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You answer one of my request when I was researching Charles Edward Jefferson McClure and his father Edward Jefferson Tate McClure located in Pendleton District of South Carolina. I appreciate the "cuts & Paste" you sent. However, I am led to believe that Edward does not belong with that family as he does not seem to fit.
I have found in South Carolina an Edward McClure who married Daughter Tate and had a son Edward Tate McClure who could possible be either Edward's father or uncle. Does anyone have anything on this?

Jane Hall

I am looking for a Tate ancestor listed only as

Sorry, got cut off. but]]]The question is : How can I find out about the Tate lady listed as "Miss Tate" or "Daughter Tate" and married Edward McClure.; They were in Pendleton District of SC in late 1700's . My great great grandfather was Edward Jefferson Tate McClure (1802 to 1868) and I am pretty sure he is their grandson. But I need proof. HELP