dianaphxaz on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

dianaphxaz on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

looking 4 jose g ortiz contreras

Looking 4 Jose g Ortiz Contreras 4 my baby girl tht is 4 years old now Jose left 2 California after Ii told him j was pregnant I guess he didn't belive me i like 2 hear frm Jose so my daughter can meet her dad n have her dad in her life please message me if u knw r u r him Jose g Ortiz Contreras. Thank u

jesse Rodriquez n daughter diana Rodriguez is looking 4 his birth mother n grandmother nellie Rodriquez

Please message me if you knw Nellie Rodriquez my dad is looking 4 his mother n am looking 4 my grandmother

looking for grandmother and uncle nellie Rodriquez of Arizona and pete enriquez jr of Arizona

Dad name is Jesse Rodriquez we looking for my grandmother and uncle

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 6 months ago