mcgregor on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

mcgregor on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

Looking for Jasmine David

Looking for any information on Jasmine David she could be living in Australia or New Zealand her parents were Daniel David who died in the 90,s and Georgina. Jasmine would be in her late 20 we think any info would be very muchly appricated.

Masch 1852-1855

Looking for information on
Thalea (there could be a few different spelling including Salla MA Masch born 1852
Jacobus SG Masch born 1853
Gerarda JB Masch born 1855 All born in Holland I believe

Schools from the 1900s

How do I find out about schools that are no longer standing in the south otago area of New Zealand. I am assuming that their would of been records kept and they would have to be somewhere.
Any help would be great

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 11 months ago

Ship "Simoon"

Does anybody have any information on this ship or no how I can get some.

3 comment(s), latest 12 years, 11 months ago

What does NR mean

I have found the letters NR which I know stands for not recorded on the Birth registry where there is suppose to be a name. What does that mean. Were they born and died very soon afterwards or were they registed and they werent named. If they lived how do I trace them all I have is years 1897, 1898, and 1899 as well as their parents names.

6 comment(s), latest 12 years, 11 months ago

James Glover born 28-6-1860 Melbourne

Looking for family members of James Glover he had 7 children
Edward John born 17-4-1896 died 18-1-1960
Margaret Louisa born 18-4-1897 died 22-9-1950
Edith Maud born 24-8-1898 died 9-12-1980
Robert James born 6-1-1900 died 19-4-1967
Charles Henry born 6-5-1901 died 7-6-1986
Ivy Florence born 14-1-1906 died -10-1906
William Ernest born 7-4-1908 died 19-12-1981

Change of names

Im wondering if anybody nows how a change of name would be doucumented for a mother giving her brother a child that he raises under his name, back in 1880ish. Would there have to be anything lawfully done or could they just changed names.
The child was born in England but raised in New Zealand.

francis fowkes on the first fleet

Hi im looking for any information on Francis family to see if there is a conection to us, any information would be great.

1 comment(s), latest 13 years ago

swindells from Dane Bridge Leek

Looking for any information of the Swindells family
Archibald born 1891 his father was George born about 1860 and mother Annie Hooley born about 1872.

1 comment(s), latest 12 years ago

Fawkes spelt many different ways

Looking for information of John Forks and Sarah Quinn arrived in Australia before 1878 when they were married. John is from England Sarah Ireland finding it very hard to follow with the different spellings of the Surname changing.

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 1 month ago