband (no date)

He was a brilliant orator and Public speaker - One day in Muscatine he addressed a large crowd in Court House square. Grandpa and Grandma ELDRIDGE [Duncan and Rebecca] came down to dinner and hear him make the address. AFter serving them all at dinner he told me he could not eat much - I wish I had made Albert serve the dinner.

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 4 months ago

BAWDEN: Elsie, dtr of Thomas John and Anna 'Annie' BENTON keeps a copy book and a story is printed here, also Harry's Family History notes

WINTER SPORTS - Jan 11th 1895
I had a very nice time during our holidays. We had no school for a week and a half. But I was glad when it began again. During every day since December 26th, 1894 except Sunday, my friends and I have been skating. At home we had a Christmas tree with which we had great fun and we had many presents. One Friday before Christmas we had public day at school. Each scholar got a present and a bag of candy. And nearly every scholar gave our teacher a present. We also had a Christmas entertainer at Sunday School. Every class took part in it but one. They also had a tree on which was a present for every scholar. New Years day we had company and we went skating. I spent my holidays in a very joyful manner and I trust that everyone did.

We young folks always enjoy the winter sports, at least I do. There are a great many kinds of winter sports which all boys and girls love to share in. There are two different kinds of winter sports - the indoor and outdoor sports. The outdoor sports are sliding, skating and snow balling.

The indoor sports are of a great variety. Some of the games which boys, girls and grown up people play are checkers, lotto and dominoes. The next I think of is Christmas which everyone shares some sports. This I think is the happiest time in all of the year. Now comes New Years. It is the beginning of the new year and a good-bye to the old.


Harry BAWDEN writes in his Family History about Minnie ELDRIDGE SCHLEGEL [Minnie is the dtr of Jacob Mullen and Mary HIGH WILLIAMS ELDRIDGE, sister to Jennie, this writer's great-grandmother]

Minnie - a dynamic gal. She had a charming voice. Sang in the Presbyterian choir and also at her sister's wedding. AFter her sister's husband died, Minnie kept a helping hand over the Jennie BAWDEN family.

[Minnie's husband] Carl SCHLEGEL was an accomplished pianist. He could get more sound out of a piano than any one I ever knew. [Carl's father brought a piano to Davenport and gave lessons to children in his spare time]

The Jennie BAWDEN and Minnie SCHLEGEL families for years celebrated Christmas and the Fourth of July at each other's home. Often the BAWDEN boys (3 Albert, George, Harry) would throw bisquits at the SCHLEGEL girls (3 Claire, Lura, Paula). At Christmas each family had large Christmas trees lighted with candles and we all sang 'O Tanabam' [sic Tannenbaum].

Often between courses, Claire [SCHLEGEL] would lead us kids out doors and run around the house to make more room for the food to follow.

Lura {SCHLEGEL - not Laura] also was a musician played the organ in several western churches [west Davenport]. As a young gal at Christmas, I remember her singing a popular song 'I Want What I Want When I Want It.'

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 4 months ago

BAWDEN: Dr. Henry Lightbourne, native of Cuba, is recorded in the History of Scott County, Iowa 1882

Henry L. Bawden, M.D. is a native of Cuba Island, born December 28, 1845. His parents were from London, England [sic Redruth, Cornwall, England]; his father, Stephen BAWDEN was in Cuba in the interests of the Sawanee Mining Company of which Stephen was president at the time of the Doctor's birth. He came to America, accompanied by his parents, when four years of age. They lived in Pennsylvania some years and then came to Scott County, and located near Davenport [Rockingham Twp] where his father engaged in agricultural pursuits until his death, which occured October 27, 1881.

Dr. Bawden was educated at Griswold College [Davenport, now part of Central High School campus]. He read medicine with Dr. A. S. MAXWELL in Davenport then attended lectures in Iowa State University, which he graduated March 6, 1873, and at once began practice in Davenport. He practices according to the principles of the "Rational School", he is the recipient of a large and lucrative practice. He has filled the office of coroner of this county since 1876. He was married in Davenport June 28, 1877 to Bella ANGEL, a native of Peoria, Illinois. Her father was killed at the battle of Shiloh, in the Union Army. Dr. BAWDEN spent the years of 1866 and '67 on the plains as a member of the Seventh Iowa Cavalry. He is a member of the Scott County Medical Society, also the Iowa Medical Society; has been an active member of the local medical society, and as such has prepared numerous papers pertaining to subjects relative to diesease and practice, some of which have found their way into medical journals of the country.

Harry BAWDEN in his Family Histories, says of Henry: "Uncle Henry gave me a fox terrier pup when I was about 4 years old. We named it Kirk, a pal for about 12 years".

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 4 months ago

BAWDEN: Stephen from Redruth leads a very successful life (census info) as president of a mining machinery manufacturer and farmer in Rockingham Twp, Scott, Iowa

1841 Redruth, Cornwall, England Census #241,265 (Mormon Lib Film) 143/16 p. 68
Bawden Stephen 50 Blacksmith
Elizabeth 45 [wife - nee GILBERT...Jelbert was common transcriber error]
Elizabeth 15 [dtr b/ch 15 Mar 1823 in Redruth]
Caroline 15 [dtr b/ch 5 Oct 1825 in Redruth]
Matilda 11 [dtr b/ch 19 Jul 1830 in Redruth]
Dennis, Samuel 20 Live-in laborer

1850 Pennsylvania Federal Census, Montgomery Cty, Norristown Borough (mining country), pp 225-26, 15 Aug 1850
77 - 77
Bawden, Stephen 38 Agent [for his mining mfg co]
Mary 33 None
Matilda 19 [sister above]
Stephan 7 [Stephen Douglas - b. West Indies - Cuba]
Henry 4 [son Henry LIGHTBOURNE - b. West Indies - Cuba]
William 1 [son born/christened 2 Feb 1849 in England, d. 10 Apr 1851 in Norristown]
CLINSON Elizabeth 25 [Mary's sister surname s/b CLEMO - divorced or widowed??]
CLINSON Elizabeth R. 3 [Elizabeth's dtr surname s/b CLEMO]

1860 Pennsylbania Federal Census, Montgomery Cty, Norristown Borough, p. 713, 3 Aug 1860
Bawden Stephen 40M Gentleman England
(note: value of real estate listed as $20,000 and value of personal property $50,000)
Mary 36F England
Stephen 16M Pennsylvania
Henry 14M Pennsylvania
Mary 10F Pennsylvania
Thomas 5M Pennsylvania
George W. 1M Pennsylvania [this writer's lineage - middle nm Washington]
CLEMO Elizabeth 30F Lady England
CLEMO Elizabeth 11F England
DOUGLAS Mary 18F Servant England
WHITE Eliza 14F Servant England

1870 Iowa State Agricultural census, Rockingham Twp, Scott County p. 1
#10 Stephen Bawden
100 A improved land, 55 A woodland
Cash Value of farm $15,000
Value of Farming Implements and machinery $600
Wages paid during year $250
Livestock on hand 1 Jun 1870: 2 horses, 2 milk cows, value of stock $300
400 bu of indian corn raised
$100 of orchard products [fruit was a highly prized commodity]
200 lbs butter, 35T hay, $500 worth of animals sold or slaughtered.
TOTAL Value of all farm products, $1000

1880 Iowa State Agricultural Census, Rockingham Twp, Scott County, p.1 [SD, 1; ED 270]
#6 Stephen Bawden, Owner
142 A permanent meadow land
18 A filled land, including pasture or orchards
Value of the farm, $9,600
Value of implements $75
Cost of building and repairing $200
Livestock $330
Value of all production,sold, consumed or on hand 1879 $900
Grass land 8 A mown, and 10 acres hay
Three horses, 3 cows, 6 others, 1 calf dropped, 1 purebred, 9 swine, barnyard fowl which laid 75 eggs in 1879
18 A corn - 800 bu
10 A oats - 300 bu
1/2 A potatoes - 20 bu
1 A apple trees, with 30 trees - $50 of fruit

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 4 months ago

ELDRIDGE - BAWDEN: Jennie, dtr of Jacob M. and Mary HIGH WILLIAMS, writes about father; Harry BAWDEN writes about Agnes SMITH - Jacob's 3rd wife

Jacob ELDRIDGE married a third time after the children were all married and in homes of their own. Agnes SMITH, an elderly matron and delightful companion for his old age - she remained in the old home until father's death seventeen years after marriage. Very Happy - then Agnes (Grandma E) lived a number of years next to the BAWDEN home on Kirkwood [16th St.] having built a small home for herself. A delightful woman, loved by all who knew her especially her family.

Harry BAWDEN Family History - youngest son of Jennie and George BAWDEN

Jacob Eldridge's third wife Agnes Smith. Known as "Kitty Oma' one of the sweetest women we ever knew. They had no children. Once in a while he and Agnes would have the SCHLEGEL and BAWDEN family ofer to dinner and there would be so many of us they would have a second table. The younger children would have to sit on the family bibles [sic] - Paula and Harry.

Agnes -when quite old- gave a dinner party for the SCHLEGELS and BAWDENS and presented each of us grandchildren - Claire, Lura, Paula, Albert, Ray and Harry with a $100. That was something in our lives.

When Jacob died, Agnes had a beautiful painting made of Jacob. When Agnes died, she left the picture to Minnie ELDRIDGE SCHLEGEL (Jacob's dtr) who gave it to the Bawden boys [Albert Ralph, George Ray and Harry ELDRIDGE]. They hung it in their office until March 1963 when it was given to the city of Eldridge, Scott, Iowa to hang in their new Scott County Library. Granddaughter Claire SCHLEGEL ROSS. Harry E. BAWDEN and Nan BAWDEN HARTVIGSEN presented it to the city. This pastel on canvas by F. J. MORRIS for many years was owned by Agnes who upon her death, bequeathed it to Carl E. SCHLEGEL. In 1946, Mrs. Carl E. SCHLEGEL died and bequeathed it to BAWDEN Bros. Inc. and it hung in the office of the president, much to the admiration of the doting grandchildren - Albert, Ray and Harry.

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 4 months ago

ELDRIDGE: Mary HIGH WILLIAMS, 2nd wife of Jacob Mullen, she bore 9 children, author posts 10 June 1885 obituary

Davenport Democrat newspaper Wednesday, 10 June 1885

Death of Mrs. J. M. ELDRIDGE

Mrs. Mary H wife of Jacob M. ELDRIDGE was called home this morning at eleven o'clock. This most excellent wife and mother was born in Newark, New Jersey on the 27th day of September 1828, and came to Davenport with her father in 1843, and was married to her now bereaved husband July 25, 1851. Her father [Charles CLARK WILLIAMS] died of cholera in this town in 1851, her mother died in Nebraska in 1876.

Mrs. ELDRIDGE had been in poor health for about five years - suffering from nervous prostration, and much confined to her room, though riding out now and then, and even as recently as on Monday of this week. Her husband took her to their daughter in Dakota a few years since, hoping for a change for the better in that climate, but to no purpose. The immediate cause of her death was paralysis, which came upon her a few days since.

She leaves a family of six children - Miss Dr. R. T. ELDRIDGE (divorced then) of Boone, Iowa; Mrs. S. L. GLASPELL, Jamestown, Dakota [North Dakota was still a territory], Mrs. George BAWDEN, Muscatine, Frank and Minnie and George who live here. Of her near relatives thee are several living - Mr. A. F. WILLIAMS, and Mrs. N. W. McCANDISH of this city, Mrs. Ezra MILLARD of Omaha, and Mrs. Gen. Wm. E. VANDEVEER [sic?] of California.

This devoted wife and mother was a member of the Presbyterian church - was known for her many charities, her long and patient suffering, and was beloved by all who knew her and were about her. Though for some days deprived of the power of speech, her going to the better land was in perfect peace, surrounded by husband and four of her younger children. It was the first breaking of a large and happy family circle.

The funeral takes place on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence, 16th and Farnam - interment at Oakdale.

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 4 months ago

ELDRIDGE: Mrs. D. C. [Rebecca LIPPINCOTT] Obituary 6 Oct 1889 Davenport Iowa Democrat newspaper

One of the Oldest Pioneers of Scott County Passes Away

Another name has been added to the death roll of Scott County pioneers yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, after an illness of two months, occurred the death of Mrs. Rebecca Elizabeth ELDRIDGE at the ripe old age of 82 years. It was just 45 years ago yesterday since she arrived in Davenport with her husband for permanent abode. Rebecca E. ELDRIDGE formerly LIPPINCOTT, was born January 23, 1807 in Burlington County, New Jersey. She was married November 4, 1829 to Duncan C. ELDRIDGE in Cincinnati [Ohio]. With her husband she first landed where the city of Davenport now is Oct 5, 1835. They passed on up the river but finding no prettier spot to settle on returned here November 24, 1836, Iowa then being a territory. Her pioneer life was a continuous effort to make those around her comfortable and happy and to the afflicted, the sick, the dying, she was every ready with her sympathy and ministering care. Her house was always open freely to the new comers and strangers. The hospitality of herself and husband was remarked by all. It was at their house that the Christian church of this city was first organized July 28, 1839, they having both been immersed by the lamented James CHALLEN in the Ohio River in Cincinnati. May 29, 1831, and continued steadfastly in the faith to the end. November 4, 1879, the venerable couple, both hale and hearty, celebrated their golden wedding. Her husband died October 3, 1882. She has had in all eight children; two only are living, the eldest Charles H. in Kansas City, Missouri, and the youngest, Micajah L. in Davenport. The funeral will be private.

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 4 months ago