teenabell on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

teenabell on Family Tree Circles

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i've been looking for my dad for many years 16 to be excat. when i was...

i've been looking for my dad for many years 16 to be excat. when i was little my mom and dad divorced. she left me whth him. later i was kidnaped by her mother and dad. they kept me away from him thrething to kill him and all. I have found him in dayton tx, but, on the 27 th of this month (june) it would be 1 year that i found him and letters still are not answerd and a cell # that i have that is him snawering and after many messages left ....stil.... no answer or call back. he knwos that i have no other family because if he red the letters then i've went into detail about that.i have my 3 years old daughter, thats it. i want to find his famly i just hope they want to have me in thier family because i never had a family or treated well by the one i did have. they took me they say because they knew that he wanted me and not because they wanted me. hopefully one day they'llhave me in thier lives. because all my life i've had this cant fill emptyness when it comes to having a dad. i've never had that love and i just want to know how it feels to have the love of a DADDY

findindg family

im looking to find my dad. his name is arthur maiden . i last saw him when i was 2 years old. i know his dad's name is arthur maiden sr. i know that he had a sister, her name i do not know, i think he also had step or half brothers. i do not knwo his moms name . i think she may be from PA. my dad and his dad lived in texas for a while. my dad also lived in tennessee. Arhtur maiden Sr was in the air force (korea). this is all i knwo i'd love to know more about them so if anyone can help me i'd love to have a family. the only family i have left is my 3 year old daughter .