Coronia Slavonia Zealandia POTOKY + George ROOKS - New Zealand
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Ceronia/Corona Slavonia Zealandia POTOKY was born in 1899
- she married George ROOKS in 1893
- George was born in 1896
their children were:
1893 - Corona/Coronia Augusta Rooks
1895 - Harriet Maria Rooks
1896 - Alfred George Rooks
- Coronia died in 1899 aged 24
- George died in 1952 aged 56
some of the POTOKY deaths in NZ:
1877 - Agnes Jane Potoky aged 9
1877 - Lilly Salatina Potoky aged 4
1887 - Francis Potoky aged 4 months
1924 - Emmerick Ference Tomas Potoky aged 53
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on 2010-12-08 13:49:46
on 2010-12-08 13:49:46
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.