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David Gourlay Gillies,

David Gourlay Gillies, whose father was born in Midlothian, married Ann(a) Deas, daughter of Captain Davis Deas September 13,1805 in New Brunswick NY. I'd like to find information about her parents; don't know her mother's name. Her father was possibly a shipmaster, known as "Captain Davis Deas" but that's all I know. Would also like to know the parents of David Gourlay Gillies. His mother's name was either Gourlay or de Gourlay, possibly French.
Added note: My father also stated that Anna Deas was "born at sea". This, coupled with the fact that DGG was in the shipping business, impport and export,is why I thought he might be a shipmaster. However,in researching "Davis Deas" I discovered that several men in that search were in the military; perhaps that's where the title of "Captain" enters the picture. Another route to pursue!

6 comment(s), latest 9 years, 4 months ago