CAULFIELD War Memorial WWI - T+U+V<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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CAULFIELD War Memorial WWI - T+U+V

Journal by ngairedith

see A names for introduction to the journal:

A ... B ... C ... D ... E + F ... G ... H ... I+J+K
L ... M ... N+O+P ... R+S ... T+U+V ... W+Y

any SOLDIER known to have died as a POW is indicated by *

... T ...
TAYLOR, Clarence Churchill Julius - Private 2025
- born in Melbourne
- a Hairdresser of Oakleigh, Victoria
- served with 14 Infantry Battalion
- embarked from Melbourne 17 April 1915 on HMAT Hororata
- mother, Adelaide Taylor, Carlisle Crescent, Oakleigh
- DIED 7 August 1916 in France aged
- Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
* more to be added

TAYLOR, George Geoffrey - Gunner 7447
- born Elmore, Victoria
- enlisted from Warwick Farm, NSW
- served with 14th Battery 5th Brigade Australian Field Artillery
- embarked from Melbourne
- father, George Henry Taylor
- died 26 Aug 1917 in Belgium aged
- Sanctuary Wood Cemetery, Belgium
* more to be added

TEMPANY, Albert Roy - Gunner 955
- born Melbourne
- served with 103rd Howitzer Battery 3rd AFA Brigade Australian Field Artillery
- embarked from Melbourne
- father, Henry Tempany
- KILLED IN ACTION 7 Aug 1916 in France aged
- Gordon Dump Cemetery, Ovillers-La Boiselle, France
* more to be added

TIERNEY, Andrew James - Private 256
- born in Melbourne
- served with 6th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne
- mother, E. Tierney
- KILLED IN ACTION 25 April 1915 at Gallipoli aged
- Lone Pine Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey
* more to be added

TILLY, Rupert James - Trooper 29
- sometimes seen as Tilley
- born in Melbourne, he attended St.Peters University High School
- Rupert was a Railway employee & later had a farm at Yarragon, Gippsland
- served with 4th Australian Light Horse
- embarked from Melbourne 19 Oct 1914 on HMAT Wiltshire
- mother, Elizabeth Tilly of 25 Glen Huntly Rd, Elsternwick
- also, son of James & Elizabeth Tilly, "Vilette," 131 Hotham St, St. Kilda East
- DIED OF HIS WOUNDS 30 Nov 1915 at Gallipoli aged 26
- Ari Burnu Cemetery, Gallipoli, Turkey
* more to be added

TOMKINS, Leslie Cecil - Private 4554
- born in Sydney
- enlisted from Broadmeadows, Victoria
- served with 23rd Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne
- wife, Grace Annie Tomkins
- died 11 Oct 1917 in Belgium aged
- Nine Elms British Cemetery, Belgium

TONKS, Henry Alfred Charles - Lieutenant
- born Burrumbuttock NSW
- enlisted from Melbourne
- served with Australian Flying Corps
- embarked from Melbourne
- father, James Tonks
- died 21 June 1917 in Belgium aged
- Harlebeke New British Cemetery, Belgium
* more to be added

TOPP, Samuel James - Lieutenant
- born 17 May 1880, Samuel was a Clerk of Elsternwick
- he married Gladys Ellen BONNER (1889-1930), in 1915. Daughter of Frank Albert BONNER & Annie Victoria WILSON
- served with 58th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 11 Oct 1915 on HMAT Nestor
- wife, Gladys Ellen Topp, 24 North road, Brighton
- mother, M. Topp, Shoobra Rd, Elsternwick
- KILLED IN ACTION 12 May 1917 in Bullecourt, France on his 37 birthday
- buried in a Front Line Trench see links at end
- Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
* medium height, stout, fair
The Argus 23 May 1917
... TOPP - Killed in action May 12, 1917, somewhere in France, Lieutenant Samuel James Topp, loved husband, of Gladys E. Topp, 24 North road, Brighton, aged 37 years
... TOPP - On the 17th May (his birthday), killed in action, somewhere in France, Lieut. Samuel James Topp, dearly beloved younger son of Mrs TOPP of Elsternwick, and the late Horatio Topp, of Caulfield. "So dearley loved, so sadly mourned."
* eye witness accounts
... I saw him killed at Bullecourt. He was caught by a sniper bullet. Death was instantaneous. I knew him very well, he was a very popular officer and was very well liked by all the boys in the Coy
... I was with him when he was killed at Bullecourt on May 12th after we had taken our objective. He got up in the trench to point something out to Lt. Syder and a sniper shot him
... He was about 26. He was acting C.C. of C. Coy at Bullecourt on the morning of the 12th May, we were attacking. We lay down in No Man's Land in shell holes. I was near Lieut. Topp, he looked over the top of the shell hole and a sniper got him
... because of very heavy shelling he could not be taken back to a soldiers cemetery and was buried in an isolated grave in a Front Line Trench
* Gladys next married Cyril Crossley JAMES (1886-1958) in Victoria in 1924 and they moved to Launceston, Tasmania & both buried at Carr Villa Cemetery

TRAVERS, Geoffrey - (prov) Corporal 367
- sometimes written Jefferey
- Jefferey was born in Armidale, Melbourne, son of Dr. Geoffrey Frederick TRAVERS (1857-1931) & Ida C. S. REID (1866-1912) of Bedford Rd., Ringwood (Ida is buried at St Kilda)
- he attended Haileybury College Brighton Beach, Victoria
- Geoffrey was a Jackaroo of Glen Huntly Rd, Elsternwick
- served with 9 Light Horse Regiment
- embarked from Melbourne 11 Feb 1915 on HMAT Karroo
- father, G. F. Travers, Glen Huntly Rd, Elsternwick
- DIED OF HIS WOUNDS 11 Aug 1916 in Pasestine, Egypt aged 23
- Row A, Grave No. 119 Kantara War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt
* more to be added

TREADGOLD, Charles Ashbourne - Corporal 528
- born Melbourne, brother of Newton Costell below
- enlisted from Prahan
- served with 5th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne
- mother, Ellen Maria Threadgold
- DIED OF HIS WOUNDS 27 Nov 1915 in Gallipoli aged
- Ari Burnu Cemetery, Gallipoli, Turkey
* more to be added

TREADGOLD, Newton Costell - Gunner 1139
- born in Melbourne, brother of Charles Ashbourne above
- Newton was a Wood turner of Victoria St, Elsernwick
- served with 2 Field Artillery Brigade
- embarked from Melbourne 20 Oct 1914 on HMAT Shropshire
- mother, Ellen Treadgold, Victori St, Elsternwick
- DIED OF HIS WOUNDS 14 April 1917 in France aged 23
- Red Cross Corner Cemetery, Beugny, France
* more to be added

... U ...
URQUHART, George Frederick - Private 6910
- born in Malvern
- served with 24th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne
- mother, Daisy Urquhart
- died 1 Sep 1918 in France aged
- Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
* more to be added

... V ...
VINCENT, Frederick Leslie - Corporal 2825
- born in Melbourne
- served with 59th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne
- wife, Ethel Maud Vincent
- KILLED IN ACTION 24 April 1918 in France aged
- Adelaide Cemetery, Villers-Bretonneux, France
* more to be added

Second Battle of Bullecourt (3?17 May 1917)
see Samuel James Topp

Australia's bravest Digger could be found in mass grave in France
... A forgotten document that describes the fate of hundreds of Diggers massacred at Bullecourt has helped identify the location of more mass graves in France and researchers want government help to conduct ground radar searches of two sites

More fallen diggers found at Bullecourt
... They were buried where they lay. Not in mass graves prepared by the Germans, but in haste, by fellow diggers who pushed dirt in on top of the crater where their dead companions had been taking shelter, and then fled. And there they are believed to remain, up to 13 Australian soldiers, interred in a nameless pit beneath a road in northern France

Scarred ground still gives up its secrets
... "Each year the plough blades bring to the surface unexploded shells, scrap metal, the bones of lost soldiers"

The inscription on a memorial marker at Bullecourt reads:
"To the glory of God and in the memory of 2423 officers and other ranks serving the Australian Imperial Forces who fell in these fields and have no known grave,
April - May 1917, RIP".

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on 2013-03-05 01:18:07

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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