Clawsmum on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Journals and Posts

Kathleen Mary Bullymore

I am looking for the family of Kathleen Mary Bullymore who married James Hunter Walker in 1931
in Hamilton, NZ. She had 2 sisters Gladys Winifred and Frances Margaret.
She had 4 children probably born 1931-1940 in Hamilton.
Joan, Jean, Colin and Gail.

William Ropata Hurn

William married Bertha Young in Wellington 1901. I can find no trace of what happened to him.
Either his birth or death.
Bertha remarried again in 1916 to Thomas Arthur Ashworth. She died in 1928 in Wellington.
I would like to know if he passed away or went onto remarry.
Does anyone have any info on him please.

Annie Bullymore

Could anyone give me any info on Annie Bullymore. I believe that she fostered my Aunt Jean Budd when she lived in the Rongotea area
and also in Palmerston North. Around 1910 onwards. She may also have had another child Catherine May Budd born 1912 with her.
Would like to find what happened to these 2 babies.

2 comment(s), latest 7 years, 9 months ago

Compton Longburn Palmerston North NZ

Looking for a man called possibly John Compton who worked at the Longburn Freezing Works 1913-1920.
Lived with my grandmother Eva Budd/Verchild and had 2 children. A son and daughter
born 1914 and 1915. Would appreciate any information. Does anyone know where to find details of
the Freezing Works employment records?

Looking for Jean Budd born 1909 at Ohutu NZ, parents William Hopewell Budd/Eva Bentley Verchild/Budd. May have been adopted out or fostered.

Jean may have been adopted/fostered or put in a childrens home in the Marton area.
Parents split up with Eva in Marton, William in Auckland 1911.

9 comment(s), latest 7 years, 10 months ago