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Information on Marcus Clarke - Andrew Hislop k/a Marcus Clarke

Could anyone tell me the wife and childrens name of Marcus Andrew Hislop Clarke, born April 1846 in Kensington London.Died in 1881 in Melbourne, Australia.
Dates of births would be appreciated also.

Thank you all and I look forward to your reply.

Looking for Clarke of Victoria ,Australia 1875-1885

I am looking for my grandfather, William George Clarke as known to me,he may have had another 1st,2nd,3rd name insertd, such as an Albert,or Samuel etc, but WILLIAM GEORGE is what is on his death certificate and marriage certificate. His father was also listed as William. On his marriage certificate it has "mother unknown".It states that his father William's occupation as Coach Duties"

William was born 15th July 1885 according to his wifes's family bible.
He was supposed to be born in Melbourne (Little Collins Street) or (Little Bourke Street) or suburb of Melbourne. The story differs but an elder member of the family says he lived in a two storey terrace house opposite the Old Stone Baptist Church in Little Bourke Street, Melbourne. He ran away from his home aged 13-14 and never returned to his family.

We are led to believe he had siblings, as times back then this would be so.Through family information concensus he had a sister named Rose and a brother named Thomas and also a Walter, these could have been their 2nd,or 3rd names,not sure of this.

He was left an inheritance around the time of the War ended up to early 1950's but never contacted his family for the inheritance.He died in Lismore, New South Wales in August 1953.

He married Florence Caroline May Penney in March 1910 in Milton, New South Wales.

I would welcome any help in finding this history.

1 comment(s), latest 15 years, 6 months ago