CHATTERTON marriages New Zealand<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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CHATTERTON marriages New Zealand

Journal by ngairedith

CHATTERTON marriages 1876 - 1930

Clyde Stanley Chatterton
married Eleanor Mary Selina BUNNY in 1928

Donald Stewart Chatterton
married Kathleen PAYNE in 1930

Edwin Chatterton
married Clara Beatrice CORNEY in 1893
their known children
1902 - 1905 Myrtle Ellen Chatterton (aged 3, Te Henui)
1903 - 1904 George Herbert Chatterton (11 months,Te Henui)

Egbert William Chatterton (1875-1939)
. son of John Vine CHATTERTON (1847-1926) & Ann PARRETT (1846-1921)
married Rebecca GOOD (1880-1944) in 1904
their known children
1909 - 1987 Irene Louisa Chatterton
John Vine Chatterton, Farmer, Flaxton (near Kaiapoi, Canterbury). Mr Chatterton was born in Spalding, Lincolnshire, England, in 1846. As a youth he went to sea, sailing with two of his uncles (named Vine), who were sea captains, and others. In 1864 he joined the London Fire Brigade, stationed at Watling Street. In December, 1871, he left the Fire Brigade, and was married the following day to a daughter of the late Mr. W. Parrett, carpenter, of Devonshire, England. Six weeks afterwards Mr. and Mrs Chatterton sailed for New Zealand in the ship 'Dover Castle' in 1878 Mr Chatterton began farming in the Flaxton district, where he has remained ever since, except for a trip Home in 1889. He was for four years on the Flaxton main school committee, and was chairman for three years He is a member of the Wesleyan Church, and has held nearly every office in connection with it in the Rangiora circuit Mr Chatterton was recently presented with a handsome illuminated testimonial, framed with the portraits of himself, the teachers, and the school, in recognition of his having completed a quarter of a century as superintendent of the Southbrook Sunday school. He has a family of six sons and one daughter.
the known children of John Vine & Annie Chatterton:
1874 - 1941 Ernest John Chatterton
1875 - 1939 Egbert William Chatterton
1878 - 1963 Sidney James Chatterton
1879 - 1904 Walter Vine Chatterton
1881 - 1945 Louisa Tryphena Chatterton
1885 - 1944 Harold Henry Chatterton
1887 - 1973 Stanley Edward Chatterton (moved to Australia)
... Woolworths was founded by
* Stanley Edward Chatterton
* Harold Percival Christmas
* Ernest Robert Williams
* George William Percival Creed
* Cecil Scott Waine
Stanley Chatterton and Percy Christmas had opened the first floor Frock Salon in Queen Victoria Markets currently the Queen Victoria Building at the corner of George and Market streets in Sydney
... It was obvious in 1924 the premises of S. E. Chatterton were small steered to opening of another branch. Formation of the new company (Woolworths limited) incorporated with the nominal capital of 25,000 shares each. The once proposed "Woolworths Bazaar" seemed cumbersome and on 22nd September in 1924, the company got registered as Woolworths limited after realization that the overseas Woolworths Company has no agenda to open in Australia.
It had the following founding directors:
* S. E. Chatterton
* H. P. Christmas
* C. Scott Waine
* E. R. Williams
* G. W. P. Creed as the nearest advisers

Ernest John Chatterton
married Mary STOCKING in 1899
their known children
1899 - 1967 Clyde Stanley Chatterton
1901 - 1962 Ralph Leslie Chatterton
1902 - 1967 Lionel John Chatterton
1905 - Walter Vince Chatterton
1907 - 1990 Gordon Arthur Chatterton
1909 - 1969 Alfred Ernest Chatterton
1913 - 1987 William Percival 'Percy' Chatterton
1917 - 1997 George Lloyd Chatterton

Frederick William Chatterton
married Annie HILL in 1890
their known children
1900 - Daphne Armstrong Chatterton

Harold Henry Chatterton
married Sarah Mary Sophia EVANS in 1907
their known children
1908 - Alfred Chatterton
1908 - Arthur Chatterton
1910 - Ewart Vine Chatterton
1913 - Eva May Chatterton
1915 - Cyril Vine Chatterton
1917 - Harold Owen Chatterton
1920 - Leicester William Chatterton
1922 - Percy Richard John Chatterton

Harold Victor Chatterton
married Maud Emily MABSON (1892-1973) in 1930
. daughter of William Rous MABSON & Marguereta CAMPBELL. Maud had a brother, William Rouse Mabson (1895-) who served in WWI as Bombardier 17659 with the NZEF, 20th Reinforcements NZ Field Artillery, embarking from Wellington 2 Jan 1917. His next of kin was his father W. R. Mabson sen., 152 Earn Street, Invercargill
* in 1891 the Mabson family were living at Green Island, Dunedin
* in 1892 William Rous was building the Brighton road, near Kaikorai
* in 1893 he was farming in Brighton
* in 1894 he was at Green Island Bush
* in 1906 he complained of bad road leading to his Mount Pleasant property
* in 1910 he sold his farm, the animals, implements, furniture & dwelling etc

John Henry Chatterton
married Edith LEE in 1918

John Robert Chatterton
married Mary Jane HOOPER in 1893

Leslie Arthur Chatterton
married Jean Bell MAIN in 1926

Marshall Charles Chatterton
married Gladys JOHNSON in 1923

Richard Nathan Chatterton
married Thelma Mabel CROSBY in 1927

Robert Chatterton
married Elizabeth ROBERTSON in 1923

Thomas Chatterton
married Ellen WAKELY in 1893
their known children
1894 - Mabel Elizabeth Chatterton
1895 - Alfred Samuel Wakely Chatterton
1897 - Thomas Chatterton
1900 - Robert Chatterton
1902 - Richard Nathan Chatterton
1905 - Cordella Ettie Chatterton
1907 - William Francis Chatterton

Thomas Smedley Chatterton
married Mary Agnes CLANCY in 1912

Walter Vine Chatterton
married Edith Minnie OLIVER in 1899
their known children
1900 - Edith Eileen Chatterton
1901 - Hazel Vera Chatterton
1903 - Roy Oliver Chatterton
1904 - Keith Walter Chatterton
1906 - Bernard Francis Chatterton
1908 - Herbert Arthur Chatterton
1910 - Beryl Minnie May Chatterton

Walter Russell Chatterton
married Ethel Violet FAWSON in 1922

Walter Vine Chatterton (1879-1904)
* son of John Vine Chatterton & Ann Parrett
married Norah Sophia WILLIAMS in 1903
their known children
1903 - 1990 Doris Annie Walker
1904 - 1997 Winnie Vine Chatterton
* Walter was at a hunt meet in Timaru when he drank some water from a stream in one of the fields. He contracted typhoid and died aged 25. He is buried Waimate Old cemetery.
* Norah next married Walter Rich Owers in 1907

Agnes May Chatterton
married Nathan Stewart BARCLAY in 1902

Amy Mehetabel Chatterton
married Reginald George EDWARDS in 1930

Annie Chatterton
married John JACKSON in 1887

Charlotte Chatterton
married Matthew Andrews in 1876
their known children
1877 - Harriet Emily Andrews
1878 - Lilian May Andrews
1879 - John Willie Andrews
1881 - Jessie Winifred Andrews
1882 - Eleanor Maud Andrews
1884 - Ruby Madeline Andrews
1888 - Frances Ivy Andrews

Doris Annie Chatterton
married William Norman WALKER in 1923

Elizabeth Chatterton
married Francis 'Frank' BARBER in 1883
their known children
1884 - Evelyn Frances Barber
1885 - Frank Albert Barber
1887 - Elizabeth Emily Barber
1889 - William George Barber
1892 - Amy Sherwin Augustine Barber
1892 - Ada Isabella Jeanie Barber
1895 - Sarah Olive Annie Barber
1897 - Robert Stanley Barber
1899 - Ernest James Barber
1902 - Peter Herbert Barber
1904 - Arthur Nathan Barber
1908 - Alma Ellen Barber

Evelyn Hilda Chatterton
married James Nicholas NORTHCOTT in 1922

Frances Mary Chatterton (1874-1968)
married Harold RAWSON (1869-1941) in 1907
their known children
1910 - 1993 Thomas Whiteley Rawson
1912 - Francis Theodore Rawson
1914 - Nesta Mary Rawson

Louisa Tryphena Chatterton (1881-1945)
married Charles Gibson PATCHETT (1881-1957) in 1907
their known children
1908 - Sydney David Patchett
1911 - Raymond Charles Patchett
1918 - Winnie Annie Vine Patchett

Mabel Elizabeth Chatterton
married William Ivan Cunningham STEENSON in 1924

Norah Sophia Chatterton
(nee Williams, first married Walter Vine Chatterton in 1903)
married Walter Rich OWERS in 1907
their known children
1912 - Norah Selina Owers

Sarah Ann Chatterton
married Jethro Ernest FENWICK in 1898
their known children
1899 - Ernest Coe Fenwick
1901 - Eric Heaton Fenwick
1904 - Ethel Hazel Fenwick
1905 - Myrtle Enid Fenwick
1909 - Milson Chatterton Fenwick

Theodora Anna Chatterton
married Morgan Douglas LAURENSON in 1922

John Vine Chatterton

see Egbert William Chatterton (1875-1939)

by ngairedith Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2011-02-14 03:14:39

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

Do you know someone who can help? Share this:


by tggoss on 2011-04-12 18:21:04

I am looking for MABSON's so far England, Canada and a few US. curious as to yours.

by ngairedith on 2011-12-18 05:56:39

message received:
From: denisedouglas
Date: 2011-12-18

One of my direct family lines is 'Rawson' which I have traced back to about 1666, and who had settled at Barton Upon Humber in Lincolnshire, England. In 1809 one William RAWSON (1773-1845) married a Elizabeth CHATTERTON (b. about 1764-65 at Crosby, Lincolnshire and died 26 May 1824) at Barton Upon Humber, Lincs. They had the following children -

1. Mary Frances Rawson b. 24 Oct. 1809
2. Charles Chatterton Rawson b. 3 Mar. 1811
3. Emma Rawson bap. 1 Sep. 1812
4. William Chatterton Rawson bap. 5 Dec. 1814

The last three children all died in infancy.

I don't have a lot on the Chatterton line, but I do have a great deal on the Rawson's.

Just wondered if you might see a connection to your Rawson and Chatterton families?

Kind regards

(name supplied)

all I have is in the journal above
can anyone please help with this query

by ngairedith on 2013-01-14 05:25:16

journal updated and added to for Wallace after his message:

Subject: Chattertons
To: ngairedith
From: Wallace
Date: 2013-01-13 22:43:47
... Hi I am Wallace (name supplied) - my Mother was Irene Lousis Chatterton (father = Egbert Chatterton - Mother Rebbeca Good). I am researching this family and would love to hear from you if we have a common interest.

hope Wallace will add any info he may have

by Darrelle on 2022-12-20 12:16:21

I have found amongst my DNA matches that I have the below match to Bronwyn Rowlands, some time ago I messaged her on Ancestry but there was no reply.

You and Bronwyn Rowlands
2nd – 3rd Cousin | Maternal side 4% shared DNA: 299 cM across 14 segments

In her small tree of 8 ppl there is also her maternal grandparent Mavis Irene Good married to Thomas James Will??? I can't read the full surname of the spouse.

I also have the below DNA match, who has both Rowlands and Good in his extensive tree

You and Nickolie1957
2nd – 3rd Cousin | Maternal side 4% shared DNA: 280 cM across 12 segments

I have made contact with the above and he is convinced we are connected through Wright and Good.

Our common ancestors are:-

William Simpson
BIRTH 27 FEB 1810 • Dalgetty, Fife, Scotland
DEATH 24 JAN 1884 • Miners Rest, Victoria, Australia
2nd great-grandfather


Catherine Fisher
BIRTH 7 JUN 1807 • Portmoak, Kinross-shire, Scotland
DEATH 1881 • Lake Marmal, Victoria, Australia
2nd great-grandmother

I also have this DNA match, she has numerous Good matches in her tree.

You and collene_thornhill
2nd – 3rd Cousin | Maternal side 4% shared DNA: 279 cM across 10 segments

I have quite a few other matches that have links to Good as well. Hope tis info might help.


Darrelle Townsend.

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