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Bozeman Family

I have been getting emails requesting information on the book by
Loraine Walker titled "Sketches of the Bozeman Family".
I have made the book available on my website at Barbaracagle.org
Go to the downloads page link to find it.

Also, There is another book about this family also called
"Sketches of the Bozeman Family". It was written about 1885
by Rev. Jos. W. Bozeman, D.D.
It can be read as a pdf file on the Family History Archives site at
Sketches of the Bozeman Family

I noticed This address is quite long and runs into the sidebar, alternately you can go to

Family History Archives

and search for BOZEMAN in the surname box. The second listing is the
above mentioned book
Take a little time to do a search for your family name on this free site and you may find some interesting information.
Family History Archives

Good Luck

Burdick origins Burdett or Bauerdick ???

There are indications that our family can be traced far beyond the middle of the sixteenth century. While those connections are still being researched, we are relatively certain, as certain as any historian or genealogist can be, of our connections to various families in Europe beginning as far back as 1563.

It was in this year, amidst the turmoil of war between Denmark and Sweden, we find the first record, a death record, of an early ancestor named Johan BURDICK in the Rhine area of Germany . Nowhere else is this spelling found, although some genealogists insist the name BURDICK can be traced back to BURDETT in England as early as 1650 , however, no definitive link has been made.

Further research, however, uncovers some interesting facts. BURDICK seems to be what many call, ?a good old German name?. Bur, it can be noted, is a dialect spoken in the Rhine area. BURDICK is derived from the words ?bur? which means ?Bauer? or farmer in English. (In Dutch it is the word ?boer? and both words mean and sound similar.
"Bur"is spoken like "poor" with a "b"= "boor". ?Dick? is the old word for Dieck, Deich, and Teich which in English means pond. It is interesting, that in the Low-German dialect "u" changes to an "i", too. ("Biur" or "Biuer"; you will have the exact pronounciation, if you speak "be you" as quick as possible ="Beyou-rr-dick"). This only word can be written in High German in four variants: "BURDICK", "Burdiek";"Baurdick"; "Bauerdick"- re-translated in Low German these surnames sounds always like "Beyour-rr-dick". That was the reason, that "BURDICK" changed to "Bauerdick" before 1700. The first school in the Enkhausen-parish opened 1658, the following generations were no illiterates any more and were able to write their names. They took one of this four variants and never changed it again. .

So BURDICK means ?farmer near the pond?. In some cases you will find the word ?dick? used with Dickicht which is a break or thicket in English, so it may also be translated as ?farmer near the thicker? or farmer at the break?
According to available records, the farm of the first German BURDICK in 1563 was the former manor of the "von Hoevel"-family.

The record of Josef Bauerdick?s ancestry is taken directly from available primary source materials so that there is documentation to substantiate the claim of a Johann BURDICK in Hove before 1540 and after 1563.

A more recent connection to the BURDICK family name in Germany appears on maps of D?lmen, Westfalia, north of the Rhur area and southwest of M?nster and again in Jahrsdorf/ Holstein north of Hamburg. These two cities have streets with the name ?Am Burdiek?. Joseph BAUERDICK wrote to the Mayor of D?lmen and he replied with information gleaned from the town achieves. According to this letter, Am Burdiek takes its name from and old pond which belonged to a nearby farm called the D?veling-Farm. First mentioned in 1324, the farm was sold to the German government who built barracks there in 1956. There is an old myth about this ?D?velings Diek? or ?Burdiek? that says that the devil was sitting on the ground of this pond and rings a sunken church bell if someone throws a new coin into the water. The local dialect uses ?Duivel, or D?vel for devil so we can see that this is a probable recreation of local mythology.

Given all this information can we connect to one of these early BURDICK families? Certainly!

We know, for example that the name BURDICK is ?100% German? as evidenced by the ethnographic linguistics of the name itself. The scientific study of how words are formed gives us the linguistic roots of this surname. We can also assume with some degree of validity that one or more BURDICKs relocated to England after about 1588 or 1589 when the Leicester army returned to England. The fact that the name BURDICK with the same spelling simply appears on tax records in Exeter in 1641 is interesting to say the least. With many birth, death and marriage records, as well as church records from this time still available and with more being digitized daily, it is a striking omission of this name with this spelling that draws attention to this particular family.

Until we find other documentation or evidence that is contrary to what we have thus far uncovered, we will, for the purposes of this research endeavor, accept that our earliest BURDICK relation came from Germany and migrated to England and that our Robert BURDICK of Rhode Island is, by virtue to comparable dates and name spelling variation, a descendent of these two BURDICKs.

---Thanks to the research efforts of Josef Bauerdick and J.Alan Burdick

Why history in genealogy

In order to understand the lives of our ancestors it is vital that we attempt to remove ourselves from our own reality and travel back into the time in which they each lived. This is, at best, a difficult process but it is one that is facilitated by the development of an understanding of the political and social events surrounding our ancestors as well as a familiarity with the workings of their daily lives. We can learn, for example, how the average family of similar position and means within the same time frame lived and worked.

We can look to recorded history, surviving documents and journals, and other resources to develop a picture of an average life. What did our ancestors eat, wear? How did they travel? What were their lives like? Did they live like everyone else of the time and place, or were they different? Did their particular circumstances forge a difference that was observable? How were they unique? What made them stand out from the surrounding population, or did they?

Researching the genealogy of a family entails more than just looking through musty volumes in search of some snippet of documentary proof that an ancestor existed. It is more than recording the birth, marriage and death dates alongside some obscured name from some half forgotten time or place. It is a magical voyage of discovery that transports one from the rigors of the mundane concerns we embrace and call our lives, into an uncertain reality. It is a reality that is hidden from our fullest understanding, yet exposed in stark facts recorded over time.

The genealogist is a time traveler. They are transported into the past with each new discovery until they become voyeurs into the lives of those ancient mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts and uncles. They dig through the dust and ashes to find details of lives lived without thought of intrusion from future observers. We read personal letters left behind in old trunks. We decipher conflicting dates and discover forgotten public records that may, at times, be less than favorable to the individual. Yet, we push, prod and document.

A word here, a phrase there, a found treasure that reveals a new connection that heretofore was but a vague suspicion. Through it all there is an underlying need to understand; to place the name upon a deserving individual, a person with feelings, ambitions, and failings that we can understand and associate with our own. There is a need to understand why. Why did our ancestors leave everything behind to come to a new country, where they had nothing and knew no one? Why did our great-great-grandparents decide to settle in an area that what largely a wilderness rather than embracing a growing urban settlement where work was available, if not plentiful? These are questions that plague us as we delve deeper into the mysteries of the past in what usually becomes a never-ending quest for answers.

Looking back to those early days of beginning my research, I would not have imagined I could spend twenty years digging through papers, photos, old letters and archives in an attempt to find people I could never really know. I would not have believed, had someone told me, that I would devote hundreds of hours to categorizing, cataloguing, and compiling facts and notes from obscure sources or plentiful family documents and letters in an attempt to piece together a family album of images and personalities. I recall an incident that occurred in a library?s back room years ago. I was deep into deciphering some passenger lists in an attempt to locate some ancestor when the lady sitting next to me tapped me on the shoulder. ?You are awfully young, dear, to be spending so much time digging up old people? she said.

We both laughed and I told her that I had started early so that I could get done and then I would be able to spend my declining years traveling. She laughed and smiled, a funny knowing sort of smile. ?Sure dear? she replied before turning back to her stack of papers. At the time I didn?t understand. Now I think I do. I can see the almost addictive quality of this undertaking. In the lulls between discoveries I find I now seek history books. The need to uncover the history surrounding all those faceless names and long ago families has become almost as consuming as the need to find just one more connection, one more generation, one more person. And for some elusive reason it is impossible to walk away and call it done.

McALPIN history


History divides the early Aryan peoples info five groups - one of these groups, the Celtic, was made up of Gauls, Britons, Scots-Irish, and Picts. The Irish, Welsh, Scotch-Highlanders and the Britons of Brittany, in France, are the present-day representatives of the ancient Celts.

The name McALPIN is Celtic; the prefix Mac, Mc, or M signifies 'of' or 'son of' so the name, originally "ALPINE" means Son of Alpine, Alpine of course, meaning 'of the hills' - or Alps.

Genealogists say that the progenitor of the McALPIN clan crossed over from Ireland to the Highlands of Scotland with the Dalriadic Scots. Authorities generally agree that the clan was one of the oldest in the Highlands, and that out of it grew a number of other clans that had their origin in fiven names: as McGREGOR, "Son of Gregor" , who was a son of Kenneth Mc Alpin: McKINNON (with variations McKINNEY, McKINNING, McKINVEN, and others) , founded by a chieftain named FIGNON, who was a grandson of GREGOR.

The Gaelic form of the modern name McKINNON, was "MHIC FHIONGHAIN"; the variations, McKINNEY and McKINNING developed in the Lowlands, among members of the clan who settled there.The traditional home of the McALPINS waws Dunstaffnage, near Oban, Argyllshire.

The ancient crest was a boar's head, (a crowned head became the crest after the Clan was made the royal one).

The emblem was a pine tree, the Gaelic motto and war-cry , "Cuimhnich Bas Ailpein," meant "Remember the death of Alpine." The Alpine alluded to was a chieftain or "king" of the Clan, and who was murdered by Brudus, after the dereat of the Scots by the Picts,near Dundee in 834.

Description of Tartan: The Clan plaid was a combination of inconspicuous colors, against a background of greenish-grey and was probably chosen in the days of Clan warfare for reasons of strategy and safety. It is said that the colors blend perfectly with the colors of teh hearther and this made it easy for the warriors to hide themselves in the hearther on the hill-sides almost under the feet of the enemy. Sir Walter Scott mentions this in foot-notes to "The Lady of the Lake," used as a text-book.

In the eighth century, the Picts were the chief power in Scotland, but thier political organization resembled a rude confederacy rather than a regularly constituted governmane. They were a number of Celtic tribes which, sometimes, in great emergencies, combined for the common defense of the country. Besides the feuds incidental to tribal communities, the Picts, the Scots, the Britons and eventually, the Saxons and the Danes, or Norsemen, carried on intermittent warfare with one another. The struggle among the clans continued until a complete nationality was formed.

In 839 the Danes invaded the territory of the Picts and defeated them. Two years later, the first centralized government was organized, by the Scots, in Argyle, under Kenneth McALPIN, as king.

---There is more which includes a list of rulers. This passage is from a very small book on the McAlpin family written by Annie Hutchison, no date found but it appears to be quite old, circa early 1920's I would estimate.


Looking closely at the small image of the family crest that is included with my mother's Ahnenpass book, I noticed this alternate spelling. Amazing. I have looked at this image dozens of times and until I was able to blow it up I never noticed this alternative spelling.
Now, it may be nothing, but I am off to search for any ELTCHNER I can find.

Other spellings for this surname include, ELSCHNER (most used), ELTZSCHNER (the 'TZ' dropped around 1780-90 when the children of Johann Joseph Eltzschner are found listed as Elschner), Oelschner which appears to predate any findings I have, and now ELTCHNER which is from the days of our early ancestors during the time when the family coat of arms was bestowed.

Wish me luck. I hope this information helps some other researcher.

Seek and Ye shall find!

And tho I search both far and wide
My relations I find in shadows hide.
A game we play of hide and seek
I think they are winning, at least this week.

Seach and you shall fine? Well, not always!

Where have all the Elschners gone?
I've found the death index listing for my grandmother, and I have some inherited information on this family, but they seem to have dropped off the face of the earth.
Oh, I have 'found' many with the ELSCHNER surname, but none seem to have any recognizable connection to my family line.
Such are the joys of genealogical research.

I can't help but wonder how many future genealogists will be similarly frustrated in their attempts when researching family connections in today's war torn countries. What is it about our leaders that makes them so intent on destroying records of the past?

It is this underlying thought that drives me to keep researching. Some day someone in my family may benefit from what little I've found. In the meantime, I am the last of this line as there are no 'sons' to carry it on.

I have, however, discovered a rich history (through marriage connections and family stories) that dates back to the middle ages. Perhaps I will never be able to fully 'verify' family stories so rich in detail that I know all about the family crest that seems non-existant but which is manifest in family heirlooms (mom's ring, a plaque, and the story for example).

While it is important to 'make verifyable connections' in doing genealogical research, I would like to stress the importance of recording all those little bits and pieces that one cannot directly verify. Why? Because there is so much more to a family's history that who was born where and when.

Our research is a voyage into the discovery of our past family. Not just who those people were, but more importantly WHO they were as people. Do I have my great-grandmother's love of _________? Where did I get my green eyes when all my sister's have blue eyes? Why am I short, tall, thin, 'round, and so forth. Yes, physical and medical traits will emerge, but for me, finding out that I have 'joinerism' (the ability passed down from great grandmother Joiner that great grand dad explained allowed her to 'talk the birds right out of the trees')has provided a connection that is almost tangable and none the less so for any lack of 'documentation'.

Keep up the search. Find those documents. But remember, genealogy is as much about the stories as it is about the 'facts'.

Happy hunting.

Recorded personal memories - avoiding loss

In today's uncertain world, when a disaster could strike at any time, those of us who have amassed a collection of notes, documents, photos, and perhaps even recordings and historical items, must take steps to insure their safe survival.

I learned this lesson the hard way a couple of years after I began my genealogical journey.

My uncle who, at the time, was dying of cancer, agreed to tape record as much info about the family as he could remember. He dutifully sent me a cassett tape about once a week for several months. I soon had quite a collection. David Miller (my uncle) had been a prize winning journalist, so he was very good at including trackable details and often included substantiating documents.

Oh, I was very careful to store the tapes in a cool, dry place and to preserve all the documents. But....

One day a tornado came through and it left a muddy, tumble of destroyed tapes (and a lot of ruined photos) behind. Imagine my horror and distress. A lifetime of memories gone, irreplacable as Uncle David was now gone. But...

The genealogy gods smiled because I had dilligently transcribed each and every tape and stored the transcriptions in a different form and in a seperate place. Although I can no longer listen to my Uncle tell his stories, at least I still have the stories, written down and ready to share.

That tornado taught me the importance of planning and copy. I hope none of you ever faces loosing your priceless records, but to insure the information they contain continues on, PLEASE, make backup copies of notes, digital copies of photos and tapes, and store them somewhere other than with the originals. Your research is priceless and future generations will applaude you for passing down the family traditions.

For help and information on preserving paper documents go to
Preserving my Heritage

For information on preserving photos see Expert Give Tips for preserving photos

You can also find out about preserving sounds from
Library of Congress-Preservation

Good luck with your research

Family Genealogy Books - beware

If you are fairly new to genealogy you may be enticed to purchase one of the many books promoted across the internet, in email, and in junk 'snail' mail. Please BEwArE! No, I haven't bought any of the books on my family, but my mom (she wanted to help) bought a "Brooks Family" book for me as a gift. Although it contains some very general info on the Brooks name (how much of which is true I can't say)the book is primarily a phone/address book of all Brooks families / persons in the US.

While this might assist in some way, especially if you have a VERY unique name (although those aren't usually offered) I would advise you to beware. At over $50, these books are a total waste of money for the serious researcher. (You can send a lot of document requests with return postage that would better serve your needs).

I hope this helps someone avoid being taken in, after all, we all want to know our roots, and making GOOD connections is vital.

Good Luck

Ahnenpass style family group sheets available

I have created a form that works like an Ahnenpass, each page records a family, father , mother, parents of each, multiple marriage info, birth,christening,death info on each, children and siblings, as well as having places to record documentation sources for each. I would be happy to share with anyone wanting it. It is in MS word format but I can convert to PDF. I printed a bunch of the pages and put into a spiral binder format and now all base information is at my fingertips.
It is also easy to cross reference by number, (father #1, mother #2, father's parents #3,#4, mother's parents #5,#6, etc)Plenty of room to add quite a bit of information and a nice way to store or share a print version.
Drop me a line if you would like a copy.

3 comment(s), latest 13 years ago

Dr. Hans Elschner of Ludwigsruh, Landsberg a. Warthe

My grandfather Hans Frederick Wilhelm Elschner (1900 - 1946)Practictioner , specializing in Ear, Nose and Throat.
He enjoyed small game hunting, locally as well as having a facination of air travel.
He attended any and all automobile races through out Europe.
Although forced to join the Nazi party as a medical officer, Hanns never supported the policies.
He practiced primarily in Ludwigsruh (now Gorzow Poland area) until WWI. I have a copy of his diploma and a photo of his headstone and documentation of birth in the Ahnenpass of my mother's. I would like to uncover some information on his military involvement (Nazi Medical Corps) and/or something about the fate of the family home. On a visit a few years ago, some locals told my aunt there had been a fire and it had burned down. Also said that during the war (after my mom's family left) the Nazi's used there home as a headquarters and hung some people from their balcony. This really bothers my mom and I would like to prove, or disprove the story.
Any help would be appreciated.

2 comment(s), latest 16 years, 11 months ago