BURNS Rex Raymond and Thomas James BURNS

Hi my name is Rachel I'm looking for anyone who can give me some information about Rex Raymond BURNS Born 22/7/1928 parents Thomas James BURNS and Rita M J BURNS. Rex had two sisters Audrey and Joyce BURNS. I no they moved to Perth Western Australia to live from Queensland not sure what year it was. Rex Burns my pop passed away before I was born. My nan Jean Burns used to tell me that pop and I would have had a lot of fun together we both loved fishing a lot.My wonderful and very special nan Jean Burns passed away in February this year so now it is even harder to find out my family history. I want to find out as much as I can so that our history isn't lost even if it is only a little family it is very important to me to pass on.

on 2014-05-24 07:59:24
Hooch , from Australia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Apr 2012.