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John J. Mason

I am looking for information, regarding a Mr. John Jay Mason of Indiana. John, was the son of, Asa and Martha J. Deter- Mason. He and his siblings, were all born in Indiana. The children of both Asa and Martha are as follows.

John Jay Mason, George W. Mason, Janetta L. "Nettie" Mason- Wilder, Lorinda Labell "Lori" Mason, Julia Mason- Fleener, and Infant Son Mason. Most of this Mason family, are buried in Blackfoot Cemetrey, in Pike County, Indiana.

Should anyone have any further information, I would appreciate it. Thank you in advance. Beth

~New Information~

In a Census Report, I did find a John J. Mason of, Pike County, Indiana. His date of birth, was in August of 1873. John, married an Eliza Isabell Fleener in about 1898. Her first name, was probably Elizabeth. I assume that, she was born, in Pike County, Indiana.

Furthermore, a son was lited. His name, was Hersel D. Mason. His date of birth, was in about 1898. His place of birth, was also in Indiana. Any further informatin to assist me, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,

Lorinda L. Mason

I am looking for information, regarding a Lorinda Labell "Lori" Mason. Lorinda, was the daughter of Asa and Martha J. Deter- Mason. Both of whih, once resided in Pike County, Indiana. Lorinda, and her siblings, were born there as well.

Asa and Marth's children, were as follows. John J. Mason, George W. Mason, Janette L. "Nettie" Mason- Wilder, Lorinda Labell "Lori" Mason, Julia Mason- Fleener, and Infant Son Mason. Lorinda, was born in about 1876.

She supposedly married a man, named John W. Green, on June 6, 1896. Their marriage took place in Pike County, Indiana. However, I have been unable, to find any facts, to suppost this. If anyone should have any further information, I would appreciate the help. Thank you, Beth

Mary Hood

I am looking for any further information, regarding a Miss Mary Hood of Indiana. Mary, was the daughter of Milton and Minerva "Minnie" Shafer/Shaver Hood. Mary, was born in Indiana, in about 1851. She was also the sister of, America Charlotte Hood- Day- Mason.

She was also the sister-in-law, to Truman G. Day. Truman, was the husband of America. I did find that, America and her two children, are all buried in Maple Grove Cemetery. This cemetery, is located in Booneville, Indiana.

Furthermore, her Grandfather and Brother-In-Law, who were mentioned above, are both buried at Old Booneville Cemetery, in Booneville, Indiana. I can not find, the location of, her Grandmother Minerva "Minnie" Hood's place of rest. I assume that, it is in either of these cemeteries.

I have been unable to find, any further information regarding Mary. I have no marriage, death, or burial information for her. If you can help, please feel free to contact me. Thank you, Beth

John W. Green

I am looking for information, regarding a Mr. John W. Green. I know very little about Mr. Green. I do know that, he married Lorinda Labell "Lori" Mason of Indiana. Lorinda, was born in about 1876. I assume that, she too, was born in Pike County, Indiana. Much like, so many of my other relatives, with this same last name.

I can also tell you that, she supposedly married Mr. Green on June 6, 1896, in Pike County, Indiana. Lorinda, was also the daughter of Asa Mason of Indiana. Any further information, regarding both John and Lorinda, would be appreciated. Thank you, Beth

Lafayette G. Grimes.

I am looking for, information, regarding a Mr. Layafette G. Grimes. I assume that, he was born in Indiana. However, I can not be sure. Although, according to Census Reports, he did reside there. He was born in about 1853.

Mr. Grimes, was married to Mary B. Wilder of Indiana. Lafayette and Mary, were married on August 30, 1870, in Pike County, Indiana. Mary's date of birth, was August 15, 1857. She was the daughter of, Henderson and Mary Ann Wilder, both of Indiana.

Again, I would appreciate any inforamtion, that anyone might have. Whereas, I am unable to finish, the part of the Family Tree. My main objective is, to find their childrens names, and their burial sites. Thank you in advance. Beth

Milton Hood

I am looking for information, regarding a Milton Hood. Milton, was born in New York, in about 1822. Milton, married Minerva Shafer/Shaver, on November 12, 1849. I do know that, Minerva was born in Kentucky in about 1825.

According to the 1880 Census Report, there were two daughters listed. America Hood, was born in Indiana, in about 1845. Her sister Mary Hood, was also born in Indiana, in about 1851.

America, was listed as being widowed, at the time of this report. I know that, America Hood married Truman Day, in 1864. America, married for a second time. She married an Asa Mason of Indiana. Together, they had one child. His name was George Mason

Also listed on this 1880 Census Report, was one niece and two nephews. All of which, had the last name of Day. However, from what I have concluded that, atleast the first two, are America's children, from her first marriage.

There names were; Della, Charles, and James Day. I did find that, Ora Dell Day, was her daughter's full name. Any further information, would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

George Mason

I am looking for information regarding a George Mason. He is the son of, my Great Grand Parents. His mother's name is America Day Hood- Mason. She was the second wife of Asa Mason. All of which once resided in Pike County Indiana.

Furthermore, most are buried at Blackfoot Cemetery. This would include George and his wife Stella Mason. However, his mother America is not buried there. I have have no luck in finding her burial site.

Any further information would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Paul Wickware

I am looking for, the family history of a Paul Wickware. I have very little information, regarding the late Mr. Wickware. However, I will enclose what I have. I do know that, he once resided in Oklahoma. I do not know where he was born. Nor, do I know where he passed.

I don know that, he married a Mary Rodriguez. Mary, was born in 1941. Mary also had a sister named Beatrice Rodriguez. Beatrice, was 14 years younger then Mary. Thus, putting Beatrice's year of birth, in about 1955.

I also know that, Paul died when his daughter was very young. Thus, putting the year of death in about 1984. Any further information, regarding this family, would be appreciated. Thank You,

1 comment(s), latest 15 years, 4 months ago

Grace Kavanaugh- Stetson

I am looking for information, regarding a Grace Kavanaugh- Stetson. Grace, was born on June 28, 1884 and died in December of 1972. Grace married, Charles P. or S. Stetson. Charles, was born in about 1876 and died in about 1838. Their son's name was Raymond K. Stetson. Any further information, would be appreciated.

Charles P. S. Stetson

I am looking for information, regarding a Charles P. S. Stetson. His date of birth is in about 1876, and he died in about 1938. Charles, married Grance Kavanagh. Grace, was born on June 28, 1884 and died in December of 1972. Their son's name, was Raymond K. Stetson. Any further infmation, would be appreciated.