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Am desperately seeking my great grandparents history

Am desperately seeking my great grandparents history. They had three sons, Harold, Herbert, and Emery. From what little I've been able to ascertain, the American roots began in Clinton County NY. I've found references to the name in Altona, Plattsburg, and the Chazy Lake area. There once was a LaGoy Lumber Company, later the name changed to The LaGoy Brothers Lumber company inc. My Uncles Herb, and Em, eventually settled in the Camden area of NJ, not sure if my grandfather Harold lived there as well. My grandfather passed away on January 13th 1945, seven years before my birth so I have no history of him. My dad passed away when he was 49 so likewise I didn't take advantage of asking him enough questions either. my grandfather married my grandmother Rose Lavigne Adams Ma. where our family set down roots. Recently my first grandchild was born, I have a complete family tree of my moms side dating back to Nomady, and am determined to likewise provide her with a history of her paternal side.

1 comment(s), latest 11 years, 8 months ago