lindarandolphkane on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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information on Hazel HOLLOWAY , murdered by husband Mr. KOKINES.

I am looking for any information on Hazel Holloway born 1903 in Missouri. She married a man with the last name KOKINES. He murdered her and her Mother,former Lou Woods of Missouri and then killed himself. Anything you have on any of this would be appreciated.

Looking for Johnathan HOLLOWAY who was a Sheriff in McPherson, KS.

I am looking for Johnathan HOLLOWAY. Who were is parents and children? He was a sheriff in Mcpherson, KS for 33 years. I have a Johnathan Holloway born 1844 in Missouri. I am not sure if this if it is the same one that was a Sheriff in McPherson. Maybe his father?

Looking for Sally Ashworth and Charles Morgan Family of Missouri

My Great Great Grandmother was Lou Edna MORGAN and she married George HOLLOWAY in Missouri. I am doing ok on the Holloway's but I am at a standstill on the Ashworth and Morgan side of the Family. Sally ASHWORTH was Lou Edna MORGAN'S mother and Charles MORGAN was her father. I found this from Lou Edna's death certificate. If any one
has any information on these families I would appreciate it.

looking for Holloways from Missouri

Looking for decendents of George & Edna Lou Holloway, Missouri. My Grandmother was their daughter M. Imogene Holloway. She had a brother named ASA that I can't find anything about. It shows him in the 1910 census but not in the 1920 census. No one left seems to know anything about him. Any information you have on this line would be appreciated.

1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 9 months ago