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Fosberry, Fosbury world wide

The Fosberry name is spelt in many ways and is world wide it first came about from the normans in 1066 it started of as far as i can tell as Rainus or Rainous then as time went by it got changed and the first spelling of Fosbury was devised from a village in Wiltshire call Fosbury it is told it was made up of a fort on the hill.

Looking for Fosberry/Fosbury from 1774

George Fosberry/Fosbury born 1774 Basingstoke Hampshire united Kingdom any relations , brother/sister/uncles /aunts or any children.
Or any contact with Fosberry/Fosbury or other spelling of this name.Have a large family tree might help others looking for information in this field.

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 8 months ago