A brickwall at James Huggett of Kent, England

Hi everyone.
My 2nd worst brick wall in my tree in my GGG-grandfather.
William Huggett married Jane Churchill in 1850 at Tonbridge Wells, Kent. They had a daughter in 1852 named Jane the emigrated to Australia in 1853.
William was b. about 1827 & on his death & marriage certificates his parents were listed James Huggett & Nancy. I cannot find James or Nancy in any records.
Janes father is listed as William on her marrige certificate. I have found a William Churchill married to an Emily who lived in Tonbridge Wells in Free Online census, but have no conclusive evidence that this couple are her parents.
I hope smeone can help out.
Cheers from Sharyn

Dear Sharyn, Hi there. Have you found your HUGGETT and CHURCHILL families on the 1841 and/or 1851 Census in England?
Regarding parents names being listed on a child's death certificate, sometimes I have found errors depending on whom the informant was. Try purchasing a death certificate of a sibling (hoping that they came to Australia). Or if not, go ahead and find one in England from census records.

Morning Alison,
Yep, have tried all that. I Have tried serching for James Huggett & there are many.... but none of which come close to being the I want. I have considered the name Nancy as being a family 'pet' name but again no luck with the possible alternatives. It was from the English census records that I found Jane's parents but agin no James Huggett. I have tried to get my son, who lives in England, to search for a birth record but he is into family history. So.... I am now waiting for someone else to have this family in their English anscestry.
Cheers from Sharyn