Despite breaking my promise to concentrate on the dictionary history almost immediately (MORNINGTON DISTRICT JOTTINGS), here we go. I'm sure I'll be finished before any of these volumes are because there's always a new discovery. Just for example,I wrote everything I knew about William Lockhart of Tullamarine in 1989,last year, while researching Mornington Peninsula history, I discovered that his 198 acre property at Tullamarine was called Springburn and a few weeks ago, I was contacted by one of his descendants.
I have discovered in the past that if there are too many names in the surname list, some of them tend to disappear when I update the journal. As there are many names to be featured in this dictionary history, I will continue from where I left off in many volumes so that each will have a reasonable number of names in the surname list. If pioneers have already been discussed in the original dictionary history journal,they will be mentioned in the volumes,referring readers to the original journal (with the symbols ##.) As I list new names, they will be followed by a note for my use so I can locate the source(s) when I start on that entry. It will take a year just to list all the names, farm names, happenings etc. but I will be researching and writing about one family per night at the same time,so please be patient.
BOWRING.##(Joseph Bowering Rhodes Pde BAFH)
The Brady family was probably more associated with Rosebud in later days but was certainly connected with the early days of Red Hill. In THE RED HILL, Sheila Skidmore stated that Mr Brady was the first preacher at Red Hill and that four Brady children were enrolled when Red Hill State School opened on 1-1-1874 on James Wiseman's block, near the end of Arkwells Lane. The preacher and father of the four students was most likely Obadiah Brady. I just happened to know that the Brady homestead farm was called Mount Evergreen but I did not know when they first settled there; it was much earlier than I had thought.
Family Notices
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1956) Thursday 24 September 1891 p 1 Family Notices
BRADY On the 23rd inst., at Mount Evergreen, Dromana, Eliza, relict of the late Obadiah Brady,
Family Notices
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1956) Thursday 12 January 1888 p 1 Family Notices
... move from his late residence, Mount Evergreen, Dromana, To-morrow (Friday, January 13), at 2 o ... THE Friends of OBADIAH BRADY, Esq., are most respectfully invited to follow his re ... 979 words
Family Notices
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1956) Monday 10 October 1887 p 1 Family Notices
...sting-place, the Dromana Cemetery. The funeral is appointed to move from his residence, Mount Evergreen, ... Latrobe and Spring streets, Melbourne. THE Friends of OBADIAH BRADY, Esq., are most respectfully ... 845 words (funeral of his only daughter.)
Mount Evergreen was a fair way from the Red Hill School but it was further to Dromana and the Boneo school (at Blacks Camp between Boneo and Cape Schanck or possibly still on Anderson's Barragunda), and the Rosebud school opened a decade later. Mount Evergreen consisted of 121 acres 2 roods and 39 perches, being crown allotment 21C, section B, parish of Wannaeue, fronting the east side of Main Creek Rd (Melway,171 K9-10 to 190 B 9-10.) Mount Evergreen*, granted to W.J.Brady on 24-11-1893 was later, along with Randall's Hindhope in Rosebud, a venue for a sexy working holiday for a certain Rajah! (*See P.4, Mornington Standard 18-1-1902 and P. 2, 13-9-1900 re Hindhope.)
The Brady bunchprobably rode cross-country to get to school. W.J.Brady and Obadiah W.Brady were likely to have been two of the 1874 students.
Family Notices
Mornington Standard (Vic. : 1889 - 1908) Thursday 11 November 1897 Edition: MORNING. p 2 Family Notices
... Marriage. BRADY--HEAD.-On Tuesday, 2nd No- vember, 1897, at Dalkeith Park, Mount Martha, by Rev. Thos. Kane, Obadiah W. Brady, second son of the late Obadiah Brady, of Mount Evergreen, Rosebud, to Mary Elizabeth Rosetta Head, eldest daughter of Alfred Head, Esq., Fern Valley, Red Hill. ... 45 words
Alf Head was leasing Dalkeith at that time. See my Red Hill in 1906 journal.
On 11-8-1899,W.J.Brady was also granted 79 acres (10D, Wannaeue) fronting McPhersons Lane and the east side of Baldrys Rd extending about three quarters of the way to Splitters Creek. He had earlier(1890 and 1891) been granted 6B and 6A, a total of 235 acres fronting Hyslops Rd, the south side of Browns Rd and west side of Greens Rd, and extending south to the Greens Bush boundary.
Travelling between those properties along Old Main Creek Rd (of which MacPherson Lane was a part)to Mount Evergreen, he probably often saw young Rose who lived on a farm bounded by the south end of Roberts Rd (the right angle bend) and Main Creek,crown allotment 1C, section A, parish of Flinders, consisting of 46 acres 3roods and 8 perches and granted to C.Roberts on 21-7-1890. Gee, I wonder if that's how Roberts Rd got its name! Bet you can't guess what Rose's surname was.
I don"t know enough about the Brady or Roberts genealogy to know whether it was W.J.Brady who married Rose, but it was certainly William Brady. Now,where are my ON THE ROAD TO ROSEBUD notes?
I recalled something that Isobel Morseby had said in ROSEBUD:FLOWER OF THE PENINSULA so I grabbed those notes too. P.36. "Mr Roberts, the first postmaster (at Rosebud), used to check the time on his watch by the sun on the Rosebud beach every day at noon." This was probably John Roberts who was granted 18A2 Wannaeue of 58 acres (Melway 170 F10 and fronting Grassland Rd)on 1-2-1908.
Peter Wilson wrote quite a bit about Rose Brady on page 26 of ON THE ROAD TO ROSEBUD.In 1908, the Roberts family built a shop on the site of Peebles which they opened as a post office. Their daughter, Rose, who married William Brady, a Main Ridge farmer, acted as the postmistress until 1913, when they moved back to the farm (and the store was sold to Elsie James P.36.)When William died young, Rose moved to a house in Spray St; she was the organist and a mainstay of the Rosebud Methodist Church (now a medical centre in the Rosebud Fishing Village, on a block donated by Dromana's Nelson Rudduck.)
Peter said that the Roberts family had come from Ballarat and was probably not aware of the Main Ridge connection. If (John?) Roberts was from Main Ridge, why had he left the farm? The answer would be twofold. As the late Ray Cairns told me (ten days after scoring his last century), most farms were subsistence farming only, with plenty of food from the vegetable patch, orchard, dairy, chooks, underground mutton etc., with mum doing a lot of preserving to ensure year-round supply and cutting the unworn parts of dad's clothes to make the kids' apparel. Finding a market for Maroolaba chaff was impossible once they lost the contact with Stringer's Store at Sorrento.
For most farmers the only way to earn cash was to find work off the farm, maintaining roads for the shire, supplying timber, working at a sawmill etc. As Ray said,nobody wanted to work for farmers because they had no money. Those nearer the Heads could earn cash in the lime burning trade,and later supplying ti tree for Melbourne bakers' ovens, Dromana had its guest houses (McKeown,Chapman etc.), Alf Head supplied fruit and veg. for the Sorrento holidaymakers, and Red hill's fruitgrowers, despite the transport difficulties, had a ready market for their produce. But they were the exceptions.
The second reason for many leaving the family farm was the depression of the 1890's. Many farmers had to mortgage their properties; in 1900, W.J.Brady was leasing Mount Evergreen from Wyndham. Others just walked away. Many of their farms were snapped up for a song from financial institutions by the man after whom Browns Rd was named. The first of the Holmes family still in Red Hill left his Mallee farm and was working on the Railways when he met Miss Sheehan, John and Thomas Chapman tried their luck in Western Australia,John taking his wife, Edith (nee Sheehan)who returned to Red Hill when he died, and Henry Falby Gomm of Somerville also went to W.A., establishing a pioneering dynasty.
Rose Roberts' father may have found job opportunities in Ballarat where gold mining was still probably in operation and supporting other enterprises, such as stores. He must have done well to build a store and buy land in 1908,a time when the Shire of Flinders and Kangerong was almost broke. John Roberts was in Rosebud by
1902, seemingly having already built the post office and Miss Roberts,probably Rose, was already playing the organ and on the way to the altar.
From J. Roberts, Rosebud, requesting council to make the approach to the Rosebud Post Office.-Engineer was instructed to have the work done. (Mornington Standard (Vic. : 1889 - 1908) Saturday 7 June 1902 Edition: MORNING. p 2 Article)
Miss Roberts, who has since coming to the district been an indefatigable worker in connection with church, (Sunday)school and Band of Hope, being about to leave for the purpose of entering the married state was presented by Mr Watsford, who acted on behalf of the members of the congregation and others, with a parcel of cutlery. Mr Rudduck, acting for the parents of the scholars, presented Miss Roberts with a clock. Miss Roberts personally thanked one and all for the gifts and said her work had been a joy and her residence amongst them would never be forgotten. Singing and prayer concluded a happy meeting.(Rosebud Sunday School Anniversary i.e. Methodist (Mornington Standard (Vic. : 1889 - 1908) Saturday 30 August 1902 Edition: MORNING. p 4 Article.)
William John Brady was the Rosebud agent from whom the Mornington Standard could be purchased, so he must have been operating from some sort of store. Mount Evergreen was a bit far away for the average reader.
AUTHORISED AGENTS: The following is a list of our authorised agents, from whom the above paper may be obtained, and who will also receive orders for advertisements :RosEBUD.-Mr. W. J. Brady etc.
(Mornington Standard (Vic. : 1889 - 1908) Thursday 19 September 1895 Edition: MORNING. p 4 Advertising.)
When asked why he described the Sunday School at Rosebud as Methodist, itellya said that it was on land donated by a Methodist, namely Nelson Rudduck, and in a building used as the Methodist church for ages before the Pressies built their church in one day not far west of the school. And what did the said Nelson Rudduck have to say about the matter?
A CORRECTION, TO THE EDITOR. SIR,-In the report of the Rosebud Sunday School Anniversary, which appeared in your last issue, it is represented as a " Methodist" school. This is incorrect, as the school is undenom - national, the Victorian Sunday school lessons and Sankey's hymns being used, but no catechism.-Yours, &c., NELSON RUDDUCK. Superintendent. Dromana, 21/7/03.
(Mornington Standard (Vic. : 1889 - 1908) Saturday 25 July 1903 Edition: MORNING. p 4 Article.)
I had a feeling that Isobel Moresby mentioned the year 1900 in connection with John Roberts even though I made no note of it. My memory seems to be correct.
ROSEBUD. The Sunday School anniversary was celebrated on Sunday and Monday the 5th and 6th inst. On Sunday Messrs Moyle and Rudduck conducted the services, and on Monday the public meeting was presided over by Mr J. Roberts, addresses being given by Messrs Moyle and Buchan, Mr Moyle sang a solo and the prizes were distributed to the children. From the report given by the superintendent (Mr Rudduck) it appears that a teacher is needed to take the place of Mr W. Chapman (the late superintendent, who has removed to Melbourne.) There are 3 teachers and 29 scholars with an average attendance of 24.3; the income has more than met the expenditure; and the utmost good will exists between all connected with the school. Votes of thanks were given to Miss Roberts for training the children for the singing; to Messrs Wickham, B. Holloway. W. Chapman and the committee of the Mechanics' for services rendered, also to the chairman, speaker, and decorators.
(Mornington Standard (Vic. : 1889 - 1908) Thursday 16 August 1900 Edition: MORNING. p 3 Article.)
W.J. Brady served as secretary of the Rosebud Mechanics' Hall and of the committee formed at a meeting called by Sidney Smith Crispo at Boneo re growing sugar beet. The whole family was involved with the Red Hill Band of Hope, as were the Head and Roberts families. If members of these families were madly in love with each other, I guess there was method(ist) in their madness.
Watson Bryan "was supposed to have been a deserter from the British army, who, to cover his tracks allegedly reversed his name from Bryan Watson." (P.147, A Dreamtime of Dromana.) Confusingly Colin gives his name on page 74 as John Bryan. He spent his time at Dromana "working on the timber." When Mary Ann McLear moved to Maryfield in 1860, John moved onto Mary's leased farm on the Survey, The Willow.This was halfway between the coast and the highway and halfway between Dunns and Sheepwash Creek, about the north end of the Dromana Holiday Village near the drive-in.The springs at The Willow were henceforth known as Bryan's Springs.
The track through the Common was known as Bryan's Cutting. John Bryan cut piles,slabs, sleepers, beams and firewood, much of his work done in a saw-pit. He married a Miss Mitchell, whose family were early settlers in the district and (among?) their children were Tom, Matthew, Dunlop and George. Dunlop died in Dromana aged in his 80's in the 1950's. Some of his brothers moved to the Otways.
Melbourne Brindle's fabulous map of Dromana shows Bryan's Cutting (Holmes' motor buggy used to chug up here) and it is clearly the Hillcrest Quarry Rd(Melway 159 J8-9.) The map,available for purchase at the Dromana Museum, also shows the "path to Arthurs Seat & tower(past Bryans.)" This walking path followed the western boundary of Gracefield due south from where Bryan's cutting approaches the boundary near Sayvon Court (the site of the Brindles' "Sunnyside" homestead.)
Family Notices
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1956) Tuesday 28 January 1936 p 1 Family Notices
Bryan- On the 23rd January at Warragul, George, eldest son of late J and M Bryan, Dromana, loved brother Margaret (W.A. ) Dun ? ... 2363 words
Matthew was a handy billiards player and captained Dromana's footy team in the match against Mornington in 1893.(P.4, Mornington Standard, 8-6-1893.) Tom narrowly won a Dromana Chess Club tournament in 1897. (P.2, Mornington Standard, 28-10-1897.) George and Matthew represented Dromana in cricket and one of them was a handy bowler.(P.3,Mornington Standard, 13-12-1894.) Matthew once top-scored with 7 runs!
Getting back to Red Hill, in 1879, John Moore, an inspector of works was assessed on 33 acres in the parish of Kangerong. This was part of the Red Hill Township and on the north east side of White Hill Rd fronting 149 metres of Harrisons Rd and 209 metres of McIlroy Rd. George Sherwood was granted 172 acres, east of Eatons Cutting Rd and south of the eastern third of Tumbywood Rd, on 9-2-1876. The Holmes family later bought this property and called it the Lookout Paddock;today it contains the Lookout Hill Circuit Walk and Holmes Road Reserve. In 1877, Moore got John Bryan to put up a fence but it was not according to specification so Sherwood took over. Bryan sued Moore for money owed and Sherwood sued Bryan.
(P.3, South Bourke and Mornington Journal, 12-12-1877.)
CALDWELL. (Grantees.)##
Family Notices
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1956) Thursday 10 March 1864 p 4 Family Notices
... BIRTHS. CALDWELL.-On the 4th inst., at Dromana-hill, Dromana, the wife of Robert Caldwell, Esq., of a daughter. ...
CALDWELL Rev. James.
Joseph McIlroy was married in the Dromana Mechanics' Institute on Wednesday 20-9-1877 by the Rev. James Caldwell. (P.17,The Red Hill.) The venue was necessary because Dromana's first church, the Union Church shared by several denominations, was built by Henry William Ault in 1879. (P.116, A Dreamtime of Dromana.)
Rev.James Caldwell was from Mornington and may have visited Dromana many times to conduct services and probably received a cordial welcome each time, unlike a certain Catholic priest who had come from Mornington and did a certain thing to a young man at Scurfield's Hotel. The minister lost three sons in the drowning tragedy that occurred after a football match at Mordialloc only 18 months after the death of his wife.
THE VICTORIAN BOATING DISASTER. The Search for the Bodies. Melbourne, May 23.
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Tuesday 24 May 1892 p 5 Article
... immediately after the acci dent in order to gain greater freedom of motion. The three Messrs. Caldwell were the sons of the Rev. James Caldwell, Presbyterian minister of Mornington, who lost fais wife about .
Family Notices
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1956) Monday 16 December 1901 p 1 Family Notices
.... MAHRIAGE?. MARRIAGES. MORTON-SINGLETON.-On the 3rd December, at "Glenholm," Dromana, by the Rev. James Caldwell of Mornington, assisted by Mr W. Buchan, of Dromana, William Morton, of Boogardie, W ... nbsp; granddaughter of Walter Gibson, of "Glenholm," Dromana.
Mornington Standard (Vic. : 1889 - 1908) Saturday 16 November 1907 Edition: MORNING. p 2 Article
... In Memoriam. THE REV JAMES CALDWELL. The death of the Rev. James Caldwell, of "Glenbank", Mornington, ... a short service, conducted by the Rev. D. A, MacDougall, assisted by the Rev. James Murray, the ... greatly to the regret, of all who knew him. The Rev. gentleman was broad-minded, and generous
Turn right into Albert Street
18. St Andrews Church - 51 Barkly Street
Church - Barkly Street
This building had significant heritage to the area but unfortunately in the 1980's was been turned into a retail precinct. The church was built in 1867 by William Grover using bricks supplied by Thomas Allchin from his local brickworks. The church trustees were John Barrett, Alex Morrison, John Connell and James Butchart owner of Beleura. Reverend Caldwell came to Mornington in 1874 and commenced a long tenure with the church and town, being one of the more influential citizens. In 1979 the Mornington Historic Society applied to the National trust to preserve the church. The National Trust failed to find the building significnat on a Statewide basis. In 1984 the church was convereted to a restaurant.
It might seem strange to start an entry in a Red Hill history with a piece of Mornington History. But members of the Connell family lived in Red Hill and at least one still does. The following has been pasted from the original Red Hill Dictionary History journal so that I can ensure that I'm not repeating myself without constantly swapping between two journals.
James Connell received the grant for allotment 12 near the boundary with Kangerong and Bittern parishes. It was possibly Anthony or James whose rates on 50 acres and a hut in Dromana were paid for him by Wilson at the deathknock on 20-1-1865. The rate collector didn?t know much. As well as not knowing the given names of Connell and Wilson, he didn?t realize that the name Dromana only applied to land west of McCulloch St.
Colin McLear tells us the following. The Connells were tenants on Jamiesons Special Survey in 1851 or shortly thereafter. (Anthony Connell?s block was probably near the one later occupied by Henry Wilson.) A descendant of Anthony?s was a silent partner of Jack Rudduck in Mornington Station in the Kimberleys in the 1950?s. Mornington Station was near Fitzroy Crossing 300 miles inland from Derby.
The Connell and White children were among the pupils of a school that operated near the Hickinbotham Winery site in the early 1850?s. This school may have closed when the teacher?s wife died or because two private schools had been opened in Dromana by Quinan and Nicholson. Its closure was probably the impetus for the establishment of a school in Moorooduc.
Anthony Connell was obviously the forerunner of the Connell family in the area. He received the grants for allotments 27 and 29, totaling 337 acres, all or part of which became the rifle range.
In 1910, James Connell, a farmer of Mornington, was leasing 238 acres (lots 3-6 of Bruce?s) and James Connell, a farmer of Tuerong, was leasing 230 acres (lots 1,2 of Bruces.) This land was just south of Ellerina Rd in the parish of Kangerong. I presume that would be James senior and James junior. Bruce?s was the northern section of the Survey fronting the Sea Lane, which is now called Bruce Rd, and is the boundary between Kangerong and Moorooduc parishes.
Anthony Connell's grants in the parish of Moorooduc, crown allotments 29 and 27, with a frontage of 1680 metres on the east side of Three Chain Road (Old Moorooduc Rd) from opposite No. 235 to opposite the Vineyard Lane corner (the south boundary of the Tuerong pre-emptive right)consisted of nearly 338 acres and had a Balnarring Rd frontage of 310 metres at the north east corner.(Melway 151 J8 to 152 A-B 6.) In 1873 Anthony was granted C.A. 11A bounded by Gillett Rd on the north, which is now the Tuerong Reserve.(152 C6.) When the property was sold, Connells were the auctioneers.
On 17-7-1886,James Connell was granted crown allotment 12,section A, parish of Balnarring, consisting of 177 acres 2roods and 25 perches. This had frontages to Balnarring and Derril Rd. It is very difficult to be exact about its location on Melway because the creeks shown on the parish map do not appear on Melway map 152. Derril Rd is the boundary between the parishes of Moorooduc and Bittern and the road meeting the midpoint of the eastern boundary of c/a 12,being in Bittern, is not named on the Moorooduc map. It is, however, certainly Hodgins Rd. The eastern boundary was 2926 links (585 metres), so using my Melway (not superpages) map, I can state with certainty that the north east corner was latitudinally in the middle of 152 G8,just north-east of where Derril Rd(northbound) curves to deviate around the reservoir.The south east corner is at the top right corner of 152 F 10. The north and south boundaries have to be parallel with Foxey's Rd and the driveway to Donistoun Park (152 D9) could be just within its south west corner.
A Connell family living in Red Hill in the 1890's must have lost their rabbit's foot. Firstly their little girl was badly burnt as a result of her brother playing with matches (Mornington Standard 18-4-1895 page 2) and then Mr Connell was in hospital receiving treatment for his eyes by the end of 1896(M.S. 24-12-1896, P.3.)
Two young Davey girls of Marysville, Frankston (Davey's Bay)had collected donations as a Christmas present for the distressed family and the donations were to be forwarded on to Mr (H.P.)Davey of Forest Lodge, Red Hill.
The family was referred to in the first article as living near Red Hill so perhaps they were near Merricks North and Forest Lodge. As Henry Pearce Davies was involved as secretary of the Balnarring sports committee (My DISCOVERING DAVEY journal)it is possible that this family was in the parish of Bittern where J.(John?) Connell had a grant across Balnarring Rd from Anthony's. My journal also reveals that the hospitalised father was William Connell.(Mornington Standard 12-11-1896 P.3 and 10-12-1896 P.3.)
POSTSCRIPT, 22-4-2013. Mrs Trevor Connell, a descendant of Red hill pioneers, Joseph and Mary Ann Simpson, told me today that Connells lived on Eatons Cutting Rd. Most of the land along this road (7 and 7A, Kangerong) was not alienated until the 1900's so perhaps William Connell was leasing 8 acres from the Crown.
Cr Davies asked the council to provide some relief for the family and H.P.Davey pointed out that the father had previously been unable to work for six months before his eyesight problems emerged and the large family, with the oldest child only 15, was living on bread and water. (Mornington Standard 17-12-1896 P.3, F&K SHIRE.)
Evelyn Connell, daughter of Mrs Connell of Red Hill, died on 24 April, 1910 from pneumonia at the age of 19 and was buried at Mornington Cemetery. She was one of a set of triplets. (Mornington and Dromana Standard 30-4-1910 P.2.) Miss R.Connell was a member of the Red Hill Literary ans Social Club, rendering items along with Charles and Mrs Thiele, Tom Sandilants' wife, H.McIlroy, W.Simpson and Mr Prosser (sic).(Mornington Standard 29-8-1903 p.3.)
In 1900, William Connell was assessed on 8 acres Kangerong. The man who first appealed for help for William's family, A.E.Bennett, was living on Kent Orchard at the time. Kent Orchard, later occupied by the Huntleys was on Kentucky Rd (Melway 191 H 1.)
Although no details were given, Evelyn Mary (Evie) Connell who died on 11-12-1900 might have been the mother of Evelyn (above) and thus Mrs Connell of Red Hill and William's wife.
POSTSCRIPT 23-4-2013. Dot Watt's information shows that the parents of the unfortunate triplet, Evelyn,who died in 1910 were William and Rebecca (nee Bidgood.)
Today (22-4-2013) Mrs Trevor Connell provided me with Connell genealogical information compiled by Dot Watt nee Connell without the aid of a computer. I will later speak with Dot. A member of the Balnarring Historical Society has written a book about Lou Connell who was the other competitor in the formation of the legend of Foxey's Hangout. There are two or so books,including Mary Karney's THE GOLDEN PLAINS OF TUBBARUBBAREL,that give much detail about the contest and the unfortunate Jackson.
Henry Connell married Isabella (Topham?)in 1803.(Marriage licence bonds book for the diocese of Cork and Ross in Dublin Public Records Office.)
Parents of Anthony and Simon Connell arrived as bounty passengers on 30-9-1840 on the ship "Himalaya". Anthony was engaged by E.E.Manuel Esq. for 3 years. He was listed as a labourer in one section but in the list of all unmarried men he was listed as a baker. Anthony bought land on 3-10-1855,lots 46 and 48,Parish of Moorooduc,for one pound per acre.Lots 46 and 48 were shown in reports of land sale (P.R.O.code V.P.R.S.80, UNIT 4)but lot 46 was section 27. Lot 48 was section 29.
Simon Connell appears in the Port Phillip directory of 1847 as a farmer, Strathallan,Darebin Creek.
(Simon may have been leasing from Malcolm McLean, who later advertised three 220 acre farms to let on Strathallan. McLean later offered a paddock on the Strathallan Estate near the Darebin Creek, on the Upper Plenty road to the Victorian Agricultural Society at a reasonable price.(P.6, Argus, 1-5-1871.) It's a fair bet that Strathallan Rd (Melway 20 C7)and Latrobe University are on the Strathallan Estate. If Simon was there long enough he would have been a neighbour of John Brock,an early Bulla squatter whose run was absorbed into Big Clarke's Special Survey and moved to the Bundoora area by 1851 when his wife, Jane, died; Brock called his estate (north of Strathallan)Janefield.
It's a fair chance that Simon saw John McLear killed outside the Plough Inn, Bundoora's first hotel, on Boxing Day,1849. John's widow, Mary Ann,possibly his groom,William Marshall, and Anthony Connell were to become tenants on Jamieson's Special Survey not much longer than a year later. John had been leasing land from a Mr Green since 1846, possibly near Greensborough Rd,east of Strathallan.)
The Electoral Roll Victoria 1856-57 Mornington Division.
Name and Surname of Voter No.515-Connell, Anthony.
Place of Abode and description. Mt Martha, farmer.
Nature of Qualification. Freehold.
Description or Qualification. Land, Mt Martha.
Simon Connell, No.516, Mt Martha, Farmer, Freehold,Mt Martha.
Anthony Connell, born 1802, County Cork,Ireland; died 4-5-1895, Moorooduc, Reg. No. 7767.
Buried 6-5-1895, Mornington Cemetery, Pres.16. Lived Tuerong at time of death with son, James Connell.
Farmer, General Debility.
Married 21-3-1869, Reg. No. 1179.
Mary Ann Phair,born 23-7-1827, Hobart, Tasmania.
Died 31-3-1910 aged 82 years. Buried 2-4-1910, Booroondara Cemetery, Kew, Pres.B 3909 with daughter, Elizabeth Jackson.
Simon Connell,buried 28-5-1878, aged 66 years. Typhoid Pneumonia, Farmer,lived Bittern.
(Information from George Connell) Plot No. C/E 125.
Also buried in Pres. 16 (with Anthony):
James, 1 day old March 1901;
Evelyn 19 years, 26-4-1910, father-William,mother Rebecca, nee Bidgood.(Info.from James Connell.)-One of the triplets!
James Connell, b.15-8-1854, Moorooduc,d.10-6-1926, buried 12-6-1926 C/E 324, Mornington Cemetery; his parents were Anthony and Mary Ann Connell.
Jane Ann Young, b.14-2-1856, Moorooduc, d.20-8-1938 aged 82 years, Mornington,buried 22-8-1938 with James; her parents were George Young and his first wife Jane (nee Wilson.)
James Connell and Jane Ann Young married in 1880 (Reg. No. 865.
Their children were:
1.Anthony Edward Young Connell b. 2-9-1876, Schnapper Point (Mornington), d. 12-1-1891 aged 14 years, buried 14-1-1891, Mornington Cemetery Pres. 15 with uncle and uncle John and Ellen. Killed by rock fall at quarry. (Possibly near Gillett Rd, now a park.)
2. James Thomas Young Connell b.8-6-1878 Schnapper Point.
3. John George Connell b.13-8-1880 (Reg. No. 25262)Schnapper Point, married 20-8-1908 (Bella Hooper?)
4. William Charles Connell b.25-8-1882,Schnapper point (Reg. No.25815), d. Western Australia, married 10-5-1911 at Onslow near Ashburton, W.A. to Ellen Mary Taylor. Which one died in 1947?
5. Albert Ernest Connell b. 16-3-1884 Schnapper Point (Reg. No. 12875), d. ?-7;1948 aged 64 years at the old post office at Mornington from a heart attack after riding a push bike to work from Dunns Rd. Buried 29-7-1948 at Mornington Cemetery, Meth.113. He married May Elizabeth Thorne b.1891/2 Schnapper Point (Reg. No. B.C.7003?)and died in May 1942 from a heart attack aged 52 while she was knitting at her home, Condale Cottage in Dunns Rd. She was buried on 25-5-1942 C/E 350.
Albert remarried to Gladys someone and they had no issue.
6.Mary Ann Eleanor Connell b.3-7-1888 Schnapper Point (Reg. No. 22073 1837-1888 pioneers' Index), d.22-2 1971 aged 85 years, buried Fawkner Cemetery. Married Mathew Mooney in 1910.
7. David Louis Connell b.16-1-1891 Schnapper Point, d.9-4-1968 at Mornington aged 78* from lung cancer, buried 10-4 1968 at Mornington Cemetery C/E 361, (aged 77 in cemetery records.)Married 16-6-1915 at St Peter's Church of England, Mornington (Marriage Certificate No. 782)to Ida Ellis (Ellice)Turner b.23-2-1899 Bittern, d.16-7-1930 aged 31 years,buried 18-7-1930, C/E (339/361?)
8.Charlotte Jessie Connell b.1894 Schnapper Point, d.17-2-1984 aged 89, cremated at Fawkner Cemetery. Married Alex. Simpson.
9.Elsie Florence Connell b.1895 Schnapper Point. Married James (McNaulty?
N.B. See my new journal WARNING:PLACE OF BIRTH. None of the children might have actually been born in Mornington.
Ida Ellis (Ellice) Turner, who married David Louis Connell, the seventh child of James Connell, was probably the child of R.Turner, a Justice of the Peace at Bittern by 1881 and Ellen, who was complaining about drainage in 1885. R.Turner received the grants for crown allotments 29, 28A and 28B, parish of Bittern,the last-named on 17-8-1876. Comprising almost 348 acres, these fronted the east side of Loders Rd, Graydens Rd and Hodgins Rd.J.Turner,possibly Ida's brother, was granted crown allotment 51 and 48 directly across Hodgins Rd and also fronting Turners Rd and Stumpy Gully Rd. The parts of Loders and Turners Rds (the same roadway with a name change at Hodgins Rd)and all the Turner grants are now part of the Devilbend and Bittern Reservoirs. No wonder Ellen had a problem with drainage! I wonder if there was a family connection between the Turners and the family of Smith Ellis in the parish of Flinders.
Mornington Standard (Vic. : 1889 - 1908) Saturday 31 August 1907 Edition: MORNING. p 2 Article
... belonging., to Mr. A. Downward' t. Prd' last week and four other head belonging to Mr. Messrs J. Connell, Turner, and Vale of Mornington, a Government In spector, Mr, Curlewts visited tho district. The,
Vale's Dalkeith was near the Nepean and Moorooduc Highway Junction(Melway 151 C8). The Connell grants south of the Tuerong pre-emptive right,(29 and 27 Moorooduc), fronted the east side of Old Moorooduc Rd from a point opposite No.235 to the Vineyard Lane corner. Anthony was also granted 11A, across Balnarring Rd, now the Tuerong Reserve and fronting Gillett Rd(151 K7 and 152 B6.)The Turner land was at Melway 153 B4-10, about a mile and a half east across the Devilbend Creek valley(no reservoir then!)It's easy to track the killer dogs and also to see how the Connell and Turners would have been well acquainted.
David Louis Connell was known as Lou and once commented that the site of the Devil Bend Reservoir was Connell Country, not because they owned it but because they,Lou in particular, spent so much time there shooting foxes and trapping rabbits. Lou is a third of the legend of Foxey's Hangout, the part aboriginal Tasmanian, Phillip Jackson, being his fellow competitor and Gary Downward the scorekeeper. American servicemen were fascinated by the site during W.W.2.
The following comes from the DISCOVER MORNINGTON PENINSULA website (which has several photos.)
Fascinating Historical Facts - Mornington Peninsula
Foxey's Hangout
Corner Balnarring & Tubbarubba Roads Merricks North
Foxey's Hangout
The old gum tree known as Foxey's Hangout
Foxey's Hangout is located at the corner of Balnarring and Tubbarubba Roads. The corner has been known as Foxey's Hangout since the late 1930's. The name was coined by neighbouring property owners when two trappers, Phillip (Jack) Johnson and Lou Connell used a conspicuous gum tree at this junction to separately display their catches. Johnson, a Tasmanian, came to live in the area in 1936. He made a living working for a local landowner, Herb Downward trapping foxes, for which a bounty was paid. Friendly rivalry sprang up between him and Connell as to who caught the most foxes. Garry Downward, another local, checked the tree each day to adjudicate. The winner was announced at the end of each year.
Foxey's Hangout in the late 1930's
Foxey's Hangout in the late 1930's
This site became a local curiosity and landmark. Jack continued to hang foxes from this tree until his untimely murder in 1946. Friends and neighbours later revived the custom and maintained the site. The hanging practice gradually died out over the years.
Today both Jack Johnson and the old gum tree have passed on but the stories refuse to die. The tree branches are adorned with sheet metal fox profiles as symbols of the real fox carcasses, which hung there in the 1930's. 'Foxey's Hangout' is now recognised as an historic site on the Mornington Peninsula.
FOXEY'S HANGOUT and THE GOLDEN PLAINS OF TUBBARUBBAREL give much detail about Jackson but the August 2011 issue of the Balnarring and District Historical Society newsletter (which prompted my MELBA and SALTBUSH BILL journals) does the same regarding Lou. This is a summary only.
The article states that Lou's parents were James Connell and Jane Ann Wilson but his father had married Jane Ann Young (whose parents were George Young and his first wife, Jane Wilson.)SEE DOT WATT'S INFORMATION.
The location of Anthony Connell's grants c/a 27 and 29 is described very accurately, correctly calling Old Moorooduc Rd "Three Chain Road", its official name for almost a century. The other grants are not mentioned.
Lou was born in 1891,just days after "Anthony Connell, 14, eldest son of Mr James Connell of 3 chain road, was crushed to death in Bittern Quarry." Lou was shearing for the Oswins when he was about 16; later he and his older brother, John, were quarry workers and were involved in an accident at Turner's Quarry near Tuerong."
(FOUND IT!!! A serious accident occurred at Turner's Quarry, near Teurong, on Wednesday. Messrs. John and Louis Connell were engaged in blowing out stone,a hole had been drilled, and three pounds of blasting powder put in, when an accident happened with the fuse. The fuse ignited the powder while they were standing over the hole. Both had a narrow escape from being blown to pieces, and they received injuries to face, arms, and body. Dr. Hornabrok attended to the sufferers.-P.2, Mornington Standard, 2-2-1907.)
Joseph McIlroy's diary (P.18, The Red Hill) states that on 21-5-1878 he went to see Mrs Counsel through the ranges. This could have been Mrs Richard Counsel on the 250 acre "Gracefield" or Mrs Charles B. Counsel on 454 acres Kangerong owned by Richard (1979 Kangerong rates.) Gracefield (Melway 159 H9 to Pindara Rd)probably would have been reached via Bryan's Cutting which was just east of Gracefield (See BRYAN entry.) Part of Charles Counsel's 454 acres would have been crown allotment 21A of 121 acres,granted to C.Counsel on 27-6-1876. It was on the north side of McIlroys Rd (Melway 161D10-12.) The rest of his land probably consisted of Robert Coxon Young's 21B to the east and 20 A and B to the west giving him a McIlroys Rd frontage from Bowring Rd to (nearly)80 McIlroys Rd, the east corner of 21B being that of the northern section of the park.
Family Notices
The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954) Thursday 10 May 1883 p 1 Family Notices
... Montana " COUNSEL-MORRIS -April 9, 1883, at Hawthorn, Victoria, by the Rev. E. Nolan, S.J., Charles B. Counsel, Dromana, youngest son of Richard Counsel, Emerald Hill (late chief draughtsman Crown Lands), to Kate Louise, youngest daughter of the late Captain James Morris, of Hobart, ... 163 words
The Counsels were involved in Dromana more than Red Hill but Joseph's visit in 1878 shows that Red Hill residents had much social contact outside their mountainous abode, despite the often dangerous roads.

on 2013-04-18 04:14:23
Itellya is researching local history on the Mornington Peninsula and is willing to help family historians with information about the area between Somerville and Blairgowrie. He has extensive information about Henry Gomm of Somerville, Joseph Porta (Victoria's first bellows manufacturer) and Captain Adams of Rosebud.