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Looking for Williams and Dozier of Walker Co. Alabama

I found some info on my Williams line back to a Nathan Williams walker county Al. Born 7/25/1882 Dd.4/29/1955 Walker co. and spouse Maude Dozier Bn.1891 in Al also Dd.11/19/1931 Nauvoo, Walker Co. also found Nathans Dad Tom Williams Bn. 1856 and Maude's Parents father Will Dozier Bn. abt. 1865 In Al.and mother Jane Beasley Bn. abt. 1869 in Al.I really want to find the Williams as far back as I can.

I got a paternal williams 1930 walker co alabama

I found my husband's Grandparents Nath Williams & Maudie and his dads' siblings all eight names it was in the 1930 walker county census list now I want to find more gens way back as far as I can get.

Vester & Dellar Williams family from Nauvoo Alabama

I am looking for my husbands family his grand parents on his dads side and back as far as I can get info to..
Jerry Williams dad is Vester Williams I need to find Vesters parents.
I was told by Jerry's oldest brother Hermon his Parents name were Nathan Williams and
Mona or Leona ? unknown maiden name to Nathan's wife.Any help on this will be good

Vester Lee Williams

Born 8/7/1915 Dd.1985 looking for parents and any relatives
that might be out there.He was born in Nauvoo,Alabama,He did have 2 Brothers in Alabama and Arkansas somewhere.Edford Williams was one of them.Any help would be good.

Vester &Dellar Williams family from Nauvoo Alabama

Looking for Vester's mom and dad I was told their name was Leona & Nathan possible native Indian in or around Walker Co. Alabama not sure where they was born. Any help will be nice.

John Kanalos ancesters from Michigan era 1960

I am the daughter of John Kanalos and Elizabeth Stultz. I was born in Wynedott, Michigan on Oct.4th 1960 my name is Terri A. Kanalos Williams.
My mom told me my Father was like 72 yrs.old in 1960
And whom I never knew was from Hungary.
And that he had family and or children in Michigan. I haven't met any of them that I remember.
He was have supposed to have died when I was 14 months old so it would have been around 1962 I think, not sure.I have looked for some kind of proof of him.I do remember seeing my birth certificate once then it got lost this is the only proof that he even existed. My mom did tell me there was a couple of half brothers in Mi.Gary or something like that.
I have been working on my husband's side for his ancestors. And I thought I would look for my side also. But I never realized how much work and searching it takes to weed through all the information out there.Boy am I tired. So if anyone might give any help on my journey
I sure would like any good help or direction.
New entry I got my birth cert. it shows my farther as John Kanalos age 72 at my birth he was born Czechoslovak

Any kin to Elizabeth Stultz of Vigo county Indiana

I'm looking for old and new ancestors or kin to my mother. My G mom's name was Millie,mom had several siblings I can't name all but if you know one of these last names you may know them also,

all my family in West Terre Haute,Indiana names include>Good, Stultz,Newman,Pritchard,Bell,Stevens,Sons,Moorecraft, and a few others i can't think of. right now.I am probably one of the only ones trying to make a tree right now. I have run into a brick wall.

I can't seem to find much at all on my Grandfather or Grandmother. It would really help if I could find at least one person with a little info on any of them.

5 comment(s), latest 11 years, 8 months ago