pady51 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Journals and Posts

Wm. ENNIS found in County Down son of McMASTERS

I found my Great Grandfather's Death Certificate from Illinois. It states that he was born in County Down in August of 1866.
LDS files indicate that his father's name was John Ennis and his mother Jane/Jean Mc Masters.

3 comment(s), latest 12 years, 11 months ago

William Ennis (b. 1866, Ireland) married Della Murphy (b. 1870, Ohio)

Family tree stuck at my great grandfather, William Ennis, supposed from Northern Ireland, or Free State. Emigrated New York, 1892. Lived in Ohio and Chicago....
Any info greatly appreciated.

Looking for Lavina Hall of Canada

Looking for relatives of Lavina Hall (b.1865, Canada). Father John Hall born Canada? or Ireland?
Any help appreciated.