dreamcatcher32 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

dreamcatcher32 on Family Tree Circles

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I am looking for any info on the Bickfords. I have alot but I still need more info.

Lydia Stanton

I am looking for information about Lydia Stanton......she was married to one of my great grandfathers....Benjamin Joseph Bickford....they were married About 1761.......she was born January 1739/40 in Dover, New Hampshire (usa)

My grandmother......

My great-grandmother is Ruth Thompson Bickford .She was born Dec. 21 1900, in North Hampton, New Hampshire(usa) and died Feb 18, 1991 in Augusta, Maine. I am looking for any info on her parents and so forth.

2 comment(s), latest 17 years, 6 months ago

Looking for my ansetors of sitting bull

I was told that sitting bull is one of my ancestors. I dont know how to even start researching.

1 comment(s), latest 17 years, 11 months ago

Looking for my half-brother

I am looking for my half-brother. He may not even know I exsist. My fathers name is James Wallace Severance Sr. I dont have much info on my half-brother......All I know is that he would've been born in 1969..and that my father met his mother in Boston, Mass. (USA) in 1968.....and that his mother came from a rich family in either Scotland or Ireland.

Searching for Taylors in Maine

My grandfathers name was Fred Fostell Taylor Sr., He was married to Muriel Annis. He was born in 1918 and died in 1991. His mothers name was Jenny Black. I am looking for any information. Im at at a road block so early in my reasearch.