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Looking for my mother's gggrandparents and back.
Clara Hedwig Wihelmine HENGESBACH 1846 - ? married Emil Theodore ELSCHNER 1869 in Dommitzsch, Germany.
her father was Johann HENGESBACH 1797 - 1896 Siedlinghausen, Germany, son of Henrich HENGESBACH 1780-1862 and Regina RITTER (or RIDDER or RIFFER)1779 - 1857 son of Casper HENGESBACH 1745 - ? and Gertrude RICKERS abt 1750.

all from Germany in Siedlinghausen.
Any help greatly appreciated.

1 comment(s), latest 17 years, 11 months ago

TURNERS in Caifornia and Oklahoma

Looking for the ancestors of my sister's husband, Mark Ray Turner (19 60, CA), son of Albert Ray TURNER and Freida Lou OWNBY. Freida traces her line back to the mayflower, bunt not much on Albert as yet.

Any Help would be appreciated.


Researching my Husband's family (maternal line).
His mother, Marie FAMOLARE 1935 is the daughter of Anthony Joseph FAMALORE (1905 - 1978)and Mary TRICHITTA(1908 - 1996).Anthony is the son of Joseph FAMALORE Jr. (1873-1950) and Josephine SILVA (1873-1970). Joseph FAMALORE Sr. was born in Sicily, but so far no other info.
Any help is greatly appreciated.


2 comment(s), latest 17 years, 8 months ago

Share your Records

I have been very lucky with my genealogy research because I have 'inherited' many boxes full of photos and documents. The problem is preservation. With literally thousands of documents, photos, old newspapers,family letters, and notes, it soon became impractacle for me to adequately store and preserve the wealth of papers.

But, I found a solution that not only preservs all these papers and photos, but allows others access to them as well.

I have begun scanning everything to my computer. Each box of papers is organized and scanned then stored on CDs. When I have a file box full of papers that have been scanned, I take it to my local library or Family History center (by prior agreement). These facilities are able to preserve precious papers so that the can be made available to researchers many years from now. My local genealogical center was thrilled to be offered such papers and call every few weeks to know if any more are ready.

The agreement is that they are donated as a permanent loan and that any researcher or family member is to be allowed access in perpetuity.
My records are safe from disaster and time.

The added bonus is that I don't have to have room to store (4) file cabinets full of genealogy info or worry about it getting tossed if something happens to me.

Hope this helps someone.

9 comment(s), latest 14 years, 10 months ago

Recording Resource Information

Allycat mentioned the importance of recording source information, in one of her journal articles. This is vital for the serious genealogy researcher.
One of the systems I have found useful is a database of index cards.
I sort by type of record. On each card I list where the record is located in my files (I give each record a number), any identifying numbers or stamps on the document, WHO the document refers to and the number of that person in the database, and notes which include cause of death (if given) parents,places, or anything else such as internet location (if it is a scan of a document, etc.)

I also have a file box of large index cards on which I list names under locations, and by year. This is great help when you begin to traverse through centuries and across countries.
I also scan all documents to my computer and once a month I make a backup CD with all images. (Never know what might happen. I had a flood once and lost several albums and file folders of info. Thank the Lord I had scanned copies).

Hope this helps someone.

Ancestry lookup at Ancestry.com

It just occured to me that many may not have (paid) access to Ancestry's databases.

I am current subscribed and would be happy to do some lookups if it will help anyone. Just drop me a line with as much info as you have, and I will search Ancestry.com and let you know if I uncover anything.


4 comment(s), latest 14 years, 7 months ago


ELTZSCHNER is an alternate spelling for the surname ELSCHNER. In the Elschner family history book I have both spellings are used. It appears as if there were two branches of the family (one 'ELSCHNER' woman married an ELTZSCHNER man - possible cousins).

A story circulating in the family is that two ELSCHNER/ELTZSCHNER brothers had a falling out and split the family into two branches which never seemed to reconnect. Possibly brothers named Max and Morris, although these do not seem to be family names and I cannot find a reference to them.

There are also several other spelling options,but the only one I have reference to in the family history book is OELSCHNER.

The Elschner family has (in its possession) a Coat of Arms, but no references can be found that tell us what it was awarded for or when or any history of it. (Image with my profile).
There is a family 'story' about the Coat of Arms, but I have yet to be able to substantiate it.

Anyone with anything that may help, please contact me.
Thank you

2 comment(s), latest 17 years, 11 months ago

CAGLE family research

Looking for the ancestors of my husband, James Donald Cagle, Jr.
I have back to William Riley CAGLE born 15 Feb 1885 -29 Dec 1954 n San Diego, CA. William married June B. EVANS born 17 Nov 1885 - Oct. 1975 also in San Diego. Also looking for June's parents (EVANS)
Father of William is probably named Abraham, but that is all I can find.

Any help is appreciated.
Thank you

BURDICK family

Looking for ancestors of Thomas BURDICK 1656 - 1732 Newport Rhode Island.
Parents are Robert and Ruth HUBBARD married about 1655 in Newport.
Robert was apparently born in England.
There is a BURDICK genealogy printed but I cannot find a copy. I have a record of the arrival from England in 1651, but no place.
Anything may help.
Robert and Ruth had the following children (Thomas is my line)
Thomas BURDICK married Martha ? in about 1690 at Westerly Rhode Island


2 comment(s), latest 11 years, 7 months ago

German Records in Local Churches

When searching for German Ancestors it is important to remember the history of the German contry and people. (Refer to my journal :Finding Records of German Ancestors).

We are lucky that the Churches of Germany kept records. Keep in mind that it was common practice in the 1700's to use only the second baptismal name in official records later in life. The first name was that of a parent or grandparent and was given as a compliment, but never used officially so Johannes Georg Weber would appear only as Georg Weber.

Before delving into a particular church's records, it is important to understand the organization and archival policies of the various churches.

The Evangelical Church (Evengelische Kirche in Deutschland)
This is a union of independent territorial Lutheran, Reformed, and United churches and the various secitons are not officially unified, but are in close cooperation. There are eight United Evangelical Churches: five more are members of the World Federation of Lutheran Churches: others belong to the Evangelical Lutheran Church; and others to the Federation of Reformed Churches, the two branches of the Moravian Church, and other independent sects. To get addresses (they change all the time) check the Evangelical Lutheran Church web site at www.velkd.de.

German Lutheran Churches in Memel. Although the registers for the area churches disappeared after 1945, it is probable that the records are now in the State Parish Register Archives of Lithuania. The parishes concerned are: Coadjuthen, Dawillan, Crottingen, Heydekrug, Kairinn, Karkelbeck, Kinten, Laugszargen, Mattkischken, Nidden, Paleiten, Pasziesen,Piktopen, Plaschken, Plicken, Prokuls, ramutten, Rucken, Russ, Saugen, Schwarzort, Szugen, Wannagen, Wieszen and Wischwil.

Evangelical Churches in East Prussia (Ostpreussen)
Prior to the invasion of the Red Army the parish registers were moved to West Berlin. This move included the Kirchenbuecher (church books) from about 500 parishes.The are located in the Central Archivves of the Evangelical Church. Due to the war it is not surprising that there are some missing records and gaps in others but if you had ancestors that were Evangelical and from east Prussia, you may want to contact the Central Archives. There are over 6,800 books involves, so be as specific as possible with your request. You may also want to ask about the possibility of Kirchenbuechduplikate, duplicates of records sent each year to the nearest headquarters of a particular church.

The Catholic Church
Organized under each archbishop in ecclesiastical provinces and local parishes the Catholic Church in germany has twenty-seven (27) archives. These have parish registers, confirmation and communion records. In many cases there are also family books which were first admitted in about 1614 and include full details of each family in the parish with names of servants and occupation of the head of the house. These were in Latin and German and are more complete in some areas than others. The division of Germany after WWII, and the reunification in 1990 did not affect the boundaries of the various dioceses.

Look to the nearest large city near your relative for the records of that area. Use any good map to figure this out after you cross reference to discover any name changes.

It is impossible to address all options here, but I hope this will help some of you resume your search for your German ancestors. Please remember that you will need to include a return/postage paid envelope with any request and that due to the large number of remaining records, PLEASE be as detailed and specific as possible.

I hope this helps.
Good Luck