BORN AT SEA on their way to New Zealand
Taken from the site:
BDMs and Burials at Sea
Visit the site as there is a lot more on information there than is written here
Also has links to passenger lists
Many births occurred at sea and often the infant was named after the vessel, ship's surgeon, captain, arrival port, country or sea.
There passed away at Ashburton on 9 July 1922 an old pioneer in the person of John Aurora Prebble. He was born at sea, landing at Petone beach with his parents in the Aurora, one of the first four ships in Jan 1840. After a few years spent in the North Island they proceeded to Canterbury, where his father took up land in the township of Prebbleton, being named after the family. Like all the early settlers, he had a hard time going through all the hardships of the early days. He was of a quiet, unassuming nature, and never married. He was in his 83rd year.
Nugent BEVAN born 6 Jan 1841 at sea on the Lady Nugent's voyage from England.
William Dawson WEBSTER (1841-1923) was born 16 March 1841 on board the Amelia Thompson, Commander, William Dawson, on the voyage to New Plymouth.
Mary Ann Tyne SANSON was born in August 1841 at sea on the 'Tyne' to Robert and Ann Sanson.
William Bentinck HOWELL was born in the Bay of Biscay enroute to NZ on the ship Lord William Bentinck which arrived Wellington 22 May 1841. William was the 6th child of John Howell and his wife Ann (nee CORDERY) who were married at Teddington, England on 20 Jan 1829.
Thomas and Elizabeth Butler are the parents of Mary Ann Bentinck BUTLER born at sea 10 Jan 1841 on the Lord William Bentinck two days after the vessel left Gravesend. The ship arrived at Port Nicholson 19 May 1841.
Ann Arab WALKER was born 28 Aug 1841 on board the Arab which left London on 3 June, & Dartmouth on 15 June 1841. Her father James Walker with his wife Helen and their five other children arrived at Port Nicholson NZ on 16 Oct 1841 from Fifeshire, Scotland.
Emma Ridgway RENALL was born at sea in Nov 1841 on the Martha Ridgway to Emma and Alfred William Renall.
Ellen Jane DILLON was the eldest daughter of Thomas Dillon & Eleanor NOWELL who came to NZ on the Fifeshire to Nelson arriving 1842 and on the Cornwall to Canterbury arriving 1851. Ellen Jane was on both voyages as was her brother Thomas Harford DILLON, the latter being born on the Fifeshire, 21 Dec 1841, halfway across the Indian Ocean and named after the captain, Harford ARNOLD.
Charles Clifford SAXTON, born 18 Jan 1842 on the ship 'Clifford'in Atlantic Ocean, near the equator. He and his parents, Charles Waring Saxton and Mary (nee LAUGHLIN) arrived in Nelson 11 May 1842 but his mother died just three months after arrival and his father took him back to England. He served in the Royal Artillery in India, China etc and died in London.
On the voyage out to New Plymouth on the Essex in 1843 Grace Harvey gave birth to a son, James Essex HARVEY (1843-1911).
Tom and Mary Cuddie bound for Otago on the 'Philip Laing' arrived in Port Chalmers 15 April 1848. Their son was born on board. He was baptised Alexander Thomas BURNS, on 7 May after the Reverend Thomas Burns the Minister Free Church of Scotland who was also a passenger.
The bible of Rev Thomas Dickson Nicholson, the first Presbyterian minister for the Nelson area and his wife Alison, nee McWHIR, states their son, 'John Wickliffe McWhir Daly NICHOLSON, was born on board the ship 'John Wickliffe' at Port Chalmers, Otago, on the morning of Wed 19 April 1848. (Registered at Nelson, 8 July 1848.)' This was three weeks after the John Wickliffe anchored and was baptised by Rev Thomas Burns when the 'Philip Laing' arrived in April.
Eliza Larkins WRIGHT was born at sea in New Zealand waters 26 Oct 1849 on the Larkins, to Henrietta and Daniel Wright. Arrived Port Chalmers from London.
Charles Ocean THOMPSON son of Robert Thompson was born at sea Jan 1868. Died 1940. Attended Christ's College High School in Christchurch and settled in the Napier/Hawkes Bay area around the 1890s. His father was a miner, Manawatu Gorge.
Cornwall McLEOD (nee MUIR) born on board the ship 'Cornwall' during the voyage to Otago in 1849, was named after the ship. She resided with her husband and family near Palmerston.
Randolph Theodore CHANEY was born in the Bay of Biscay 10 September 1850 - died 6 Nov. 1928 and Randolph George HARPER were both born aboard the Randolph which arrived Lyttelton 16 Dec. 1850. Randolph was baptised aboard ship by the Rev. Charles Puckle. His father, William, was a mason; throughout his working life. Randolph built the first house in Randolph Street, Christchurch. Randolph was a labourer and a farmer and was buried at St. Peter's Anglican Church Upper Riccarton. There is also a Randolph Terrace in Christchurch named after the ship.
Elizabeth Dale WAGHORN born on the voyage of the Randolph, under command of Captain Dale. She married Ethelbert Thomas Nowell in 1877. They were living in Christchurch in 1900.
Alexander DERRY was born at sea 21 Nov 1850 on the 'Charlotte Jane' bound for Canterbury under the command of Captain Alexander Lawrence. A month before, the family had lost a child, 17 Oct 1850, buried at sea.
Seymour EATON, a twin, was born at sea aboard the 'Sir George Seymour' in 1850
Henry "Harry" Lyttelton BRITTAN was baptized 20 July 1851 in Christchurch. The Sir George Seymour, weighed anchor at Plymouth, 8 Sep 1850 and arrived in Lyttelton 17 Dec 1850. Harry attended Christ's College 1857-1858. Died in Auckland 21 July 1929.
Henry Charles Graham's son, George Seymour GRAHAM, was 3 weeks old by the time he arrived in Lyttelton on 8 Sept 8 1850 aboard 'Sir George Seymour'
Eleanor Cressy Annie Mouldey (1850-1933) was born 20 Dec 1850. She married John Coxhead in 1873 and had 2 children
Arthur Zealand WRIGHT (1850-1934) an infant on the 'Castle Eden' in 1851 was named after the country he was going to.
Mary Elizabeth Bronte SAVILL was born at sea 1 March 1853, on the 'Duke of Bronte' the daughter of William and Jane Savill. They arrived at Port Lyttelton 5 June 1851. She married Zenas Owen in 1879 and had at least 6 children.
Maria Draper Bronte SMITH was born May 1851 on board the 'Duke of Bronte' one month out of Lyttelton. Draper was the ship's Surgeon Superintendent. She married William John Burnett in 1872 and had at least 4 children
Rosseta Harriet Bronte Gibbs NASH was born at sea 27 May 1851 on the 'Duke of Bronte'.
Caroline Labuan Wedge was born at sea in 1851 to Charles & Mary Wedge. She married Daniel McFarlane in 1874 and had 8 children (4 sons)
Richard Canterbury MATHIAS came out to Lyttelton on the 'Dominion'in 1851. He attended Christ's College 1860-1867. He married Alice Jane Graham in 1885
Eliza Steadfast Miller was born at sea in 1851. ".. On the 6th May the number of our passengers was increased by a little lady, who made her appearance one fine afternoon, and was baptized by the doctor a week or two afterwards by the name of Elizabeth Steadfast .."
A birth occurred on the 'Oriental' 27 Nov 1855. She was named Ada Augusta Oriental GILES. On the 13 Dec the Equator was crossed. Her parents were Launcelot and Rachel Giles. They travelled London to Auckland and on to Lyttelton. Ada married Charles Holland in 1875 and had 11 children (6 sons)
George Howe COOK (1855-1941, Nga Puhi; whaler) was born 8 May 1855 on the whaling brig 'Independence' off Lord Howe Island, according to family information. He married his cousin, Mary 'Minnie' Cook, at Waikare, Bay of Islands, 30 Sep 1896 and had 6 known children. His brother was Herbert Francis Cook (1859-1934 Nga Puhi; whaler)
NOTE George & Herbert Cook came from a seafaring family. Their grandfather, William Cook, came to New Zealand as third mate on an English whaler. He took as his wife Tiraha, who was of Nga Puhi and Kapotai and kin to several important Hokianga chiefs including Tamati Waka Nene. William and Tiraha were involved in boat-building at Stewart Island and in the Bay of Islands.
James Strathallan Buttars (BUTTERS) was born 24 Dec 1857 on the Strathallan. The family left Leith 4 Oct 1857 and arrived at Port Chalmers 16 Jan 1858. The name Strathallan was used as a second name through the family line and the same family built and owned the first maternity nursing home in Opotiki, Bay of Plenty and this facility was named Strathallan
Thomas Wilson MORRIS was born on board the 'Ann Wilson' (Liverpool to Wellington) on March 23rd 1857. Apparently his mother decided to name him for the ship.
On xmas day, 25 Dec 1858, two children were christened on board the 'Strathallan', bound for Timaru and Lyttelton. One was William Strathallan PADGET and the other Strathallan HAY.
A daughter was born to George Wilcock (1854-) and his wife Elizabeth (nee Collins) on board the ship 'Edwin Fox' which arrived into Wellington 18 April 1875. She left London on 28 Nov 1874 but had to put back with the loss of an anchor and chain. Making a second start, she ran into a schooner and then grounded on the Deal Bank, but was towed off, however, to be docked for a survey, which proved her to have sustained no serious injury. Her third start was made on Christmas Day. She then experienced gales, rain and fog which prevailed during the voyage. They named their daughter Edwina Fox WILCOCK (1875-1951). Edwina married Arthur William Gibson in 1898 & had at least 6 children (5 sons)
Katherine Inchinnan PERCIVAL, daughter of Richard & Anne Percival, was born 1856 in the dock at Gravesend. The Barque Inchinnan left Gravesend 13 Jan 1856 & arrived Nelson 19 May 1856. She was not actually born at sea but on the way. She was not found registered.
Peter Bryce and his wife Isabella (nee FISHER) became the proud parents of Robert Henderson Cubitt BRYCE (1857-1933). The baby was born on the Aberdeen clipper 'Robert Henderson' from Greenock, arriving in Port Chalmers 9 Feb 1858. The captain's name was W. J. CUBITT.
Indiana McKirdy ROBSON was born 22 Aug 1858 on the ship 'Indiana' to George Robson, carpenter and his wife Margaret nee Thompson. The Indiana left Gravesend 2 Aug 1858, arriving in Lyttelton 28 Nov 1858. She was named Indiana after the ship and McKirdy after the ship's captain - A diary written on board the ship mentions the birth of a daughter to Mrs Robson who was christened Indiana McKirdy ROBSON
Louisa Thorpe BOOTH was born in 1859 on the 'Queen of the Avon' which left London 23 March 1859, arriving in Wellington 13 July 1859. The ship's Surgeon Superintendent was Dr L. THORPE. Her parents were John and Sarah Booth. Louisa married John Thomas Manning in 1878 and had 8 children (3 sons)
John Zealandia HILL son of Jacob & Alice Hill from Worcester, was born on the 'Zealandia' on the way out to Lyttelton on 16 Oct 1859. They arrived 12 Nov 1859
11 Sept 1859 Otago Witness - The Alpine, 1164 tons, R. Crawford, from, Glasgow. Passengers 460. There were four births during the voyage, the first born receiving the name of Alpine Crawford Cochrane BLACK, after the ship, the captain, the doctor and the parents.
Otago Witness, 13 September 1905 - The Alpine, a newspaper published on board that vessel, which arrived here from Glasgow on 9 Sep 1859, edited by Mr James McINDOE who has just passed away and by him, presented to Mr Dick, a fellow passenger, an early record of events on board was the birth of a son to Mrs John Black, to be named John Alpine Crawford Cochrane Black.
The 'Regina' arrived in Lyttelton 4 Dec 1859. Sarah Walker wrote incredible detailed letters back home to her mother and brother for twenty five years starting with her arrival in London and on 11 Oct 1859 wrote .. "We had two more births on board, but one was dead and the one that has lived is called after the Captain, the sea and the ship. It is a boy and is called Thomas Thornton Regina Atlantic PEARCE, Pearce being his surname." His parents were Percival Pearce, age 32 and Eliza age 28. There is a birth registered in 1860 in NZ, Thomas Reginald PEARCE.
Magna Bona, 1000 tons, Captain Tyson, sailed from London 29 July 1863, arrived Nelson 21 Nov. On the 5 Nov, Mrs BRADSHAW, a steerage passenger, was confined of a boy, who was subsequently christened Magna Bona Tyson BRADSHAW. The carpenter made the little stranger a cradle, on which his name was painted and a subscription was raised for him among those on board, while Captain Tyson very considerately gave up a chief cabin for the use of Mrs Bradshaw. Magna died 25 Feb 1869 aged 5.3, by drowning in the Maitai River
Annie Tybernia SANDERSON (born in the Atlantic by family lore), was born on the vessel 'Tybernia' which was quarantined at Rangitoto on arrival in Auckland in Sept 1864. She married John Thomas Flinn in 1887
Clara Peace Christian FOOTE was born ashore in Melbourne on 19 May 1865 in enroute from New Foundland to Auckland. Named after the vessel 'Clara'.
The 'Eastern Empire' left London 28 Aug 1865, arriving at Lyttelton 4 Jan 1865. Thomas Jefcoate (1839-1913) and Janet (nee Oliver 1837-1900) from Northampton were on board, emigrating to NZ. Their son Thomas Eastern Empire JEFCOATE was born 6 weeks out, on 16 Oct 1864. Thomas (jnr) married in 1891 at Hook, South Canterbury to Emily Jane Merry (1868-1939) & had 5 children. He died 13 Feb 1936 in Wanganui
Alfred Albert Ormond CHESHIRE (1865-1948) was born 4 Feb 1865 on the sailing ship 'Ganges', to John Henry Cheshire & Mary Ann nee Lees. He was born while the ship was off the Poor Knights Islands, 10 days before reaching the port of Auckland. His second name Ormond, was a link with their last address in Birmingham. He was known as a 'Mother Carey's chicken' i.e. a child born on a sea voyage.
Agnes Caroline Coventry DALZELL (parents from Belfast), was born 19 April 1869 on board the 'Caroline Coventry'. She and her family later settled in Kaikoura. She married Mark Yaxley in 1888 and had 10 children (4 sons)
The 'James Nicol Fleming', Captain Logan, left Glasgow 3 Aug 1870 and arrived in Port Chalmers 26 Oct 1870. On the 11 Oct, Mrs Alexander McPHERSON, a steerage passenger, gave birth to Alexander McPherson (1870-1965). He died in Timaru 27 June 1965 aged 94
John Robb (1837-1920) & Margary Givens (1839-1878) married in Scotland in 1857. They arrived on the 'Charlotte Gladstone' 30 Jan 1871. Their 7th child of 9 children, William Fox Gladstone ROBB (1871-1929) was born two weeks out from landing. The captain was James Fox. William married Maude May Fuller (1876-1913) of Greytown, in 1901 and had 8 children. Maud died 23 Dec 1913 aged 37. He next married Flora May Wright (nee Cleary 1895-1978) in 1916. Flora had first married Norman Percy Wright in 1914. William died in Christchurch on 12 Sep 1929 aged 58. Flora remarried 6 months later, on 5 March 1930, to William Greaves Crawford (1895-1952).
Amelia Nicol Fleming BARNETT, third daughter of Robert and Sarah Barnett, was born on board the James Nicol Fleming on its voyage to Port Chalmers in 1875.
Mary Forfarshire THRUPP was born 18 Dec 1872, to William Thomas and Mary Thrupp on the ship Forfarshire. Sailed London 16 Nov 1872 and arrived Wellington 2 March 1873. Latitude 7 Deg. 20 Min. North, Longitude 25 Deg. 48 Min. West (North Atlantic Ocean) Signed James FOX, witness A. M. MacDONALD. Baptized C of E, Sunday, 5 January 1873 Latitude 26 Deg. 8 Min. South, Longitude 32 Deg. 13 Min. West (South Atlantic Ocean). Signed William SEWILL (acting Chaplain)
Oct 11 1873 - Otago, ship, 993 tons, Stuart, from Glasgow, 17th July. One birth took place on the 2nd inst, when Mrs McDonald was confined with a male child. On Friday the 10th, the child was christened by the Rev Mr BORRIE, a passenger, by the name of George Stuart McDONALD, the name being the Captain's.
Louisa Bouverie MARLOW was born to Frederick Stephen Marlow (1852-1923) & Louisa McDowell Letts (1843-1916) from Northamptonshire, on the Edward P Bouverie which sailed from London on 11 July 1873 and arrived in Wellington 18 Oct 1873. Her birth date (1 of 3 on board) is not recorded in the ship's log though she does have a birth cert in NZ.
Oceana Berar Cunningham FIRTH (1873-1918) was born to Nathan & Jane Firth of Yorkshire, on board the Berar, and was named after the sea, the ship & the ship's doctor C. L. Cunningham. The Berar left London 22 May 1873, arriving in Auckland 3 Sep 1873.
Annie Ballochmyle SMITH had the second name Ballochmyle because she was born to Isaac & Sarah Smith from Berkshire, 12 March 1874 on board the Ballochmyle, which left London 25 Feb 1874, on the way to Lyttelton. Some of the early immigrant ships were crowded. There were 502 people on board the Ballochmyle, under charter to the NZ Shipping Company. She was a fine ship of 1,438 tons, under the command of Captain Lunden. The emigrants came aboard at Plymouth and the ship took her final departure from Start Point on March 4th. The Cape was rounded on March 18 and the Snares were passed on May 27, the ship having taken 84 days from Plymouth. Port was reached on June 1st. There were five deaths and three births during the voyage. The Ballochmyle was the first vessel to berth at the breastwork, now known as Gladstone Pier.
The Miltiades departed Gravesend 2 May 1874 at 11pm. After good winds and a quick trip to Tasmania, this ship met head winds off the east coast of Northland in sight of Great Barrier Island and without a pilot, hit a sandbank off Gull Point, from where she was rescued by the Lady Bowen. She arrived in Auckland 24 July 1874. Captain Perritt, Chief Officer Mr Beach and Surgeon-Superintendant Dr Harding were credited with the good health and well-being of the arriving passengers.
BIRTHS on board
* May 10 1874: The wife of John HENNESEY of a son christened John Miltiades HENNESEY.
Tuapeka Times, 8 April 1896 The following inquiries as to missing friends are from 'Lloyd's Weekly' of February 2 and 9: John Miltiades HENNESEY was born at sea about 1874, on the ship Miltiades, going out to Auckland from Gravesend. Aunt Polly asks.
* June 18: The wife of H. W. JENNINGS of a daughter, christened Jessie Miltiades Mar JENNINGS
* June 26: The wife of Geo. TAYLOR of a son, christened Edward Miltiades TAYLOR
Henry Ballochmyle BARRETT, was born on the Ballochmyle on 12 March 1874 to Jonathan Barrett & Mary Ann GRIBBIN from Cornwall. They arrived 31 May 1874 and Henry died the following day aged 3 months and is buried in the Barbadoes St Cemetery. Jonathan, Mary Ann and their 11 children settled in Christchurch.
John Guinan (1850-1909) & Isabella Gray Langlands (1851-1931) married in Scotland about 1870 and had 2 children who died as infants. They departed for New Zealand on the 'Peter Denny', arriving in Port Chalmers 3 Sep 1873. They had a son on board, on 18 Aug 1873, whom they named Peter Denny GUINAN (1873-1921). He was registered in NZ. John & Isabella had another 10 children.
Extracts from a diary.. The 'Merope' left Plymouth, England 10 June 1874 (arrived Lyttelton 27 Sep 1874). Two children Christened. The one that was born on board was named Elizabeth Merope the Ship's name.
NOTE Surname not yet found
John Thomas Parsee SCOTT, son of Andrew Scott & Christina Moncrieff, was born on 8 Aug 1874, on board the Parsee enroute to New Zealand, arriving in Port Chalmers 4 Sep 1874. John Thomas died 26 March 1949 and is buried in the Helensville Public Cemetery.
John Sea HAGUE was born to William 'Thomas' (1852-1874) & Eliza (1853-) Hague, on board the 'Queen of The Age' enroute to Auckland, on it's one & only voyage to New Zealand. The Bargue left London 16 Nov 1873, arriving in Auckland 2 March 1874 with 165-220 Government immigrants. There was no sickness on board. Frederick Holmses, a seaman, was lost overboard and William Penney, aged 44, died of dysentery. There was one birth, that of John Sea Hague. Eight crew were arrested for broaching cargo, each receiving 3 months imprisonment. During the voyage a mutiny broke out among the crew and guns, pistols and evens words were served out to the passengers, a precaution which averted trouble. She arrived at Auckland flying the black police flag and the mutineers were arrested.
NOTE Eliza became pregnant out of wedlock. Although she and Thomas were married before the child was born, his family was so appalled at this scandal that they sent the couple to New Zealand in disgrace. Their son, John Sea Hague (1874-1877), was born during the voyage.
Auckland Star, 9 Sep 1874 HAGUE - On September 9, William Thomas Hague; aged 23 years. The funeral will leave the late residence, Victoria-street, Bond's Buildings at 4p.m., To-morrow (Thursday). The late passengers per Queen of the Age and members of the Harbinger of Peace Lodge of I.O.G.T. are invited to attend.
Auckland Star, 5 April 1877 HAGUE - On the 4th April, at the residence of Mr F. Roebuck, Newton, John Sea Hague, son of the late Wm. Hague, of Northampton, aged 3 years and 3 months. The funeral will take place to-morrow at 3p.m. Friends please accept this invitation.
* Note that Eliza is not mentioned in either notice
Charles Neyle Alhambra CORNISH was born 31 July 1875 on board the ship 'Alhambra' which sailed from Bluff 27 July 1875 to Melbourne. His father was Charles Cornish (1850-1935). His mother, Elizabeth (nee McGregor), was recorded as being born in Scotland and aged 22. However, Elizabeth was born in NZ 11 Sep 1853 to Joseph Bruce Neyle McGregor (1817-1891) & Margaret Ogilvie (1820-1873) from Scotland, died North Taieri, Otago. Charles' birth was registered in Melbourne and the place of birth recorded as Lat S 41.16; Long E 150.28.30 (Tasman Sea). Charles married Ella Minnie Cooke (1879-1961) in 1906 in New Zealand and had at least 5 children (2 sons)
James Nicol Fleming PAGE
Birth: 1876 in at sea around the area of Capetown
Death: 5 Sep 1954 in Kohika Valley Otaio, Canterbury, New Zealand
Burial: 6 Sep 1954 Waimate, South Canterbury
Occupation: Labourer, Farmer
George Inverness DURRANT, son of James Durrant & Sarah Foster. Born 25 Oct 1876 on the ship Inverness, which arrived at Hawkes Bay on 28 Oct 1876
Mary Zealandia SCUPHAM (1877-1917). Mary's marriage certificate, 19 Feb 1896, states she was born 'at sea' and her age as 19 which put her date of birth 1876/77. Took years to find which ship Zealandia. Found Mr & Mrs Scupham arriving in Sydney, 22 June 1877 on the s.s. Zealandia. 23 May departed San Francisco for Sydney via Hawaii and Auckland. Birth between 23 May and 22 June 1877. Her parents were William Scupham (1849-1922) & Mary Elizabeth 'Sophia' Boosan (1849-1929). Never found her birth registered. Mary married Frederick Selmon (1869-1953), 1 of 13 children of Amos Selmon & Frances Pettit, in Kogarah, NSW & had 9 children (6 sons). She died in Rockdale aged 40
Sydney Morning Herald, 10 Nov 1917 SELMON - November 9, 1917 at Sandringham, Raymond, beloved infant son of Mr Frederick Selmon, aged 6 days.
St George Call (Kogarah), 10 Nov 1917 DEATH OF MRS F. SELMON. The hand of misfortune has been heavily laid on Mr Fred Selmon of Sandringham, first by the death of his eldest son and on Monday (12th) by the death of his wife. The cause of the death of Mrs Selmon was due to internal trouble and the loss occasioned by her death will be felt by many a family in Sandringham district. The funeral took place at Woronora Cemetery on Tuesday and the esteem in which Mr Selmon and his family are held was evidenced by the large concourse of friends who assembled at the graveside. Mrs Selmon was a member of the old-time Scupham family, formerly well known in the Sans Souci district.
NOTE Frederick Selmon remarried in 1939 when he was 69, to Daisy May Boxsell (1885-) of Merrylands, NSW
David Cowan Wellington McCOLL was named for the captain (Cowan) and the ship Wellington. Born 29 Jan 1876. Arrived Port Chalmers 17 March 1876
The Lady Jocelyn sailed 6 May - August 1878 from London to Belfast to Auckland and the passengers were bound for Katikati under Vesey Stewart's settlement scheme. Edward Jocelyn GEORGE was born 14 July 1878.
Henry and Elizabeth Fletcher arrived in New Zealand in 1879 - 1880 on the Western Monarch with one child Florence. A son was born on the voyage, Douglas Monarch FLETCHER was born 18 December 1879 and his death was the same day.
Robert 'Chalmers' ROBINSON was born on the ship Dunbritton outside Otago Heads on 13 June 1880. He was named after the nearest Port, which of course was Port Chalmers. He was christened at Port Chalmers on 9 July 1880 and was known by his second name.
The ship "Maraval" arrived in Wellington from London on 23 Jan 1880. Among the passengers was the son of a German couple, either Franz Schroeder/Schröder & Francesca Dombrowski OR the other couple on board, Martin Schroeder/Schröder & Bertha Manski. Born 11 Jan 1880 during the voyage and baptised Robert Maraval SCHROEDER. Robert was the first name of Captain Ramsey.
Captain John BOLLONS commanded the NZ Government steamers, the Tutanekai and the Hinemoa. He married Lilian Rose HUNTER, the daughter of a retired master mariner, John Hunter, and the couple's eldest son and eldest daughter received their middle names from ships that Bollons commanded, respectively.
The "Randolph"
on 2011-05-11 09:51:31
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.
Thanks for this. I wondered about the procedure in New Zealand
Indiana McKirdy ROBSON was born in 1858 on the ship Indiana to George Robson, carpenter and his wife Margaret nee Thompson. She was named Indiana after the ship, and McKirdy after the ship's captain.
Alfred Ormond CHESHIRE was born on 4 February 1865 on the sailing ship 'Ganges', to John Henry CHESHIRE and his wife Mary Ann (nee LEES). He was born while the ship was off the Poor Knights Islands, 10 days before reaching the port of Auckland, New Zealand. His second name, Ormond, was a link with their last address in Birmingham. He was known as a 'Mother Carey's chicken' i.e. a child born on a sea voyage.