autosalesguild on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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How to find family in Bristol England

I am looking for my great grandfathers family in Bristol England. I have traced them as far as the 1911 UK Census. My great grandfather was William James Norman(born 1867), he came to Canada 1885(?) In Bristol he had a sister Louisa(B:1870?), Emily(B:1875?) and brother John(B: 1875). Louisa married a Joseph Williams and had a daughter Lillian Grace Williams(B:1902?), Louisa had a son before this named Frederick Norman(B:1895). Emily married a Thomas and John married Catherine Mcleod and they had 2 children, Catherine and John. I am sure there is alot of family still in Bristol but I can't seem to find them. HELP!

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 4 months ago