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"Looking for Corfield of Alabama USA

Looking for Corfield relatives,located in Alabama USA

Jubil is the name that made me research my family.

The only one thing that made me want to research my family, was a name. Ive never heard a name like it, the more i looked at it the more curious i got. That name was Jubil.I have my fathers,mothers Birth Certificate Elizabeth Ellen Corfield, in my possession, Jubil Corfield was her father,this name obviously is written on the certificate.Then i Had to research Jubil,Easily i found out that his father was called William Corfield.Then i found Cornelius,he was William's Father. On stumbling onto a site on the internet, called Corfield port 5,I spotted Cornelius's name and his wife Ruth. So after not having one relative on my fathers side, not one i now found that there was a whole site of them on the internet.I find it quite amusing, when i think of it now.This was so amazing. Of course this could mean, i could copy all the details off that site,but i know that would be cheating.So i will still painstakingly research all of them individually myself.Then i also stumbled across a book called The Corfields The History of the Corfields from 1180 to present day, written by Justin Corfield, Wow not only a site, now a book, dont know what else could happen. My father Leonard is not with us now, but im sure even he would be amazed at what i have found.I would recommend to everyone, do your family tree, do it now, because you never ever know what you may uncover. Maybe,just maybe you may stumble across a site on the internet,with your family on, just like i did.

Looking for relatives of Cornelius Corfield

Looking for relatives of Cornelius Corfield Born 1838 in Manchester,Lancashire, England. He Emigrated with his wife Caroline,to Montgomery Alabama, USA.Cornelius's Father was Cornelius Corfield born 1809, and his mother was Ruth Dickinson.

Looking for relatives of Cornelius Corfield

Looking for relatives of Cornelius Corfield Born 1838 in Manchester,Lancashire, England. He Emigrated with his wife Caroline,to Montgomery Alabama, USA.

Looking for relatives of Cornelius Corfield

Looking for relatives of Cornelius Corfield Born 1838 in Manchester,Lancashire, England. He Emigrated with his wife Caroline,to Montgomery Alabama, USA.

10 comment(s), latest 9 years ago

Jubil Corfield

Looking for Death Details on Jubil Corfield Born 1872, he was the son of William Corfield and Ellen Shaw.He reside in Manchester, Lancashire, England.I was wondering if he may have emigrated, as some of his family lived in America. Would appreciate any help,regarding this matter.

3 comment(s), latest 9 years, 1 month ago


Can anyone help please, I thought I had it all worked out and then it took a turn, thought that my gr gr gr granddad WILLIAM CORFIELD BORN IN 1850 was born of RUTH AND CORNELELIUS, but this appears not to be true this means that I have got do a lot of researching all over again, if there is anyone out there with any details of William married to Ellen can you please get in touch with me, meanwhile everything is on hold whilst I recharge my batteries and contemplate what to do next. this family tree researching is fun but also challenging. will hope in anticipation that someone out there that can help me, maybe someone will have my William and ellen corfield on their family tree marra

17 comment(s), latest 10 years, 8 months ago

family tree circles

Got to say, what a fantastic site this is, very helpful with family research, very informative, not a lot of sites on the internet, like this one, all I can say is, to me personal contact goes a long way, and you certainly will get that on this sitE, once again THANKS TO YOU ALL AT FAMILY TREE CIRCLES

corfield family in manchester lancs england

can anyone help me please, looking to find my great great grandads parents he was named WILLIAM CORFIELD and he was born in 1850, his wife was named ELLEN SHAW born 1848, he was married in MANCHESTER in 1869, but I once again have hit a brick wall, there are two or three in the England births and christenings, but I don't know which was his, i have found him and his family on alot of the censuses, I don't expect anyone to do my research for me, if someone can tell me what to do to find his parents I would be most grateful,, I have also looked on parish registers. I seem to be doing so well on my other family lines, its just that this one that is a puzzle.
thanks for anyones attention on this matter

2 comment(s), latest 10 years, 10 months ago


Elizabeth was my Grandmother, who died one week before i was born in 1953,i learned from this fantastic site that she was put in a home for Waifs and Strays in Haslingden,as her mother passed away,she was 15 yrs old,last night after some researching i learned also that her sister Jessie may also have been put in the Workhouse,so when i say this has been a roller coaster of emotions it certainly has,even though i didnt know these relatives, i was very upset to discover these facts,makes me realize, just how lucky i am to still have my mother, going strong at the age of 91years.There must be some relatives of the CORFIELD FAMILY out there in Manchester or anywhere,i do hope i find them ,because non of this makes sense,my father did have a mum and dad, EVEN THOUGH HE WAS AN ONLY CHILD some relatives must have been around then. Its all a HUGE mystery to me because i have quite a few relatives on my mothers side, that i am in close contact with, im hoping that someone out there will respond, or even direct me in what to do next,saving me from once again putting all my notes in a cupboard again for another 12 months, the same as what i did last time.