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richardson of northumberland

My Grandfather George William Richardson was born in 1892 at 66 Byker street Newcastle upon Tyne,THere were a number of children in the family,but his parents died fairly young and the family was split up.from my Grandfathers birth certificate his parents were John Richardson and Mary Jane Ridley.Because the family was split it is know a bit difficult to find out much about any of them.

1 comment(s), latest 17 years, 1 month ago

martin in walsall

I do not know if anyone can help me but I am trying to find my gr grandfathers birth information.I am presuming his parents were british,but he was born in Spain.His name was Frederick Charles William Martin he was born in about 1860-62.

martin in walsall

I do not know if anyone can help me but I am trying to find my gr grandfathers birth information.I am presuming his parents were british,but he was born in Spain.His name was Frederick Charles William Martin he was born in about 1860-62.

Hirons of northamptonshire

I am looking for a Thomas Hirons of Brampton who married Martha buswell of harlestone in 1809.That is all I know of them except the are the parents Isabella who married David holdaway.

looking for Holdaway of hampshire

I am looking for a David Holdaway of (Vernhams Dean.orVain Den orBraham Dean)I have found all these place names associated with him, plus his birth ranges between 1815 and 1822 depends on which record I see.He did not stay there,but went to Northamptonshire where he married Isabella Dunckley in about the mid 1800's.

1 comment(s), latest 17 years, 1 month ago