lizattree on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

lizattree on Family Tree Circles

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Looking for Jacob and Henry Lafrentz info

trying to find the boats Jacob, and Henry Lafrentz arrived NZ and where Henry arrived into. I think they travelled at different times both from Hamburg Germany. Has anyone found any Govt information as to Henry's arrival, thought he worked on a ship and jumped at NZ port. or information from Germany.Thanks. liz

2 comment(s), latest 9 years, 4 months ago

Lafrentz . Henry P C

Does anyone have any info when He came into NZ and on what boat? my information is he jumped ship. ... but where? Lyttleton? Left Hamburg Germany probably arrived about 1860 -72 his brother Jacob we think arrived earlier than him, he has records of entry but not Henry,,, thanks, Liz Attree

Lafrentz (or similar spellings ) Jacob born Denmark and Henry (Heinrich) born Germany immergrated to nZ from Germany

Does anyone have information on these brothers who came to nz, Jacob Matthias, and Heinrich Pieter Carl(Henry Peter Carl or Charles) -it appears at separate times- Henry left from Holstien Germany. Parents may have come from Denmark as Jacob has on his naturalization papers he was born in Denmark. looking to find a lead before they arrives in NZ. If you have to reply in German I can get it translated. thanks to anyone who can help. Liz Attree

Children of Augusta and Ernest Payne of Geraldine, NZ

Can anyone help with information .. Amy b. 1912 and the un known name of their 2nd child b 1913? did they marry, have children? is there any info on the internet about them. I haven't had much luck here. It seems unless there are offsprings from these children the family line of Jacob Lafrentz, Geraldine NZ has died. Maybe there is a family tree with them on? thanks, Liz Atree

3 comment(s), latest 9 years, 4 months ago

Looking for decsendants of Lafrentz, NZ

Anyone out there be or know anyone who is related to Jacob Lafrentz Daughter Augusta married Ernest Payne, their daughter Amy..did she marry? have children? know anything about Jabobs son John Frederick? hopefully the family hasnt died out but cant find any info on them. Liz Attree, ne Lafrentz

1 comment(s), latest 9 years, 9 months ago