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Who DID Bessie Solomons of Wellington, New Zealand REALLY marry in 1906??

Bessie Solomons born 1887 in Dunedin, New Zealand, daughter of Emanuel Solomons and Evelina Marks.

Bessie is said to have married a David Cohen in New Zealand and there were 4 children of that marriage. However, I can find no record of this marriage. I have Bessie?s death certificate that states she was married to David Cohen.
But, there is a marriage of Bessie Solomons and Gustav(e) Ziebell/Zwiebell in 1906 in New Zealand, and they had 4 children. I have since found that the children have a variety of surnames.

Julia (Jewel) Solomons b. 1906 ? d. 1990. She married Francis Brown Tait in 1939
Thelma Ruth Ziebell b. 1907- d. 1994. She married Sydney Rupert Densem in 1933 and her maiden surname was then Cohen, but she was born Ziebell.
Albert Mish Ziebell b. 1908 ? d ? He predeceased his mother Bessie, but was still alive in 1921. He is not listed as one of the living children on her death certificate of 1961.
Nancy Doreen Ziebell b. 1910 ? d.? (Alive in 1961)

Bessie Cohen (Solomons/ Ziebell) and David Cohen were divorced in 1921


David Cohen had lived apart from Bessie Cohen since July, 1917. They married in 1906 and of the four children of the marriage; three had remained with petitioner and one with his wife. Mr. J. S. Hanna, for petitioner, said the suit was not opposed so long as the lady could continue to have the custody of the child she had charge of. Mr. L. Edwards, for petitioner, consented to this and the order was made.
NZ Truth, Issue 830, 10 December 1921, Page 6

SO... are Gustav(e) Ziebell/Zwiebell and David Cohen the same person??

In 1922 Bessie married Horace Michael Caldwell Fitzsimmons (my husband?s grandfather)This was Horace's second marriage too.
Bessie died in Wellington 10 October 1961 aged 74 years.
Is there anyone out there who can clear up the mystery of Bessie and her husband(s)? And what happened to her two younger children? Is there anyway/anywhere I can have a look at their divorce records?

3 comment(s), latest 11 years, 5 months ago

Looking for Derrick John Dicker/Hutt of California born in NZ

Derrick -possibly Derek? was born in 1943 in New Zealand to Rita Jacqueline Dicker who was aged 17 at the time. At some stage - probably when Derrick was an infant, he was taken to the US.
Derrick has been to NZ to find his family and has been in touch in the past. However, all of the people he was in touch with have either passed away or are very elderly and can't remember anything.
So... we would very much like to find him again. I have LOTS to tell him about his birth families here in New Zealand.
We do know that in the mid 1980s he was living in Oakland, California.
He may have changed his surname to Hutt?
I have now found out that Derrick was born in NZ and adopted and then went to the US. So... he will abviously have a different surname now or possibly be using the surname Hutt