Tani67 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

Tani67 on Family Tree Circles

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King/Radcliffe/Cobcroft - hello everyone!

I have been researching my family tree since 2013 when my mum was going through health problems. She had very little knowledge of her family origins (Cobcroft/Northend - Sharpe/Tapley/Geddis)having been raised in an orphanage. Wow, did I discover some interesting stuff!! Turns out she is a direct descendent from the famous Cobcrofts of Wilberforce, NSW Australia - first convict settlers.

Once I discovered mums family tree, I started researching my fathers lineage (de Radclyffe/Bray/Bailey/Morgan), then my daughters paternal lineage (Falls/Pevitt) and now I am gathering info on my grandbabies lineage (Theisinger).

My main brick wall has been with Harry King b1873 in Hull, England. I suspect his sister may have been his real mother or his mother Alice 'adopted' the baby as at 45years old, she was working as a charwoman at the Hull Workhouse. His appearance is more Pakistan/Indian than English which has been passed through many of his children so I again suspect perhaps an unwanted/abandoned child? Either way he is an inspiration to me and I would love to find out more! He went on to achieve some incredible things and a huge family line.

I have a lot of information on the above lineages and welcome any help or correspondence on the above Surnames.

Warm regards, Tani
30 Dec 2019