wifeofajerrell on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

wifeofajerrell on Family Tree Circles

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It was just a crazy thought. My sister gave a baby up for adoption about 30 years ago and he has this last name.

God Bless

Terry of Oklahoma

I'm not exactly sure were they came from before they moved to Oklahoma. We think fallen,Tx.

Jasper D Terry was Married to Mary F. He was born around 1880 and had John Howard Terry (jack is what he went by)

God Bless

Harris of Carter Creek,MIssouri

Henry Clay was my great grandfather and he helped raise my father and uncle after John Earl Bone (my dad's father). I hear there are still a lot of Harris's in Carter Creek,Missouri. I can't seem to get past Henry Clay though.

God BLess

Looking for Hockreiter of Nebraska

This was Grandma's last name her fathers name was Otto and her mothers name was Katherine Mcgregor Michie

Opps guess that would be another surname heheh

God Bless

Jerrell of Tennesse

Ok it seems like I'm the only one searching for Jerrells. We found a cousin searching,but that is about it. She is stuck in the same spot we are. what I have is James Alexander Jerrell married to Evelina Newman. Charles Edward Jerrell married to Jimmie Caroline Milstead. William Gayle Jerrell who passed away in 1981. We know he had a son before he married my husbands mother. We would so enjoy finding him, but it doesn't seem it will ever happen. Fawnette (spelling is probably off because I don't spell well) is his mothers name.

God Bless

2 comment(s), latest 16 years, 7 months ago