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Navigating State web sites

Is there a way to navigate state records and find out if they are the ones you want before you pay for them? I don't have a problem paying, its just that I want to make sure of what I am paying for. . . .

Searching for the Munters that lived in Monroe/Genoa Nebraska

After traveling to Nebraska a few years ago and finding my great grandfather's grave in Monroe, Ne I have been researching the rest of the family. His name was John Munter and he is buried in the Friends Quaker Cemetery in Monroe, NE. The daughter is also buried at Friends. Her name was Anna K (Munter) Van Allen.
The only marker or stone was that of my great grandfather's. At the time, when I was at the cemetery I had no idea that any others were buried there as there were no head stones.

Right now I have two "dead ends".
#1 My great grandmother lived her last years in Genoa and died there in 1927. At this point I have not been able to find where she is buried. Her name is Lena ( Wickbolm ) Munter and she had a sister, Johanna Westin who lived in Genoa also.
#2 My great Uncle John Henry Munter( old John & Lena's son), committed suicide in July 1910 and is buried in close vicinity to my great grandfather. He was divorced and I am researching w/o luck the divorce. He was married to Tillie Hart and she has a son Jacob Hart that is buried in Friends as well.
#3 And of course I am hoping someday to find someone who might have pictures of this family.

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 8 months ago