Margy1935 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

Margy1935 on Family Tree Circles

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looking for HOPE

Looking for information on the family of ENID EVA GRACE HOPE she was my mother in law but died before I was married.Her husband was FRANKLY JOHN GARFIELD WARREN ENID was divorced july 4th 1918 and remarried Dec 14th 1918.Apparently there was a child by the first marriage.I know that it was a girl .But have no further information

6 comment(s), latest 12 years, 8 months ago

What does ED Institution or Vessell mean?

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 11 months ago

looking for UTTERIDGE

Looking for the Father of ROBERT UTTERIDGE Married to MARY .ROBERT was born in1827 and died in 1899 in Peterborough UK he had three. children ROBERT MARY and EMMA MARY was my grandmother.

6 comment(s), latest 12 years, 11 months ago

looking for Banham of UK

The father of HUGH ISAAC BANHAM was ISACK BANHAM wife MARY BANHAM ISACK was born 1n 1842 and died in 1877 I believe his father was ABRAHAM BANHAM born 1n 1818 and died in 1894..there is a feeling within the family that there is Jewish Conections.ISACK was born in cARMARTHEN WALES and at that time there was a large settlement of Jewish people .It would be really good to find some evidence

Lookin for BANHAM of UK

HUGH ISAAC BANHAM BORN 1871.Married at Aston Birmingham UK 1897.married to MARY UTTERIDGE He was my Grandfather who I have limited knowledge of

4 comment(s), latest 12 years, 11 months ago