snowbear1967 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Looking For Anyone In The Ward Family...Originating In North Carolina!!

I am looking for family members; that I have either lost touch with, or have never met. I am also looking for my father. I do not know his name, and he is not a Ward. My biological mother was a Ward, and her family originates from North Carolina and/or from England. I was also born in North Carolina. I am also related to the Williams', Longs', and Harris', Cribbs', and Spiveys, as far as I know-all from North Carolina. Any info, or contact would be wonderful. My mom's name is Shirley. Her father's name was Corbett. I was born in the late 60's, and have little contact with some of my family, as I was adopted at one year of age, and raised in South Carolina, by relatives. I hope someone will read this; and get in touch with me @, if they have any legitimate info. I want to look into the past, so that I can have a better future. All relatives are welcome...hope I can find all of you.

4 comment(s), latest 9 years, 4 months ago