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Looking for James W. Alexander of Missouri and Kansas

I am looking for more information on James William ALEANDER who was born in Warrensberg, MO on Jan. 22, 1878 and died in Concordia, KS on Dec. 26, 1919. He was marrie to Louise I. CAMPBELL. There were 7 living children. James was killed in a railroad accident. When he was two his parents, Samuel ALEXANDER and Nancy DANIELS lived with his maternal grandfather Richard DANIELS in Benton, MO. If you have anything on this family I would be glad to hear from you.

Russells of Kansas and Ohio

Looking for family of Andrew M. Russell born in Ohio. Moved to Kansas and taught school in Topeka, Valley Falls, KS. He also was a jeweler. His Daughter, my grandmother, Emma Jane Russell was the first woman Jeweler in Kansas. Her cabinet and some tools are in the Valley Falls, KS musuem. Andrew was known as A.M. Russell and served in the Civil War as a Spy for the Union Army.

Eaken from Pennsylvania

Jonas W. Bucks m. Christina Myers
Eleanor Books m. William Eaken
Jonas W. Eaken m. Martha E. McClelland
Grace E. Eaken m. W. Russell Cooling
Judith Cooling (me)

2 comment(s), latest 12 years, 5 months ago

Cooling's of England and Kansas

There is a listing of this family on Family Tree Maker's world Tree Vol. 2. I am a descendent of John William Cooling of Valley Falls, Jefferson County, Kansas.