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reno on Family Tree Circles

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looking for info william revell of tasmania australia

I think he was born about 1783 where I dont know but resided in tassie aust.

3 comment(s), latest 16 years, 2 months ago

looking for info william revell of tasmania australia

I think he was born about 1783 where I dont know but resided in tassie aust.

looking for info william revell of tasmania australia

I think he was born about 1783 where I dont know but resided in tassie aust.

2 comment(s), latest 17 years ago

looking for revell of tasmania australia

I am new this on computer,Idid have some info but have lot it all I can remember is the tassie william revell on my dads side. Now my daughter would like to know where she came from.Can anybody help with info.