2019 Family Tree Circles in Numbers

We saw a lot of growth in Family Tree Circles this year.
New users: 5,170
New Journals: 1,063
Spammers stopped at the door: 16,915
Here's a quick look at the weekly traffic. This increase in traffic was a result of a work I did over the summer to clean things up to eliminate spam and make the site better for search engines. This work allows us to get more traffic. As you can see Family Tree Circles is doing better than ever. About 10% of that traffic is from spammers, most of which never sees the light of day, but the traffic is significant.
Here's the geographic breakdown of traffic on Family Tree Circles. As expected, there's strong representation from Australia and New Zealand. The China and India traffic is where all the spam comes from, which is why they are up there on the list.
This is also interesting, to see the makeup of our users, demonstrating what we know that the majority of family researchers tend to be older.
Note: This information comes from Google Analytics, which is completely anonomous. We don't have any personal information about our visitors beyond what you enter if you create an account.
Here's to a great 2020. A new decade and more growth than ever for Family Tree Circles.
Happy New Year!

on 2019-12-28 15:05:37
Scott Jangro is the owner of FamilyTreeCircles.com and has documented roots back to Mayflower passengers Stephen Hopkins and William Brewster. If you're wondering what he's doing when he's mysteriously absent, here's some links to other stuff he's responsible for: about.me/jangro.

Encouraging stats Scott
The huge difference in Male/Female users amazes me ! I would have bet on the other way around

Weekly traffic breakdown is interesting.
I expect it will vary from week to week, depending on how busy the spammers are.
Well done Scott.