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Looking for the origin of the surname BRENGETTSY

I am researching the surname BRENGETTSY. I researched the origin but came up with nothing. I also looked on ancestry.com and I found that the first Brengettsy (Frank), recorded on the census was born in Switzerland. Below are some of my findings and support from others.


? It may be of British or Italian origin. British based on sy or cy ending.The Italian has some etymologic support -- there are names with a similar based BRENGHETTO, BRENGETTO, and BRENGHEZZI which sounds very much like the ts and could be an original version of the name, as many immigrants anglicized their names.
? On the 1860 Census the birth of Joseph BRINGETSY was 1823 from Switzerland.
? On the 1870 Census the birth of a Joseph WINGETSEY was 1831 from South Carolina.
? On the 1880 Census the Birth of Joseph BRINGETRY was 1830 from German.
? It could be a Prussian name
? It?s possible the spelling of the name was change. Family members I?ve met so far spell their names BRENGETTSY, BRENGETTSEY, BRENGETTCY, and BRENGETCY

With my findings I am more accepted to the fact that BRENGETTSY is a German (Old Prussian) name more so than an Italian name. Any other possibilities I am very much opened to review. Thank you in advance for your input.

3 comment(s), latest 12 years, 2 months ago