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Starr, Murphy, Hoover Families of Pennsylvania and Ohio

Starting with Jacob Starr dob 1841-dod 1903. He was born in Pennsylvania married Margaret Amelia Murphy dob 1841-1915. Also of Pennsylvania. This family moved to Jefferson County, Ohio and that is where their children also were raised and died. My direct ancestor was Margaret Ann Starr dob 1865-1936 she married Samuel
Hoover dob 1850 Penn and he died 1930 in Jefferson, Ohio. Samuel and Margaret Hoover's daughter was Katherine Elizabeth Hoover dob 1887 who is my husband's Grandmother. She died in 1920 leaving five children which Margaret and Samuel helped raise along with their son-in law James Leander Burdess. Could use a little help with the Hoovers, Murphy, and Starr families.

Carter's/ Walkers of Virginia and North Carolina. .

I am still looking for verification of my Thomas Benjamin Carter dob 1828 born in Virginia or North Carolina. I show both places in my research. Thomas Benjamin Carter married Martha Walker dob 1825-1830 in 1846 Caswell, North Carolina, she was born in Georgia. The brick here lies in the names of both of their parents. There are so many Walkers in That area and it is hard to find her Father and Mother. Same with Carters but they seem to be from Henry county, Virginia. Thomas and Martha had four children l. Sarah 1847, William David, Robert Pinkney 1853 and Mary Elizabeth 1858. I have been able to locate all of them with the exception of Sarah. Martha died in 1860 and Thomas Benjamin joined up in the Civil War in 1861. Leaving his young children behind. He enlisted under Thomas Benjamin but the record of his death in 1863 show Benjamin Thomas Carter. He died of blood poisoning from his wounds in a prison camp. I do not know what happened to the young girls. The boys were found living with a Henry Loftis in 1870 as farm hands. The Loftis and Pascals seem to be connected to the Carter family because in a letter they are mentioned of by Mary Elizabeth Carter Murphy she married James Murphy and lived in Reidsville, North Carolina all here married life. Any help locating their ancestors would really help me so much.

2 comment(s), latest 10 years, 9 months ago